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  1. The organization of the police force in Britain: police officer; founder; to divide into 52 areas; police authority; to be seen in towns; national police force; to work voluntarily;

  2. Duties and functions of the police force:

to keep law and order; to cooperate; to give assistance at accidents; to deal with lost property; to safeguard public order; traffic wardens; to obey the parking regulations; speeding; careless driving.

  1. Members of the police:

a number of ranks; to carry firearms; to guard politicians; certain circumstances; to gain a certain level of academic qualifications; a period of intensive training.

Ex. 8. Make up stories starting or ending with the following.

  1. Once I was arrested on suspicion of burglary...

  2. The police had no leads in their hunt for the killer... .

  3. ... The suspect didn’t have an alibi for the time of the crime.

  4. ... The suspect was released on bail.

Grammar Practice Subjunctive Mood

Ex. 1. Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. If I (pass) my exam, I'll join your company.

  2. If he tried again, I think he (succeed) in passing his driving test.

  3. If you (speak) more slowly, he might have understood you.

  4. He wouldn't have been arrested if he (not, try) to leave the country.

  5. I (take) a taxi if I had realized it was such a long way.

  6. If they (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches, there might be less violence.

  7. You not (have) so much trouble with your car if you had it served regularly.

  8. He (not, be) in prison now if he hadn’t committed a crime.

Ex. 2. Use the Subjunctive Mood.

  1. If someone (offer) you to buy one of these pictures, which one you (choose)?

  2. You (get) pneumonia now if you (not, change) your wet clothes yesterday.

  3. It's desirable that you ( learn) to forgive the shortcomings of other people just as you expect them to overlook yours.

  4. It is required that people (observe) certain norms of behaviour in any society.

  5. I wish my friends (be) frank with me, and I (be) frank with them.

  6. I wish you (understand) that happiness is not just a sum of pleasures.

  7. It is time people (realize) that it is no longer possible to settle international disputes by means of war.

  8. A radical reconstruction of the economy requires that enterprises (be) self-financing.

  9. The diplomats suggested that negotiations on this problem (start) at once.

  10. We'll catch the 6 o'clock train so that we (arrive) on time.

  11. He looked at them as though he never (see) them before.

  12. But for the darkness we (not, lose) our way in the forest.

  13. Shall I tell them the news? - I'd rather they (not, know) about it.

  14. But for his accent one might (take) him for a Russian.

Ex.3. Express the same idea without "If”.

  1. If he should come, ask him to wait for me.

  2. If need should arise, I'll communicate with you.

  3. If they could come tonight, we should have a good time.

  4. If she were here, she would help us.

  5. If he had found the right buyer, he would have sold the house.

  6. If they had not interfered in their daughter's material problems, there would have been peace between them.

Ex.4. Change the sentences using the Subjunctive Mood.

  1. It's a pity you are so busy these days. (wish)

  2. It's time for you to understand that you are no longer a child and to think of your future.

  3. He behaved ungentlemanlike. (as if)

  4. It's advisable for you to consult the doctor before going to the South.

  5. It's very unusual for him to have made such a mistake.

  6. Nobody can blame you for it.

Ex.5. Translate into English.

  1. Если бы вы прислали свою статью вчера, она была бы уже опубликована в газете.

  2. Если бы у него было больше свободного времени, он бы уже закончил этот проект.

  3. Желательно, чтобы Вы знали не только свои права, но и обязанности.

  4. Преподаватель предложил, чтобы студенты обсудили этот вопрос в группе.

  5. Как жаль, что я не могу водить машину. Моя жизнь была бы более интересной.

  6. Если бы не его помощь, мы не смогли бы добраться сюда вовремя.

  7. Как жаль, что я не знал об этом. Я бы постарался все изменить.

Ex. 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood.

  1. If I (know) that you were in hospital (visit) you.

  2. You (see) my garden at its best if you (be) here last week.

  3. Rome (be captured) by its enemies if the geese (not, cackle).

  4. If people (stop) committing crimes, the world (change) for better.

  5. Why didn't you say that you were short of money? If I (know) it, I (lend) you some.

  6. The demonstrators demanded that their wages (increase) in proportion to the rise in prices.

  7. It's high time you (start) preparing for your exams.

  8. It's important that students (take) interest in public life.

  9. I wish they (not, notice) my embarrassment.

  10. But for the rain we (can, go) for a walk yesterday evening.

  11. But for that accident he (not, put) to prison.

Ex 7 Paraphrase the following using the Subjunctive Mood.

  1. It is necessary for the children to sleep in the open air.

  2. The doctor strongly recommended the man to keep to the prescribed diet.

  3. He insisted on being given a chance to prove his point of view.

  4. It's a pity you are so busy these days.

  5. What a pity he is leaving us so soon.

  6. It's high time for you to get down to business.

  7. Her hands were trembling so that it seemed she had not recovered from a great shock.

  8. It is advisable for you to consult a doctor before going to the South.

Ex. 8 Read and translate the sentences paying attention to modal verbs and Perfect Infinitive:

  1. Mr. Brown can’t have committed a crime. He simply couldn’t do it.

  2. The witness testimony could have discovered the identity of the criminal.

  3. He cannot have confessed.

  4. The officers should have gone to the crime scene once again.

  5. The investigator ought not to have interviewed those witnesses in their office.

  6. Tracing the fugitive must have been included in this plan of the investigation.

  7. The criminal must have already been identified as the perpetrator of the criminal acts.

  8. The identity of the criminal may have been discovered by eyewitnesses testimony.

  9. The criminal's confession may not have been sufficient to prove his guilt.

  10. The investigating officers must have discovered some more additional facts to associate the accused with the crime scene.

  11. Competent and credible witnesses can not have been discovered at the beginning of the investigation.

  12. This stressful situation may have been avoided, but you must have done something for it.

Ex. 9 Translate the sentences paying attention to various means of expressing negation:

  1. Not only has a private person the power to arrest any person who commits any felony in his presence, he also has the duty to arrest him.

  2. If a crime is committed in the presence of a person, whether a police officer, or not, he will be guilty of a misdemeanor if he fails to arrest the criminal.

  3. The glass was no better than the others but it had fingerprints on it.

  4. When the policemen were in the room, an envelope was brought to the owner of the room. No name was written on it, but only the number of his room.

  5. No fingerprint by itself is especially valuable, but if it's discovered at the crime scene, it is of great importance.

  6. All marks of identification had not been destroyed, the investigation was in progress.

  7. The detective did not find the coat from which the button had been torn, neither did he locate the owner of the coat.

  8. Robbery, it seemed apparent, could not have the motive. Was it possible that he had committed the crime without having a motive?

  9. A glance was sufficient to tell the experienced detectives that a search for evidence would be useless.

  10. I don't see how she could register under a false name, unless she came with forged credentials.

  11. The police told him not to go anywhere until he was allowed to do it.

Text B. Read and translate the text, get ready to discuss the main points.