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Учебно-метод. пособие для нефт. спец^ (1).doc
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18. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the most economical method for transportation of oil and distribution of natural gas? 2. What are the three groups of oil and gas pipelines? 3. What is the function of flow lines? 4. What are the typical flow line diameters in the US? 5. What does the size of the gathering line depend on? 6. Powerful pumps are required at the beginning of the trunk line, aren’t they? 7. What are crude trunk lines made of? 8. Where does dry clean natural gas go into from field processing plants? 9. Do oil lines or gas pipelines operate at higher pressures? 10. What are the possible variations of oil and gas pipeline sizes?

19. Перескажите текст, пользуясь вопросами 18-го упражнения.

20. Запомните слова:

Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы по его содержанию

seabed – морское дно

oil field – нефтяной промысел

discovery – открытие

explorer – исследователь, разведчик недр

rock – скала, камень

mainland – материк

yield – давать (продукцию, нефть)

population – население

exceed – превосходить

block of flats – многоквартирный дом

pump – качать насосом

depth – глубина

surface – поверхность

deliver – доставлять

numerous – многочисленный

pipe – трубопровод

link – связывать, соединять

Прослушайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по его содержанию:

Oil from Caspain Seabed

“Neftyaniye kamni” is a big oil field in the open sea. Long before the discovery explorers found black underwater rocks covered with oil. From these comes the name of the oil field which means – “Oil Rocks”.

Neftyaniye kamni of today is a town over the open sea. The causeway linking it with the mainland is over 200 km. The oil field yields one-third of Azerbaijan oil.

The population exceeds five thousand. The construction of tall block of flats is underway.

In the early days oil was pumped from areas where the depth of the sea was 7 metres. Now in certain places it is pumped from the seabed 40 metres below the surface.

Sea oil and gas are delivered to the shore through numerous underwater pipes.

  1. What does the name of “Neftyaniye Kamni” mean? 2. How long is the causeway linking the town with the mainland? 3. How much oil does the field yield? 4. What is the depth of the sea in places where oil is pumped? 5. How are sea oil and gas delivered to the shore?

21. Выучите следующие диалоги в парах.

Dialogue 1

Reporter: What are you?

Engineer: I’m a mechanical engineer at a gas pipeline construction site.

R.: As I can judge, your speciality is very important now when the amount of extracted gas has increased so greatly, isn’t it?

E.: Oh, yes, it is. You are right, gas transportation and storage is of great importance.

R.: What problems face you?

E.: To my mind the most urgent one is mechanization and automation of pipe-line construction.

Dialogue 2

Student: Where do you work?

Engineer: I work at a bulk plant near Ufa. You see, while being a student I was interested in oil storage. My graduation paper deals with this problem.

S.: I think it’s a very interesting problem!

E.: By the way, what are you?

S.: I’m a student of the Petroleum University. Now I specialize in pipeline designing and in a year I’ll be a petroleum engineer.

E.: Where will you work after graduating from the University?

S.: As a rule our specialists work at oil refineries or research institutes.