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      1. Ex. 7. Do you like reading books? What kind of books do you like to read?

Ex. 8. Discuss the following. Express your own opinion on the subject. Speak about your ideas on poetry in modern life. Here are some phrases to help you.

That’s right. Exactly. I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. Just the reverse. Quite the contrary. I doubt that.

1.Poetry is suitable for girls. 2.Few people read poetry. 3.Few people buy collections of poems. 4.Life in all its forms can be the theme of poetry. Arts and music do not matter very much in our (everyday life). 5.We always turn to poetry to express our feelings. Nobody is interested in poetry nowadays.

Ex. 9. Learn the proverbs and sayings, explain their meaning in English:

1. Art is long , life is short.

2. Every man has his hobby –horse.

3. Tastes differ

4. The busiest man finds most leisure.

Ex. 10. Suggested topics for discussion.

1. My leisure time.

2. I plan an evening out.

3. A visit to the theater.

4. My favorite film.

5. My grandmother is fond of TV serials.

6. Clubs and societies in Kazakhstan.

Срсп 14-15 getting a job

Computerized Job Matching.

Some personnel agencies offer a new wrinkle in a trend called computerized job matching. Job seekers in fields like management, education, and engineering have their resumes, salary, and other needs assembled in large computer banks. Then employers have instant access to lists of qualified job applicants.

Many corporations have automated personnel records. Still others are keeping computerized record on job candidates. One company, for instance, uses a computer to process the records of potential employees, or job applicants. They use the system to keep track of the job moves, achievements, and related data supplied by thousands and thousands of applicants that firm has on file.

One firm even plans to track outstanding teenagers. This firm hopes to use its system to track teens who are recommended by their high school teachers as potential future employees.

Critics of the computerized gob matching system ,however, say you can't treat job applicants like pieces of inventory.

They claim that computers can never provide the subtle nuances of experience and personality .The latter are what personnel managers look for when they interview job applicants in person.

Yet computerized processing can look for, record, and screen hard data as found on application forms and job applicants' typed resumes. The largest user of computer in employment is the government. In many states, job seekers who use public employment agencies are offered computerized job listings .Federal agencies also use computers to screen job applicants.

Ex 1. Read the text and express your attitude .

Ex 2.Make up a list of questions to the text and answer them.

Ex 3.What should you do to find a job? Find the logical sequence of the steps you should take.

---get an invitation for an interview

---make an appointment with an employment agency counselor

---read the classified ads

---think what kind of the job you want

---analyze your skills, personality traits and accomplishments

---get ready for the interview

---find out what employment agency you can use

---find out as much as you can about the company

Ex. 4. Topics for discussions and essays.

  1. There are some individuals that "know" what they want to be from the time are children. Have you ever known anybody like this?

  2. Do you think that choosing an occupation is more difficult today than it used to be for young people 30 or 40 years ago? Give your views.

  3. By what age (18? Younger? Older?) should a person "know" what he or she wants to do? Discuss your idea.

Ex . 5. You are looking for a job. Analyze your interests and abilities. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are my abilities?

  2. What special talents do I have?

  3. What are my special interests?

  4. What are my physical abilities and limitations?

  5. What are my attitudes and values?

  6. How do I see myself, or what is my self-concept?

  7. Am I the kind of person who works well in a large group, or do I work better with only one or two people?

  8. Am I willing to accept change?

  9. What are my educational plans for the future?

  10. What is my previous experience?

Ex. 6. Read the text and express your opinion to the text.

Changing your job.

Some people say that Americans go to work with resumes in their pockets. In this country, it is not unusual for people to change jobs frequently; changing jobs is a way of advancing professionally and financially. It is not considered strange for a person to have three or four job over period of ten years.

If you have a job and want to change it, keep the old job while you look for a new one. Having a job gives you an adventure. You can take your time and be selective. You also have bargaining power. You may get a better salary offer if a prospective employer knows you are not in urgent need of a job.

Ex. 7. Read the dialogues in pairs.


  • Are you pleased with your new job Mary?

  • Yes, very much. It is just my cup of tea. I work as a translator at the research Institute?

  • And what sort of translation are you engaged in ?

  • Well, I translate articles on chemistry from different American and English magazines.


  • You look very smart today, David. Are you going out?

  • Yes, I have got an appointment with professor Roberts.

  • Is it Robert, the famous polar explorer?

  • Yes, I am going to be his assistant.

  • You will have an interesting job. You are lucky. You will travel all over the world.


  • I am told you want people at your plant, is it so?

  • Yes, we need skilled workers of different rates.

  • Any vacancies for welders?

  • Yes, there are some. Please, apply to the personnel department at the plant.

Ex. 8. Topics for oral composition.

  1. How will you start looking for a job?

  2. What service do employment agencies offer?

  3. What information can be given in ad?

  4. Your friend become redundant. You ask your mother, a personnel manager to help him to find a job.

  5. Tell your friend about your colleagues.

  6. Advise your friend to change his job and say why?

  7. What questions were you asked at an interview?

  8. Tell your mother how to write a resume?

  9. You have found a new job. Tell your friend how you manage to do it.