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    1. C: Can I look at that calendar, please?

A: Which one?


      1. C: How much is that box of drawing clips?

A: 25 cents. Anything else?


C: How much will it be all in all?

A: Let us see. That will come 40.53.

Ex. 11. Dramatize the situation.

a) Husband and wife in the supermarket shopping for a a week's supply of food.

b) At the butcher's, the customer wants to buy various kinds of meat, but can not afford to spend too much money.

c) Advise your new neighbor on the best food stores in the area.

  1. Advise your newly-wed daughter on the clever spending of the housekeeping money.

Topics for oral composition.

      1. Do you remember your first purchase? Talk about it.

      2. Speak about your most successful and satisfying shopping outing.

      3. Do you prefer to go shopping in supermarkets or in small shops? Why?

      4. Describe your favorite food store/department store.

      5. Describe the shopping centers in your vicinity.

      6. Describe a disastrous shopping tour in your life.

      7. When did you buy your first present for your father/mother?

      8. Tell how you bought your favorite shoes.

      9. What is the best place for shopping foods and goods in your city? Why?

      10. What is the best time for shopping? Why?

II term срсп 1-2 education in kazakhstan

New face of schools of Kazakhstan

Wе are now ready tо implement new reform; the secondary education period will bе increased from 11 years tо 12 years. 12-year schools will replace the 11-year schools. There is still nо соmmоn agreement оn this innovation introduced by the Ministry of Education. There are opinions both for and against it.

The necessity of the transition of schools in Kazakhstan tо 12 years education arose after Kazakhstan has signеd the Lisbon Convention in 1997, which imposes definite

obligations in the international cоmmunitу.

The reasons аnd роtеntiаl positive impact of 12-year education in Kazakhstan are obvious. The first rеаson is disparity of the educational system in Kazakhstan tо the European and international standards. This is nоt that our children cannot manage the school program for 11 years, they саn do this еvеn twice faster without аnу effect оn quality of education. But children should not only receive the knowledge аt school, they should also learn how to live in the community аnd how tо apply the received knowledge in life. School is the plасе where children should grow up and gain а profession, which will bе later demanded. Our chi1dren always participate in the international competitions with ехcеllent results, оur graduates successfully соntinuе their education in the international universities and аt the same time everywhere аnd always they are the youngest. In accordance with our law 18 years is the age when а person is considered аl1 adult. Besides, increase of the training period training reduce the load оn the children and improve their health. The negative aspect of the 12-year education is lack of motivation to study. Children were the first who disagreed with the increase of school period. The problem of army enrolment of young people, graduating in the age of 18 years old, also stays unresolved. They simply have по time to enter the institute.

There is also another important social problem. Many families with low income prefer to have а worker in their family rather than а school student.

The mechanism of trаnsitiоn to the 12-year education in Kazakhstan is not developed yet, thus it is more Iike1y that in 2001 children will study in II-year schools.

This year as well as the previous, the preschool education will bе obligatory in accordance with the Law concerning Education in the RK The preschool education implies that bу the 1st of September а child knows the alphabet and all the figures, and сап count to 20.

Ex.1. Have a talk based on the text with your group mate, making use of the following questions.

  1. What is the subject matter of the text?

  2. What a new innovation was introduced by the Ministry of Education?

  3. What is the reason of the transition of schools of Kazakhstan tо 12 years education?

  4. What is the negative aspect of the 12-year education?

  5. Who was the first, who disagreed with the increase of school period?

  6. At what age is a person considered аn adult in accordance with our law ?

  7. At what age does a young person finish school, if he will go to 12-year school?

  8. What is the purpose of 12-year education?

Ex.2.Divide into two teams and speak about advantages and disadvantages of 12-year education? State your opinion.

Ex.3. Discuss the following. Ask and answer.

1. Do you think the children of our country get good education? Give your reasons. Give your own ideas on school education.

2. How can one apply the received knowledge in life? What is school? Why does a child go to school ?

3. What problems, do you think, may face our society, when 12- education will be implemented?

4.What kind of advice would you give to schoolchildren?

Ex.4. Make up dialogues.

Suggested situations:

  1. Kazakh student and an English student are exchanging information on educational system of their countries.

  2. Two students are discussing about the value of a school education.

Ex.5.Speak on the following sub-topics:

1.The problem of army enrollment of young people, graduating at the age of 18.

2. School is the plасе where children should grow up and gain а profession, which will bе later demanded.

Ex.6. Read and discuss the following.

Where tо study? This is а rhetorical question of our childhood, because each of us went to the school located close tо the house. We were enrolled there in advance bу some people from the municipa1 educationa1 departments. And it was also convenient. It was not а usua1 practice to choose the school and besides there was not much of а choice: аll schools were similar to each other.

But the things change аnd schools change. Today а public school does not meet everybody’s expectations. Parents who can afford private schools have changed their approach to school choice. How not tо get lost in these multiple possibilities offered bу the private schools? People say, in this school they teach 5 languages, in that school they give caviar for lunch and teach play tennis, in this school there are neither grades, nor lessons, the children only play games, and in that school they provide such а training that the graduates саn enter the mechanical-mathematical institute without entrance exams...

The gymnasia's graduate students have big possibilities tо choose the higher education institutions.

Тhe lyceums also create favourable conditions for the overall development of а personality, but in the first рlасе they provide high quality profile education. The programmes are oriented to the requirements of specific higher education institutions. By the way, the lyceums were the first where the practice was introduced that the grades а t the final exams are also considered as the entrance exams grades. Today when things change fast, the lyceums and gymnasiums also change. Each institution has а priority focus. There appeared po1y-profile, linguistic, arts, and Kazakh language lyceums and gymnasias. The names of some schools rеflect their focus priorities: c1assic, physics-­mathematical, experimental, humanitarian, technical, Russian-­Kazakhstan, international.

Ex. 7. Answer the questions.

1.What differences are there between lyceums and gymnasias?

2.What sort or schools do you prefer?

3.What is your idea of an ideal school?

4.What sort of schools can be called really valuable to society?

5.Can education solve all the problems of society?