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Учебно-метод. пособие для нефт. спец^ (1).doc
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11. Запомните: Сложное дополнение (The Complex Object)

Инфинитив может быть частью сложного дополнения, следуя за именем существительным в общем падеже или личным местоимением в объектном падеже, причем инфинитив выражает действие, а стоящее перед ним существительное или местоимение обозначает тот предмет или то лицо, которое производит это действие.

Английские глаголы, после которых употребляется сложное дополнение, можно разделить на следующие группы:

1. Глаголы, выражающие физические восприятия: to see, to hear, to feel, а также to watch и to observe наблюдать. После всех этих глаголов инфинитив в сложном дополнении употребляется без частицы to:

I saw the children run to school. – Я видел, что дети бежали (или побежали) в школу.

I hear her sing. – Я слышу, как она поет.

2. Глаголы, выражающие волю, желание, приказание, разрешение: to wish, to want, to like в смысле хотеть, to make заставлять, to order, to allow и т. п.

They wanted the farmer to pay for the boy. – Они хотели, чтобы фермер заплатил за мальчика.

The teacher made the girl repeat the rule. – Учительница заставила девочку повторить правило.

Глаголы, выражающие умственную деятельность: to know, to think, to understand, to believe, to expect, to suppose, to consider, to suspect и т. п.

I know him to be a good swimmer. - Я знаю, что он хороший пловец.

I believe him to be wrong. – Я считаю, что он не прав.

Глаголы, выражающие чувства: to love, to like, to dislike, to hate, to prefer и т. п.

I like people to be merry. – Я люблю, когда люди веселы.

I hate children to lie. – Терпеть не могу, когда дети лгут.

Пользуясь образцом, перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение вместо придаточных дополнительных предложений:

e.g. I expect him to come.

I know him to be a good pupil.

1. I did not expect that my brother would forget to send her flowers. 2. He knows that my mother is a very kind woman. 3. She expected that her brother would bring her the book. 4. I know that your uncle is an excellent mathematician. 5. People expect that the 21st century will bring peace on the earth. 6. I know that my friend is a just man. 7. I expect that he will understand your problem and help you to solve it. 8. I expected that she would behave quite differently.

12. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное допол-нение с причастием:

I saw him enter. – I saw him entering.

I hear her speak. – I heard her speaking.

I noticed him frown. – I noticed him frowning.

I felt him tremble. – I felt him trembling.

e.g. He was reading in the garden. She saw him.

She saw him reading in the garden

1. The girl was singing. I heard her. 2. They were talking about computers. He heard them. 3. You and your friend were walking along the street yesterday. I saw you. 4. The ship was leaving the port. He stood and looked at it. 5. The cat was rubbing itself on my leg. I felt it. 6. The pupils were writing a test-paper. The teacher watched them. 7. We heard I. Arkhipova last night. She was singing a Russian folk song. 8. I heard him. He was singing an English song. 9. We saw our neighbour. He was listening to the latest news on the radio. 10. They heard their father. He was playing the piano in the drawing-room. 11. I saw a group of boys. They were eating ice-cream.