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Ex. 1. Complete the following sentences

  1. In all societies relations between people ...

  2. Law can be defined as a set of rules which ...

  3. Law serves to order and regulate ...

  4. Law seeks to promote and achieve ...

  5. The student of law is concerned with ...

  6. The study of a legal process is ...

  7. Law fixes the forms of ...

  8. Law lays down the measures for ...

  9. Each rule which we call a law is a part of ...

  10. Lawyers generally speak of law and laymen ...

Ex. 2. Choose the best way to complete the sentences and expand the idea.

  1. The English word law refers to ...

    1. development of institution of behaviour.

    2. limits upon various forms of behaviour.

    3. discernment in main claims for forms of behaviour.

  2. Law can be defined as ...

    1. a set of rules which form the pattern of behaviour of a given society.

    2. a body of abstract rules of a particular society.

    3. concept of common sense.

  3. Law acts as ...

    1. product of social and historical forces.

    2. hallmark of civilized society.

    3. standard of conduct and morality.

  4. The study of a legal process is ...

    1. the study of how decisions are made.

    2. the operation of court system.

    3. the influence of a society upon individual citizens.

  5. Each rule which we call a law is a part of ...

    1. the whole which we call the law.

    2. completely new subject

    3. the obvious question: what is law?

Ex. 3. Fill in the following chart.


Outcome of these activities

1. Students of Law discover that


2. .....

becomes a new precedent for courts to follow

3. Parliament makes laws which constitute


4. Statute law can be used


5. .....

gradually sees common law off the legal field

6. Legislation of subsequent Parliaments can


Ex. 4. Mark the statements which are True and try to prove your choice


  1. In all societies relations between people are regulated by the government.

  2. Law seeks to promote and achieve a broad range of social objectives.

  3. There is a definite distinction between man-made law and moral precepts.

  4. In man’s capacity to legislate against his own defects one can discern his claim to stand above the animal level.

  5. Law embraces all forms of production, distribution and exchange.

  6. Law enacts the legal status of citizens and the activity of the state mechanism.

  7. Law lays down the measures for combating encroachment on the state system.

  8. The laws of the country are common rules enforced by the government.

  9. Law is based upon long observation of different people in different situations.

  10. The general nature of the law is that it is enforced equally against all members of the nation.


  1. There is not any distinction between civil law and public law.

  2. The victim of the crime pursues his claim for compensation in a civil, not a criminal, action.

  3. The standards of proof are equal in a criminal action and in a civil one.

  4. Criminal and civil procedure are the same.

  5. The English Crown Court deals exclusively with either criminal or civil matters.

  6. The party bringing a criminal action is called the prosecution, but the party bringing a civil action is the plaintiff.

  7. Evidence from a criminal trial is always admissible as evidence in a civil action about the same matter.

  8. The amount of money, or damages which the defendant should pay to the plaintiff is not the main argument in a civil court.

  9. Disobeying any court may constitute criminal conduct.

  10. The guilty defendant in a criminal case will automatically be found liable in a civil action about the same matter.

Ex. 5. Speak on the essence of Law. Include the following points: