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Grammar Practice The Adjective. Degrees of Comparison

Ex. 1. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives and adverbs

great long rich poor old

early easy high rainy sunny

famous peaceful difficult beautiful tragic

good well bad quickly happily

near hard soon far often

Ex. 2. Use the proper degree of comparison in the following sentences.

  1. One of (important) Skaryna’s achievements was the translation and pubication of the Bible into the Belarusian language, first in Prague in 1517 – 1519, and later in Vilnya.

  2. There were (many/much) noble families in the history of Belarus; however there was no (famous) one than the Radzivills.

  3. Barbara Radzivill (1520 – 1551), the Queen of Poland and Duchy of Lithuania, was one of (beautiful) women of her time.

  4. The laws of the famous Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were the (perfect) legislation documents in Europe at that time.

  5. The third version of the 1588 Statute was considered to be (perfect). It was compiled by (outstanding) politicians of the Middle Ages, Chancellor of the GDL Astafe Valovich and Leu Sapieha.

  6. The (good) known Belarusian magnate families were the Radzivills, the Sapiehas, the Halshanskis, etc.

  7. Lake Naroch, (big) in the Republic of Belarus, belongs to the Naroch Group, which includes lakes Miastro, second (big), and Botorino.

  8. The Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the (large) national park on the territory of Belarus with an area of about 90 thousand hectares.

  9. (Important) rivers in Belarus are the Pripuat, the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Berezina and Zapadnaya Dvina as well as the Dniepre-Bug canal.

  10. (Considerable) person of the last third of the 19th century was Frantishek Bogushevich, in essence the first people’s and national writer of Belarus.

  11. Being funny is much (difficult) than being clever.

  12. (Bright) representative of the first half of the 19th century was the Great Polish and Belarusian poet Adam Mitskevich born in the vicinity of Novogrudock.

  13. One of (significant) Mitskevich’s literary works oriented to the living language was “Pan Tadeysh”.


Ex. 3. Use the articles: a/an, the, or nothing.

  1. The scientists have not yet exactly defined … origin of … name Belarus.

  2. All sorts of … aggressors attacked and occupied Belarus many … time.

  3. Francisk Skaryna started … book-printing business in Belarus in … 16th century.

  4. … fascists cut down and burnt many Belarusian woods during … years of … World War II.

  5. … Belarusian people restored … economy of … republic with … help of all peoples of … former Soviet Union.

  6. … Belarusian people celebrated … Independence Day on … 27th of July for some years. Now … holiday is celebrated on … 3d of July.

  7. … Belarusian industry produces …tractors and automobiles, … refrigerators and TV sets, … computers and other goods.

  8. The Belarusian farmers cultivate … grain, … vegetables, … herbs and … flax.

  9. In 1870 I. Nosovic published … first dictionary of … Belarusian language.

  10. … Russian and Polish languages have greatly influenced … Belarusian language.

  11. A.Lukashenko and B.Yeltsin signed … agreement on all-round integration between Belarus and Russia on April … 2, 1996.