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Чотири прості арифметичні дії (Four Simple Rules of Arithmetic)

+ - plus sign (positive); : - division (ratio) sign;

- - minus sign (negative); = - equals ; x – multiplication sign;

1) Addition

3+5=8: three plus five are (is) eight;

three plus five make(s) eight;

three plus five equal(s) eight;

3 and 5 are components

8 is a sum

2) Subtraction

10 - 7 = 3 : ten minus seven are (is) three;

ten minus seven leave(s) (equals) three;

seven from ten are (is) three;

3 is a difference;

10 is a minuend;

7 is a subtrahend;

3) Multiplication

3 x 5 = 15 : three multiplied by five is (makes) fifteen;

three times five is fifteen

3 and 5 are factors;

15 is a product;

4) Division

21:3=7: twenty one divided by three is (equals) seven;

three into twenty one goes seven times

21 is a dividend

3 is a denominator

7 is a quotient

Порядкові числівники

1st- the first

11th – the eleventh

21st – the twenty-first

2nd- the second

12th - the twelfth

22nd – the twenty-second

3rd- the third

13th - the thirteenth

30th – the thirtieth

4th- the fourth

14th - the fourteenth

40th – the fourtieth

5th- the fifth

15th - the fifteenth

50th – the fiftieth

6th- the sixth

16th - the sixteenth

60th – the sixtieth

7th- the seventh

17th - the seventeenth

70th – the seventieth

8th- the eighth

18th - the eighteenth

80th – the eightieth

9th- the ninth

19th - the nineteenth

90th – the ninetieth

10th- the tenth

20th - the twentieth

100th – the hundredth


1812 – eighteen twelve; eighteen hundred and twelve

1900 - nineteen hundred

1905 - nineteen о [ou] five

1964 - nineteen sixty-four

1998 - nineteen ninety-eight

2000 - year two thousand

2001 - year two thousand one

21st December, 1945 - the twenty-first of December, nineteen forty-five

March 21, 1995 - 1. March the twenty-first nineteen ninety-five;

2. The twenty-first of March, nineteen ninety-five;

Дробові числівники (Fractional Numerals)

Прості дроби

(Common Fractions)

Десяткові дроби

(Decimal Fractions)

1/2 a (one) half

0.1 - nought [no:t] point one або 0 [ou] point one

1/3 a (one) third

0.01 - nought point nought one або point nought one

Прості дроби

(Common Fractions)

Десяткові дроби

(Decimal Fractions)

2/3 two thirds

1/4 a (one) quarter

2.35 - two point three five

a (one) fourth

1/5 a (one) fifth

32.305 - three two (або: thirty-two) point three nought five

! Примітка. Іменник, що стоїть біля дробового чис­ла, вживається в однині:

2/3 ton - two thirds of a ton;

1/2 one-half a ton;

Іменник, до якого належить мішане число, вжи­вається в множині:

2 1/2 ton - two and a half tons або two tons and a half;

Якщо ціле число мішаного числа дорівнює одиниці, то можливі два прочитання:

1 1/2 hours - one and a half hours або one/an hour and a half.