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  1. Which of the people below is being referred to in each of these sentences?

Insurance broker, policy holder, loss adjustor, underwriter, third party

  1. Someone who is employed by an insurance company to value losses and to settle claims.

  2. A person or a company to whom a legal liability for compensation is owed for loss or injury resulting from a negligent act of someone who is insured.

  3. If you wish to take out an insurance policy, you can go either directly to the company or to this person who will advise you about different companies and their policy.

  4. A person skilled in the insurance business who has the power to accept risks for the company and to fix rates and conditions of insurance contracts.

  5. The insured person who pays the premium and has the right to claim under a policy.

  1. Match each of the ‘liability’ word partnerships with the appropriate definition:

Public, professional, personal, employer’s

  1. This liability provides cover in case a member of the public has an accident.

  2. This liability covers a range of possibilities if your business is your livelihood.

  3. This liability provides compensation in situations such as death, injury or damage to a third party.

  4. This liability means that when an employee has an accident at work, he can claim compensation.

  1. Match the terms with its definitions:

a) Actuary, b) assessor, c) claim, d) comprehensive, e) consequential loss, f) cover, g) employer’s liability, h) goods in transit, i) insurance broker, j) liability, k) liable, l) loss, m) loss adjuster, n) policy, o) policy holder, p) premium, q) product liability, r) public liability, s) reinsurance, t) risk.

  1. A person who calculates risks for insurance company

  2. A person who Calculates the value of something ( a building, a car etc)

  3. An application for payment under an insurance policy – to make a claim (v).

  4. (Of an insurance policy) all-inclusive; providing complete protection.

  5. A loss that happens as a consequence of or as a result of another.

  6. The protection given by an insurance policy (e.g.: public liability cover)

  7. Liability or responsibility of a firm for damage caused to one of its employees.

  8. Property, merchandise or any goods in the process of being transported

  9. Agent who arranges insurance; middleman between insurer and policy holder

  10. 1) The state of being liable 2) anything of which a person is liable

  11. Legally obliged to pay for damage, injury etc; responsible – liability (n).

  12. Death, injury, damage etc that is the basis for a claim – to lose (v)

  13. A person who assesses the amount of compensation arising from a claim.

  14. A contract of insurance (e.g.: a product policy).

  15. The person to whom an insurance policy is issued.

  16. A payment, usually monthly, yearly etc, for an insurance policy.

  17. Liability or responsibility of a firm for damage caused by one of its products.

  18. Responsibility of a firm for damage caused to a member of the public.

  19. The insuring of the risk by one insurance company with another – to reinsure (v).

  20. 1) A chance or possibility of injury, loss etc 2) A person or a thing causing a risk.

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