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Vocabulary Practice

Ex. 1. Read the words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.
























Ex. 2. Complete the list of derivatives. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Verb noun (agent) noun (concept)

to promote

to legislate legislator legislation

to operate

to distribute

to regulate

to violate

to separate

to administrate

Ex.3. Complete the missing forms.








































Ex. 4. The following words can be used with the prefixes dis-, un-, in, il-. im- to form their opposites. Write them down using the correct prefix.

formal, reasonably, lawful, legal, fair, valid, dependence, justice, agreement, consistent, written, make, important, ability.

Ex.5. There are many phrases with the word law. Look through the following list of words, make phrases and give their Russian equivalents. Use dictionary if necessary

a) law of

contract equity honour master and servant nations persons procedure property the staple succession treaties

business case club contract domestic gibbet good unwritten juvenile election territorial



break displace go beyond go to keep within

the law

become issue make unmake sue at


Ex. 6 Pair the words in column B with the ones from column A



  1. law

  1. crimes

  1. ways

  1. rules

  1. legal

  1. of settling disputes

  1. consistent

  1. laws of economics

  1. break

  1. means

  1. accept

  1. courts

  1. commit

  1. a just society

  1. create

  1. any punishment

  1. implement

  1. traditions

  1. inherit

  1. common sense

  1. forms

  1. of exchange

  1. set

  1. of labour

  1. standard

  1. of law

  1. sphere

  1. of encroachment

  1. system

  1. of rules

  1. distribution

  1. of morality

  1. object

  1. of interests

  1. part

  1. of behaviour

  1. violation

  1. of relationships

Ex. 7. Decide which of the verbs you would use with the noun phrases you have identified in Ex. 6.

to regulate, to separate, to commit, to fix, to embrace, to act, to define, to limit, to operate, to punish, to apply, to defend;

Ex. 8. Add nouns to the following adjectives to form noun phrases.

Adjectives:  1. modern; 2. chief; 3. legal; 4. existing; 5. individual; 6. subsequent; 7. extensive; 8. administrative; 9. constitutional; 10. moral.

Nouns:       a) status; b) approach; c) claim; d) event; e) sphere; f) relations; g) rules; h) system; i) precept; j) forms.

Ex. 9. Match the verb with an appropriate preposition:

by, from, with, to, on (upon), about, to, at;

differ; apply: belong; pay damage, be adopted; deal; aim; look; result; speculate; be dissatisfied; be based.

Ex.10. What are the synonyms of the following words?

means, decide, violate, duty, attorney, establish, ownership, effort, rest, seldom, accurate, support, evidently;

Ex. 11. Express the following ideas in one word.

  1. A rule that is supported by the power or government and that governs the behaviour of members of a society;

  2. that part of the law which is based on former judgements;

  3. the body of written laws established by Parliament;

  4. allowed or made by law;

  5. use the former customs or decisions as a guide to present actions;

  6. a room or building in which law cases can be heard and judged;

  7. to bear (oneself) in a socially-acceptable or polite way;

  8. rightness or pureness of behaviour or of an action;

  9. the control or direction of affairs, as of country or business;

  10. an object to be won;

  11. a guiding rule on which behaviour is based;

  12. to make laws;

  13. a statement of something at last;

  14. the body of laws and principles according to which a country is governed;

  15. a condition that determines one’s formal position;

  16. the way or order of directing business in an official meeting, a law case;

  17. to fight or struggle against;

  18. the act or result of encroaching;

Ex. 12 Match the following words with their definition:

case, statute, precedent, guilt, equity, beneficiary, chum, code, legislature, judiciary, law, morality, court, penalty, agreement, crime, just, properly, valid, citizen, justice, tort, inheritance, victim, proof, prosecution, plaintiff, defendant, loser, liable

  1. someone who makes a legal complaint against some one else in court;

  2. money, a house etc. received from someone after they have died;

  3. a person who is at a disadvantage as a result of what has happened;

  4. evidence that shows conclusively whether something is a fact or not;

  5. a wrongful act, injury or damage (not involving a breach of contract), for which a civil action can be brought;

  6. a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal;

  7. someone or something which has been hurt, damaged or killed, or has suffered, either because of the actions of someone or something else, or because of illness or chance;

  8. having (legal) responsibility for something or someone;

  9. the conducting of a law suit or the party who institutes and carries on criminal proceedings in court;

  10. the part of a country's government which is responsible for its legal system and which consists of all the judges in the country's courts of law;

  11. an action, situation or decision which has already happened and which can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or taken;

  12. a system of justice which allows a fair judgement of a case where the laws that already exist are not satisfactory;

  13. a right to have or obtain something;

  14. a set of rules which are accepted as general principles, or a set of written rules which state how people in a particular organization or country should behave;

  15. the group of people who have the power to make and change laws;

  16. a feeling of anxiety or unhappiness that you have because you have done something wrong, such as causing harm to another person;

  17. a law which has been formally approved and written down;

  18. a problem, a series of events or a person being dealt with by police, lawyers, doctors, etc., or a matter to be decided by a judge;

  19. a person or group who receives money, advantages, etc. as a result, of something else;

  20. a person who is a member of a particular country and who has rights because of being born there or because of being given rights;

  21. a personal or social set of standards for good or bad behaviour and character or the quality of being right, honest or acceptable;

  22. based on truth or reason; able to be accepted; having legal force;

  23. a building where trials and other legal cases happen, or the people present in such a room, esp. the officials and those deciding whether someone is guilty;

  24. something or a number of things owned by someone, esp. buildings and land;

  25. a rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way in which a society behaves, or the whole system of such rules;

  26. the putting of the law into action: or a judge;

  27. a punishment for doing something that is against a law: or a type of punishment, often involving paying money, that is given to you if you brеаk an agreement or do not follow rules;

  28. a decision or arrangement, often formal and written, between two or more groups of people;

  29. fair, morally correct;

  30. an action which is against I the law or more generally, bad or unacceptable behaviour;

Ex. 13. Supply the sentences with the missing word given below. Discuss the information.

The spread of ... in the world is due both to the once ... influence of Britain in the world and the growth of its former colony the United States. Although ... in the common law country cannot directly support their decisions by ... from another, it is permissible for a judge to note such ... in giving an explanation. Nevertheless, political divergence has produced ... divergence from England. Unified ... is only a small part of American law. Most of it is produced by individual states and reflects various ... . The state of Louisiana, for example, has a Roman ... of law which derives from its days as a French colony. California has ... tradition, but its laws ... as extensively as many Continental systems. Quebec is an island of French ... in the Canadian sea of case law. In India, English common law has been codified and ... alongside a Hindu tradition of law. Sri Lanka has inherited ... from the Russian law introduced by the Dutch, and an uncodified ... introduced by the British.

a case law, federal law, common law, civil law, widespread, traditions, a criminal code, judges, are codified, law evidence, legal, civil, form adopted, cases

Ex. 14. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. forms of behaviour

1. установленная норма нравственного поведения

2. to regulate the relations

2. различать главное требование

3. to define a set of rules

3. устанавливать правовой статус

4. the pattern of behaviour

4. простая сумма правил

5. a standard of morality

5. форма поведения

6. man-made law

6. образец поведения

7. moral precepts

7. широкий ряд социальных целей

8. a broad range of social objectives

8. определять формы управления

9. to discern a chief claim

9. издавать закон против чьих-либо пороков

10. to influence subsequent events

10. объект посягательства

11. to fix forms of administration

11. нечеткое различие

12. to determine the legal status

12. нравственные заповеди

13. to lay down the measures

13. определять набор правил

14. the mere sum of rules

14. закон, созданный человеком

15. a vague distinction

15. регулировать отношения

16. to legislate against one’s defects

16. влиять на последующие события

17. the object of encroachment

17. устанавливать меры

Ex.15. Give the equivalents for:

  1. Court of Appeal; court of cassation; court of honour; court of last resort; court procedure; court ruling; burlaw court; commit to court; constitutional court; general court; hold for court; leave of court; open court; go into court; civil court.

  2. отдавать под суд; суд последней инстанции; кассационный суд; законодательное собрание; апелляционный суд; открытое/открывать судебное заседание; суд чести; соседский, "товарищеский" суд; судопроизводство, конституционный суд; разрешение суда; гражданский суд; подавать жалобу

Ex. 16. Choose the best alternative to complete the following sentences.

  1. The English word “law” refers to limits upon various / some forms of behaviour.

  2. Laws prescribe how people can / ought to behave.

  3. Law essentially serves two / four functions in modern society.

  4. There is a vague / clear distinction between man-made law and moral precepts.

  5. Law can appear as the highest achievement of civilization / industrialization.

  6. In a developed / feudal state the sphere in which the law operates / develops proves to be extensive.

  7. Law fixes the forms of constitutional / educational system.

  8. Law operates as a regulator / obstacle of distribution of labour and its products.

  9. Lawyers generally speak of Law / moral rules.

  10. The law of a country may be analyzed as a selection / set of rules.