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Revision test (Units 1 – 3)


Ex.1. Use a/an, the or –.

  1. … term of “Belaya Rus” began to be used for … first time in … 14th century.

  2. In … Middle Ages … territory of … present day … Belarus was populated by … Eastern Slavic tribes. … Slavic tribes began moving to … territory of … present day Belarus in … 6th century AD.

  3. … ancestors of … Belarusians lived in … basins of … Dnieper and … Zapadnaya Dvina rivers where they hunted, fished and farmed.

  4. There was … need in … united state, and it appeared in … 9th – 11th centuries, called … Kiev Rus.

  5. … Kiev Rus was … home of … three fraternal peoples: … Belarusians, … Ukrainians and … Russians.

  6. … Polotsk principality was … craddle of … Belarusian national culture at that time.

  7. In … 12th century … Turov principality became one of … biggest cultural centres in … Belarus.

  8. … formation of … Grand Duchy of Lithuania on … territory of Belarus refers to … 1240s – 1250s with … capital in … Novogarodok (Novogrudok).

  9. In … 13th – 16th centuries … Belarusian language was … official state language of … Grand Duchy of Lithuania. … famous Statutes were written in … Belarusian.

  10. … Middle Ages, 15th – 16th centuries, are considered to be … Golden Age for … Belarusian culture.

  11. … Belarusian Renaissance is one of … finest periods in … Belarusian history with F. Skaryna as one … most brillian representatives.

  12. In 1569 … Grand Duchy of Lithuania and … Poland united and formed … Rzecz Pospolitaya with … aim to struggle against … Principality of Moscow.

  13. … formation of … joined state led to gradual superseding of … Belarusian language by … Polish from …official usage.

  14. In 1795 … Belarusian territory was united with … Russian Empire and … Russian became …official language in this land.

Ex. 2. Use the required form of the verb in the Active or Passive Voice.

  1. Diligence and patience (be) the qualities that always (help) the people of Belarus to survive in difficult times.

  2. The scientists (not, define) for sure the origin of the name “Belaya Rus”, though there (be) several legends about it.

  3. The lands that (be) the Republic’s territory now (begin) to be called “Belaya Rus” in the 14th century.

  4. Francisak Skaryna (translate) and (publish) the Bible into the Belarusian language, first in Prague in 1517-1519, and later in Vilnya.

  5. For centuries the Belarusian nation (deprive) of its statehood.

  6. At the beginning of the 20th century Belarusians even (not, regard) as a nation.

  7. The way to sovereignty (be) not an easy one for the Belarusians.

  8. There (be) always progressive, courageous people in this land, who (want) to see their Motherland a prosperous independent state, and among them there (be) also lawyers.

  9. Kastus Kalinovsky (1838 – 1864) (graduate) from the Law Department of St. Petersburg University.

  10. In 1863 – 1864 K. Kalinovsky (head) the national liberation movement in Belarus and Lithuania.

  11. By the time revolt in 1863 Belarus (be) already a part of the Russian Empire since 1795.

  12. From the time immemorial the Belarusian territory (be) a gate way to Russia from the Western countries.

  13. Belarus (proclaim) its sovereignty on July 27, 1991.

  14. The number of people employed in the private sector constantly (grow).

  15. Belarusian Parliament (adopt) the laws, the government (implement) them into life.

Ex. 3. Translate into English.

  1. Родоначальником книгопечатания и одним из первых разработчиков белорусской правовой науки был Ф. Скорина.

  2. Государственно-правовые идеи Ф. Скорины основывались на глубоком анализе мировой истории.

  3. В своих произведениях Ф. Скорина высказывал мнение о роли народа, народном суверенитете и справедливости закона.

  4. Ф. Скорина принимал участие в подготовке первого в Европе кодифицированного свода законов – Статута 1529 года.

  5. Идеи Скорины оказали влияние на дальнейшее развитие не только белорусской, но и общеевропейской политико-правовой мысли.

  6. Знания в области права давало старейшее высшее учебное заведение Беларуси – Виленский университет, основанный в Великом княжестве Литовском в 1570 году. Юридический факультет Виленского университета был открыт в 1641 году.

  7. С возникновением государственности и письменности на территории Беларуси появилась необходимость в профессиональных юристах.

  8. Настоящей революцией в правотворчестве явилось издание на белорусском языке Статутов 1529, 1566 и 1588 годов.

  9. Известный юрист XVI столетия Л. Сапега выступал за ограничение монархии, за приоритет закона, за юридическое образование народа.

  10. Именно с этой целью на свои средства Л. Сапега издал Статут 1588 года.

  11. Статут 1588 явился действительной конституцией государства, закрепившей фактический суверенитет ВКЛ.

  12. Известными юристами в то время были Ф. Скорина, М. Литвин, С. Будны, А. Волан, Н. Радивил Черный, А. Валович и Л. Сапега.

Ex. 4. Give the information in writing about the following dates in the history of Belarus.

1. the 6th – 8th centuries

2. the 9th century

3. the 1240s – 1250s

4. the 14th century

5. 1517 – 1519

6. 1529, 1566, 1588

7. 1569

8. 1812

9. 1914

10. 1917

11. March 25, 1918

12. January 1, 1919

13. 1921

14. 1922

15. 1941 – 1944

16. July 3, 1944

17. May 9, 1945

18. April 26, 1986

19. July 27, 1991

20. 1994

21. 1995

22. March 19, 2006

Ex. 5. Put the underlined noun into the plural if possible, and make all the necessary changes in the sentence.

  1. A policeman doesn’t consider this crime to be serious.

  2. That woman was ready to put her neighbour in jail.

  3. Family violence is a complex social problem.

  4. A thief broke Brown’s Camera Centre last night and stole photographic equipment worth £ 1,500.

  5. Police (to say) that a thief appeared to know exactly what he was looking for.

  6. Evidence from a criminal trial is not necessary admissible as evidence in a civil action.

  7. Suspicion is a feeling that something is wrong or dangerous.

  8. There isn’t enough evidence to prove this suspect guilty.

  9. A man should take legal advice before a divorce proceeding.

  10. Money is the source of all evil on the earth.

  11. The jury returns only unanimous verdict – Guilty or Not Guilty.

  12. That affair requires experience and hard work.

Ex. 6. Use the proper degree of comparison.

  1. The imperfect laws are (good) than none.

  2. There are far (many) good people in the world than (bad), but there are enough of the bad to make law necessary in the interest of everyone.

  3. Even if we were as (good) as we ought to be, laws would still be necessary.

  4. According to the seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679), preserving life was (important) function of law.

  5. (Most/Most of) countries have special rules for young defendants.

  6. In many countries, such as Japan and the USA, (high) juridical decisions are made by the Supreme Court.

  7. The Supreme Court members are appointed from the (low) courts by the government.

  8. If you want to make a will, (good) man to advise you is a solicitor.

  9. The Supreme Court is (high) and the district (city) people’s courts are (low) in the judicial system of Russia.

  10. In most countries lawyers will tell you that the time they spent studying for their law finals was one of (bad) periods in their life.

  11. The professional judges, High Court Judges, deal with (serious) crimes.

  12. Judges in Britain are chosen from the (senior) barristers.

  13. Lawyers’ salaries are substantially (great) than those of many other professionals.

  14. Solicitors make up (large) branch of the legal profession in England and Wales.

  15. (High) level of barristers have the title QC (Queen’s Counsel).

Ex. 7. Use the required form of the verb in the Active Voice.

  1. The number of judges steadily (increase) since public opinion (criticise) the long duration of proceedings in the country.

  2. Judges of the superior courts (not, answer) for judicial actions even if they (act) maliciously or corruptly.

  3. The police (look) for witnesses who may have seen something, suspicious in this area between midnight and 1.30 a.m.

  4. The detective (wait) to interview Mrs Green to discover what (happen) in their house the previous night.

  5. It is likely that the intruders (have) a car nearby, but the police (not, disclose) any sightings yet.

  6. I swear by Almighty God that evidence I (give) (be) the truth, the whole truth and nothing more but the truth.

  7. The Crown Court (deal) with all the most serious criminal cases, it also (hear) appeals from magistrates’ courts.

  8. Judge: “You (have) anything to say before I (pass) sentence on you?”

  9. The two policemen in the car (look) at him but couldn’t see his face clearly.

  10. Neither Mr Smith nor his sons (be) experts in the judicial system of Great Britain.

  11. Despite civil wars and social changes, England and Wales (retain) many laws and legal principles that (originate) eight centuries ago.

  12. Recently the government (appoint) the members of the Supreme Court.

  13. Only the jury (decide) whether the defendant (be) guilty or not guilty.

  14. If someone (say), “I’ll give you $500 to go into court and swear that this statement (be) true”, what you (do)?

  15. Mr Smith (work) as a solicitor for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country.

  16. In the 21st century the number of lawyers probably (outplace) the rate of population growth.

  17. In the USA the average wages of experienced lawyers in private practice (be) more than $100,000.

  18. He will be arrested if he (try) to leave the country.

  19. The person who (interview) an hour ago (not, give) any information yet.

  20. Effective power (belong) to the government, which is part of Parliament and responsible to it, but which also normally (dominate) it.

Ex. 8. Insert the articles if any. Retell the text.