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Учебно-метод. пособие для нефт. спец^ (1).doc
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4. Подберите из правой колонки правильный перевод английских слов и словосочетаний:

1) raw materials 1) интенсивное развитие

2) rich petroleum reserves 2) достигнуть уровня

3) crude oil 3) удовлетворять требованиям

4) to reach the level 4) сырье

5) oil expert 5) различные отрасли промышленности

6) constant attention 6) богатые запасы нефти

7) national economy 7) народное хозяйство

8) intensive development 8) необработанная (сырая) нефть

9) to meet the requirements 9) постоянное внимание

10) different branches of industry 10) специалист по нефти

5. Переведите на русский язык следующие сочетания слов без словаря:

the foundation of oil industry, the development of gas industry, to sign the decree, gaseous raw materials, large-scale training, to reach the level, petroleum engineering science, national economy, independent institutes, oil engineering department, to train qualified specialists, different branches of industry.

6. Определите значения интернациональных слов:

oil industry nationalization, crude oil production, an outstanding geologist, a prominent academician, restoration of oil industry, constant attention, petroleum engineering specialization, special oil institute, the petroleum museum, high qualification of petroleum engineers, polytechnical institute, technical education, intensive development.

7. Определите по суффиксам, какой частью речи являются следующие слова, и переведите их на русский язык:

educate – education – educational; found – foundation – founder; produce – production – producer; great – greatly; science – scientific – scientist; responsibility – responsible; govern – government – governmental; gas – gasify – gaseous; qualify – qualification; specialize – special – speciality – specialist – specially; main – mainly; develop – development; vary – various.

8. Переведите на русский язык следующие отглагольные существитель-ные: engineering, training, refining, mining.

9. Определите значение слова “field” в контексте (field – сфера, область; поле; месторождение).

1. This is an electric field. 2. In what field of science do you work? 3. Our geologists discovered a number of oil fields in Western Siberia. 4. There is a diamond field in Yakutia. 5. Russian scientists carry out researches in the field of chemical engineering.

10. Запомните значение слова “one” и переведите предложения на русский язык.

one 1) один (числительное)

2) подлежащее (в неопределенно-личном предложении):

no one – никто

one may, one can – можно

anyone – любой (в утвердит. предложении); кто-нибудь (в вопросит. предл.).

one must – нужно

one, ones – слова-заместители подлежащего

1. Anyone can take part in this work. 2. A new method is more effective than the one we used some years ago. 3. No one has ever observed these phenomena. 4. One must mention that there was no gas industry in Russia before the revolution. 5. One can see modern computers in every laboratory. 6. One may expect that this specialist will carry out that experiment well.