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C++ Timesaving Techniques (2005) [eng].pdf
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33 Working with Arrays


Save Time By

Understanding the vector class

Implementing array classes

Working with various algorithms with the vector class

The Standard Template Library (STL) provides access to a number of different forms of storage classes. One of these is the vector class, which allows the programmer to store arbitrary arrays of objects.

Unfortunately, the vector class also requires that you “pull in” (link) the entire STL to use it. This can cause significant overhead in your application and can consume large amounts of memory. Because the vector class is a templated class, it copies large chunks of code each time it’s used. Although this is normally insignificant for large-scale

applications — and well worth the expense of memory and size — it can be quite costly when your applications are smaller or have to operate in more restricted memory areas, as with embedded applications. For this reason, it makes sense to get handy with not only the vector class but also with implementing your own simple array classes that can use restricted memory. This technique shows you how to use vector classes — and techniques for working with various algorithms with the vector class. The next technique, Technique 34, shows you how to use array classes with limited overhead.

Using the Vector Class

The vector class is amazingly powerful and, after you get the hang of it, very easy to use in your own code. Let’s look at an example of working with vectors. We will examine how to add data to a vector, step through (iterate) the values in the array, and print out the data in the array. Here’s how:



In the code editor of your choice, create a new file to hold the code for the implementation of the source file.

In this example, the file is named ch33.cpp, although you can use whatever you choose.

Type the code from Listing 33-1 into your file.

Better yet, copy the code from the source file on this book’s companion Web site.

Using the Vector Class 193


#include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template < class A >

void print_array( vector<A> array )


vector<A>::iterator iter;

for ( iter = array.begin(); iter != array.end(); ++iter ) cout << (*iter) << “\n”;


void reverse_array( const vector<string>& arrayIn, vector<string>& arrayOut )


vector<string>::const_iterator iter;

for ( iter = arrayIn.begin(); iter != arrayIn.end(); ++iter )


arrayOut.insert( arrayOut.begin(), (*iter) );



int main(int argc, char **argv)


vector<string> stringArray;

//First, add all of the arguments to the

//array that were passed into the application. for ( int i=0; i<argc; ++i )

stringArray.insert( stringArray.end(), argv[i] );

//Print them out using an iterator vector<string>::iterator iter;

for (iter = stringArray.begin(); iter != stringArray.end(); ++iter )


//This isn’t necessary, but illustrates how to get

//the actual item stored in an array element. Note that

//the copy constructor will be invoked on this line. string s = (*iter);

cout << “Element: “ << s << “\n”;





194 Technique 33: Working with Arrays

LISTING 33-1 (continued)

//Now, we want to remove any element in the array which is the number


for ( iter = stringArray.begin(); iter != stringArray.end(); iter ++ )


if ( (*iter) == “3” )


cout << “Erasing element “ << (*iter) << “\n”; stringArray.erase( iter );



//Display the results for the user printf(“Array after removal\n”); print_array( stringArray );

//Next, reverse the array vector<string> outArray; reverse_array( stringArray, outArray ); printf(“Array after reversal\n”); print_array( outArray );

return 0;




3. Save the source file in your code editor and close the code editor.

This source code utilizes the power and functionality of the Standard Template Library to do simple array manipulations, including adding new data to an array, reversing the elements in an array, and iterating over the elements in an array.

4. Compile the source code with the compiler of your choice, on the operating system of your choice.

When the program is run, if you have done everything properly, you should see the following output in the shell window:

$ ./a.exe 1 2 3 4 Element: ./a Element: 1

Element: 2

Element: 3

Element: 4 Erasing element 3

Array after removal





Array after reversal 4 2 1


As you can see, the program reads in the arguments from the command line, places them into an array (shown at the line marked 1), then prints out the array by iterating over each element and printing out the data contained at that array element (shown at 2). Next, the program removes all values of 3 from the array, illustrating how you can delete from an array (shown at 3) and leave the rest of the

Using the Vector Class 195

elements in order. Finally, the values in the array are reversed, by copying them into a new array in reverse order (shown at 4) and the result is printed out once more.

This example illustrates how easy it is to work with the vector class in the C++ STL — and the result is very powerful. Unfortunately, the class is also quite

large. On my system, the resulting executable file takes up over 400KB for this simple little program. This illustrates how the STL pulls in a lot of code when you utilize it. Admittedly, in today’s world, 400 KB is not that large, but it’s a lot for such a small program.