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III term срсп 1 тhe history of kazakhstan

Text: Ancient world of nomads.

The early history of Kazakhstan is peopled by tribes of pastoralists who lived on the grassy expanses of the steppes between the Volga and the Altai Mountains. With the introduction of the wheeled cart from the Middle East, the Indo-European tribes began to migrate. Light battle chariots and horse harness were developed, and tools and weapons were improved. The broad expanses of Siberia, the Ural foothills, Kazakhstan and Central Asia were populated by tribes who left behind traces of a brilliant, original culture. In the middle of the second millennium BC, the nomadic tribes inhabiting the territory of modern Kazakhstan made a discovery that marked the beginning of a new area: the technology of smelting bronze. The Bronze Age ushered in a more sedentary way of life based on agriculture as well as herding. Early forms of mining were developed to extract gold, copper and lead. The rich deposits of many metals in Kazakhstan and the beginning of the production of bronze had a significant impact on the tribes of the steppes. During this period, the intensive development of herding and metallurgy, which demanded hard physical labor, enhanced the social importance of the male. The burial mound at Issyk, some fifty km. From Almaty in the foothills of the Alatau, is an exceptionally rich site. Here was discovered the burial vault of a Sac leader, whom archaeologists have called ‘ the gold man’ as his clothes, Armour and head-dress were decorated with some four thousand finely crafted disks and rectangles of gold. The central chamber of the tomb had been robbed in ancient times, but in a side chamber the body was found laid out on a cloth decorated with smell gold disks. By the thousand wall of the vault wooden dishes and vessels were found: four square dishes, a bucket and bowls. By the western wall there were pottery pitchers and bowls, a silver spoon with a handle in the form of a heron, a silver cup with an eight-petal led rosette on the bottom, and a similar to runic script, which has not yet been deciphered. By the left hand of the deceased lay an arrow with a gilded shaft and a gold tip, and a whip with a gold ribbon around the handle; in a leather toilet bag there was a bronze mirror and a small piece of ochre. The dead leader was dressed in a red suede jacket covered with small gold triangles, imitating Armour. His leather trousers decorated with a border of gold disks, were tucked into boots which had gold triangles sewn along the tops. The figure was crowned by a tall leather cap with gold ornamentation depicting wild animals and birds, feathers, arrows, and mountains with trees on which birds were perched.

Ex.1. Have a talk based on the text with your group mate, making use of the following questions.

  1. What do you know about the early history of Kazakhstan? 2. What are the ancient nomadic tribes which inhabited steppes? 3. What did you learn about the bronze age? 4. What can you say the State organization of Kazakhstan? 5. Would you say that people in your country are more or less enthusiastic about Law than they are in Britain? 6. What are the successes and failures of the Kazakhstani economic system? What things does it appear to do well? 7. What can you say about the political system of sovereign Kazakhstan?

Ex.2. Making up dialogues.

    1. Kazakh student and an English student are exchanging information on history of their countries.

    2. Two students are discussing about the tribes which this period.

Ex.3. Divide the text into four parts and make an outline of them.

Ex.4.Work in pairs. Make a list of questions and ask your friend.

  1. about tribes and their life.

  2. how and was the ‘gold man’ founded?

  3. about Sacs and their leader?

Ex.5. Make up a story, using the following words and word expressions.

who lived on the grassy expanses of the steppes, the wheeled cart, tribes began to migrate, tools and weapons, the beginning of a new area, agriculture as well as herding, hard physical labor, thousand finely crafted disks and rectangles of gold, wooden dishes and vessels, pottery pitchers, bowls, a silver spoon, a leather toilet bag, wild animals and birds, feathers, arrows.

Ex.6. Give a brief summary of the text.

Ex.7. Write a report.

Suggested topics:

1.Kazakh way of life.

2.President’s program Kazakhstan 2030”.

3.The economic stability of our state.

4.The formation of democratic society.