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19. Перескажите текст, используя вопросы упражнения 18.

20. Запомните слова:

combustible – горючий manifestation – проявление

ancient – древний supernatural – сверхъестественный

legend – легенда force – сила

B.C. – before Christ – до н.э. to worship – поклоняться, почитать

to observe – наблюдать still – до сих пор, все еще

eternal – вечный in the Caucasus – на Кавказе

to burn – гореть to exist – существовать

flame – пламя, огонь remains – остатки

various – различный temple – храм

to regard – рассматривать, right to the end of the 19th century – вплоть до

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Natural combustible gas has been known since ancient times. There is a legend that several thousand years B.C. people observed “eternally burning flames” in various parts of the world. These flames were regarded as manifestations of a supernatural force and were worshipped. In the Caucasus there still exist the remains of a temple. In this temple an eternal flame burned right to the end of the 19th century.

  1. Natural combustible gas has been known since ancient times, hasn’t it?

  2. Did people observe “eternally burning flames” several thousand years B.C.?

  3. Were these flames regarded as manifestations of a supernatural force?

  4. Did people worship burning flames?

  5. In the Caucasus there still exist the remains of a temple, don’t they?

  6. Did an eternal flame burn in this temple right to the end of the 19th century?

Запомните слова:

To form – образовывать limestone – известняк

decomposition – разложение surround – окружать

to penetrate – проникать rock – порода

crack – трещина side – сторона

bed – слой sandstone – песчаник

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Natural gases were formed by the decomposition of animal and vegetable remains over a period of many centuries. The gases that accumulated penetrated through cracks into porous beds of sand, sandstone and limestone. In these beds surrounded on all sides by compact rock, they formed natural deposits.

  1. The use of natural gas

  2. The main components of natural gas

  3. The origin of natural gas

Запомните слова:

mysterious – таинственный to ignite – загораться, воспламеняться

nothing but – не что иное как lightning – молния

to break out (broke, broken) - вырваться to pipe – пускать по трубам

bowels of the earth – недра земли to serve – служить

deposit – месторождение

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Nowadays everyone knows that there is nothing mysterious about such flames. “Eternal flames” are nothing but combustible gases. They have broken out of the bowels of the earth into the atmosphere and have been ignited, say, by lightning. People today do not worship such flames. They pipe the natural gas to their cities – to factories and homes. They make it serve their needs.

  1. There is nothing mysterious about “eternal flames”.

  2. Instead of (вместо) worshipping “eternal flames” people today make them serve their needs.

  3. Combustible gases have broken out of the bowels of the earth into the atmosphere and have been ignited.