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Техника перевода.

Полезно соблюдать определенный алгоритм действий:

1. Прежде чем начать перевод, внимательно прочитайте весь текст, поймите его содержание.

2. Прочитайте текст вторично, разбив его на небольшие части.

3. Перевод предложений начинайте со сказуемого и подлежащего:

Глагол-сказуемое обычно стоит на втором месте. Запомните способы нахождения сказуемого:

а) по личным местоимениям;

б) по неправильным глаголам;

в) по вспомогательным и модальным глаголам в личной форме;

г) по суффиксу - (е) s

д) по суффиксу – (e) d

Подлежащее находится слева от сказуемого. Помните, что существительные могут быть подлежащим только без предлога перед ним.

4. Найдите значения новых слов в словаре.

5. Внимательно присмотритесь к словам, имеющим знакомые вам английские, латинские или интернациональные корни, суффиксы и префиксы. Попытайтесь установить значения этих слов, обращая внимание на то, какой частью речи являются такие слова, а затем подбирайте соответствующее русское слово.

6. Помните, что в научном тексте часть слов может быть опущена без ущерба содержания.

7. Отличайте определение от определяемого слова (группа с существительным в конце)

8. Слова, оставшиеся непонятными, ищите в словаре, соотнося их значение с контекстом.

I. Прочтите и переведите текст устно.

Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis)

A vascular necrosis is a disease resulting from the temporary or permanent loss of the blood supply to the bones. Without blood, the bone tissue dies and causes the bone to collapse. If the process involves the bones near a joint, it often leads to collapse of the joint surface. This disease also is known as osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis, and ischemic bone necrosis. Although it can happen in any bone, avascular necrosis most commonly affects the ends (epiphysis) of long bones such as the femur, the bone extending from the knee joint to the hip joint. Other common sites include the upper arm bone, knees, shoulders, and ankles. The disease may affect just one bone, more than one bone at the same time, or more than one bone at different times. Avascular necrosis usually affects people between 30 and 50 years of age; about 10,000 to 20,000 people develop avascular necrosis each year. Orthopaedic doctors most often diagnose the disease. T he amount of disability that results from avascular necrosis depends on what part of the bone is affected, how large an area is involved, and how effectively the bone rebuilds itself. The process of bone rebuilding takes place after an injury as well as during normal growth. Normally, bone continuously breaks down and rebuilds-old bone is reabsorbed and replaced with new bone. The process keeps the skeleton strong and helps it to maintain a balance of minerals. In the course of avascular necrosis, however, the healing process is usually ineffective and the bone tissues break down faster than the body can repair them. If left untreated, the disease progresses, the bone collapses, and the joint surface breaks down, leading to pain and arthritis.

II. Выберите из текста предложения, в которых используется конструкция “ Passive Voice”, выпишите их и переведите на русский язык.

III. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

  1. постоянная потеря кровоснабжения

  2. болезнь может поражать кость

  3. пораженная область

  4. процесс восстановления кости

  5. степень недееспособности

IV. Выберите утверждения, которые соответствуют данному тексту:

1. The amount of disability that results from avascular necrosis depends on what part of the bone is affected.

2. The process doesn’t keep the skeleton strong.

3. The disease may affect just several bones.

V. Подберите синонимы к следующим словам:

1. a disease

2. to affect

3. permanent

VI. Гуманитарный аспект

Прочитайте текст и передайте его содержание на русском языке:

Прочитайте текст и передайте его содержание на русском языке:

Healthy Again

Mr. Cho was worried. Something was wrong with his goldfish. They had red patches oh their skin, they weren't eating, and they didn't have much energy. Mr. Cho thought the fish probably had an infection. To cure the infection, he stuck needles into the backs of the fishes. That may seem unusual to some people, but it didn't seem unusual to Mr. Cho. Mr. Cho is an acupuncturist—a person who uses needles to treat illness and pain.

Mr. Cho left the needles in the fish for several minutes and then took them out. During the next few days he repeated the treatments. Soon the fish began to feel better. They swam with more energy and started to eat again, and the red patches on their skin disappeared. Did the fish get better because of the acupuncture treatments? Mr. Cho thinks so.

Although acupuncture for goldfish is uncommon, acupuncture for people is very common in Asia. Acupuncturists there help people who have medical problems like infections, backaches, and stomachaches. They even use acupuncture during operations so that patients don't feel pain.

To see what happens during an acupuncture treatment, let's imagine that Ming, a man who often has headaches, decides to go to Dr. Han, an acupuncturist. This is what might happen at Dr. Han's office.

First Dr. Han examines Ming and asks him about his headaches. There are many kinds of headaches, and Dr. Han needs to know what kind of headaches Ming has.

Then Dr. Han decides where to insert the needles. Ming is surprised when Dr. Han tells him that she will insert needles in his neck and foot, but none in his head. That is not unusual. Often acupuncture needles are not inserted in the place where the patient feels pain.

Next, Dr. Han chooses the needles, which range in size from one-half inch long to six inches. Dr. Han chooses one-inch needles for Ming and begins to insert them. Ming feels a little pinch when each needle goes in. That is not unusual, either. Some patients say it hurts a little when the needles go in; other patients say it doesn't hurt at all. The needles stay in place for 15 minutes. Then Dr. Han removes them. Before he goes home, Ming makes an appointment to see Dr. Han in a week. Dr. Han says that Ming will know in a few weeks if the treatments are working.

Acupuncture has helped millions of people, not only in Asia, but all over the world. People say that acupuncture works. But how does it work?

One explanation of how acupuncture works is thousands of years old. The ancient Chinese, who were the first to use acupuncture, believed that energy flowed through the human body. They thought that sometimes too much energy—or too little energy— flowed to one part of the body. That caused pain or sickness. There were, however, several hundred places on the body where an acupuncturist could change the flow of energy. Those places were called acupuncture points. A needle inserted into an acupuncture point on a patient's leg, for example, changed the flow of energy to the patient's stomach. When the energy flowed correctly again, the patient would feel better.

There is also a modern explanation of how acupuncture works. Scientists point out that the acupuncture points have many more nerve endings than other places on the skin. Nerve endings receive pain messages when someone is sick or hurt. The pain messages then travel through the nerves. Perhaps acupuncture also sends messages through the nerves. These messages interrupt pain messages that are on their way to the brain. Because the pain messages never reach the brain, the patient feels better.

People who have been helped by acupuncture probably don't care which explanation is correct. They are just happy to be like Mr. Cho's fish—healthy again.