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422 Technique 67: Creating a Simple Locking Mechanism

The above listing consists of two classes: the Lock class, which implements the actual locking mechanism, and the LockException class, which implements an exception holder for any locking errors. The Lock class works by maintaining a single global variable (bLock, shown at 1) that is used to see whether or not the lock is active. All instances of the Lock class use the same variable to track their locking states, so the Lock class is really useful only for a single lock in your application. The Lock class just checks to see whether or not the variable is set; if so, it will not allow another lock to be implemented. The destructor clears the lock (shown at line marked

2) so that a lock cannot be maintained indefinitely. Alternatively, the user can set and clear the lock manually, by using the setLock and unLock methods.

You will notice that the code uses a single static Boolean data member (shown at line marked with 2) to maintain its state. This is necessary because the Lock class must be accessible across different objects; otherwise the entire purpose of the class is defeated. Using static

data members is not always a good idea — doing so makes inheritance from the base class harder to implement — but such an approach can also solve some pretty thorny problems.

3. Save the source file and close the code editor.

Testing the Locking Mechanism

In order to illustrate how the locking code works and why it works, you should create a test driver that shows how to use the code and what the expected results will be. The following steps show you how.

1. In the code editor of your choice, reopen

the existing file to hold the code for your test program.

In this example, I named the test program ch67.cpp.

2. Type the code from Listing 67-2 into your file.

Better yet, copy the code from the source file on this book’s companion Web site.


Lock gLock;

void func1()


Lock l1;

if ( l1.isLocked() )

throw LockException(“Unable to acquire lock\n”);


printf(“Able to acquire lock\n”);


void func2()


if ( gLock.isLocked() == false ) gLock.setLock();





Testing the Locking Mechanism


int main(int argc,

char **argv)





if ( argc < 2






printf(“Usage: ch7_7 [ lock | unlock ]\n”);


printf(“Where: lock indicates that the program should first set the global lock and\n”);


unlock indicates that the program should not first set the global




if ( !strcmp ( argv[1], “unlock” ) )


// Note that in this order, the two functions will work properly. try




catch ( LockException& exc )


printf(“unlock: Exception trying to lock: %s\n”, exc.Message() );





if ( !strcmp ( argv[1], “lock” ) )


func2(); try




catch ( LockException& exc )


printf(“lock: Exception trying to lock: %s\n”, exc.Message() );




printf(“Unknown argument %s\n”, argv[1] );



return 0;


424 Technique 67: Creating a Simple Locking Mechanism

The test driver code simply exercises the various locking functions. If you pass in a command line argument, it will either lock (pass in lock) or unlock (pass in unlock) the global lock object. If a lock is requested, and cannot be granted, it throws an exception that should be displayed on the console.

3. Save the source file in the code editor and close the editor application.

4. Compile and link the application on your favorite operating system, using your compiler of choice.

If you have done everything right, you should see the following output appear on your shell window:

$ ./a.exe

Usage: ch7_7 [ lock | unlock ]

Where: lock indicates that the program should first set the global lock and unlock indicates that the program should not first set the global lock

$ ./a.exe


trying to lock: Lock


lock: Exception


Exception: Unable to acquire lock



$ ./a.exe





Able to acquire



Note that the three possible scenarios for running the program are shown in the output:

If you invoke the program with no arguments, it prints out the usage of the program and exits.

If you attempt to set the lock, the program first

sets a lock (as shown at

3) and then sets a

local lock within a function

(shown at 4).

Because the global lock is still in operation,


lock in func2 fails and throws an exception.

If you run the program to unlock, it succeeds as expected and prints out the fact that it could acquire a lock.

In the first run of the program (the lock case, shown at the line marked 5), we have first locked the global lock in the function func2. This causes the call to func1 to fail, because it cannot get access to the lock.

In the second run of the program (shown at the line marked 6), we call the func1 function first so the program can get the lock and continue. The lock object goes out of scope and releases the lock before the second function (func2) is called — so func2 can also get access to the lock and successfully proceed.

This code illustrates another use of the static data member in C++, besides the typical use of keeping track of data within a class. Used properly, static data members can be used to communicate between functions, methods, or instances of objects — even across thread boundaries.

68 Creating and Using

Guardian Classes


Save Time By

Protecting functionality with guardian classes

Creating a guardian class

Testing your class

Aguardian class, as its name implies, is a class that “guards” its contents from the world of application developers. Guardian classes are often used when memory is being allocated, or when a hard-

ware device needs to have specific inputs validated for it. Because a memory allocation needs to be matched with a de-allocation, a guardian class is the ideal solution: it wraps the transaction in a single class. Guardian classes, as shown in this technique, can also be used to make existing functionality memory-safe, exception-safe, and (most importantly) error-proof.

Consider, for a moment, the standard C-style function fopen. This function is used with the C library to open a file for input, output, or both. The fopen function has the following prototype:

FILE *fopen(

const char *filename, const char *mode


The basic idea is that you pass in a file name and a “mode” parameter, and the function opens the file in any operating system. The function then returns to you a pointer to an internal structure used for working with the file. At this point, you can perform basic file operations: You can write to, read from, seek within, and close the file as needed.

Although they are not the least bit object-oriented in design, you can use the fopen and related functions safely in your C++ code. Unfortunately, C- style functions do not tend to have a great deal of error checking, nor are they forgiving. If fopen fails, it returns a NULL pointer. If you then pass this NULL pointer to another function expecting a FILE pointer, it crashes the application. This is where guardian classes work best. In terms of code stability and robustness, however, consider the following snippets of code:

426 Technique 68: Creating and Using Guardian Classes



*fp =

fopen(NULL, NULL);





*fp =









*fp =









is a test”);



(4)FILE *fp = fopen(“myfile.txt”,




try {






printf(“Error in function\n”); return –1;



All these functions suffer from various — and serious — problems related to the file-handling functions provided with C:

Example (1 shown at

1 crashes. The fopen

function does not understand

how to deal with

NULL values in either the name or the mode





In example (2) shown at

2, the mode parameter

may not be z. Mode parameters

are well defined,

and must be one of a certain list of characters. Typically, the list is r, w, and a. The behavior in such a case is unknown — and will probably result in the file not being opened.

Example (3), shown at 3, is a crash waiting to

happen: Because the programmer

did not check

for the return value from fopen, the fprintf function call will crash — and so will the program — if the file pointer is NULL .

Example (4), shown at 4 has a serious problem:

If the function call for call


might_throw_exceptions throws an exception, then the function will return without closing the file — creating a memory leak and leaving a file open (both on disk and in memory). At best, the open file will not be written properly to disk; at worst, it might be partially written and corrupted.

All these problems can — and should — be prevented. There is no excuse for allowing a simple file-open routine to cause your program to crash. Because the file-handling functions are so fragile, you should wrap them in a guardian class to ensure that the programmer cannot make mistakes, that no memory is leaked, and that the functions are protected from invalid values. This technique shows you how to set up this essential safeguard.

Whenever you run across a piece of code that is unsafe to use in any manner other than the way specified by the programmer, wrapping that code in a guardian class will save you a lot of time trying to track down problems. If the program simply crashes with no diagnostics, you have to step through every single line in the application to figure out what went wrong. If (instead) you get into the habit of wrapping any would-be leaks or crashes in a code that insulates the underlying technology from the possibility of error, you won’t see this kind of error in your application.

Creating the File-Guardian


The heart of this technique is the creation of a fileguardian class called FileWrapper. To create it, follow these steps:

1. In the code editor of your choice, create a new file to hold the code for the implementation of source file.

In this example, the file is named ch68.cpp, although you can use whatever you choose.

2. Type the code from Listing 68-1 into your file.

Better yet, copy the code from the source file on this book’s companion Web site.

Creating the File-Guardian Class



#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>

typedef enum


Read = 0,

Write = 1, ReadWrite = 2, Append = 3

} FileMode;

class FileWrapper








virtual void Init()


_fp = NULL;

_name = NULL;


virtual void Clear()


if ( _fp )


printf(“File %s is now closed\n”, _name ); fclose(_fp);

_fp = NULL;


if ( _name )

delete [] _name; _name = NULL;







FileWrapper( const char *name, const FileMode& mode )



setName( name ); setMode( mode );


FileWrapper( const FileWrapper& aCopy )



Technique 68: Creating and Using Guardian Classes





LISTING 68-1 (continued)
























if ( aCopy._name )






setName( aCopy._name );






if ( aCopy._mode )






setMode( aCopy._mode );












FileWrapper operator=(const FileWrapper& aCopy)


















if ( aCopy._name )






setName( aCopy._name );






if ( aCopy._mode )






setMode( aCopy._mode );












virtual ~FileWrapper( void )
























virtual void setName( const char *name )












if ( name )












_name = new char[ strlen(name)+1 ];






strcpy( _name, name );


















virtual void setMode( const FileMode& mode )












_mode = mode;












virtual bool open()





if ( _fp != NULL )




fclose(_fp); _fp = NULL;


char *mode = NULL; switch ( _mode )


case Read:

mode = “r”; break;

case Write:

mode = “w”; break;

case ReadWrite: mode = “r+”; break;

Creating the File-Guardian Class


case Append: mode = “a”; break;


if ( mode == NULL ) return false;

_fp = fopen( _name, mode ); if ( !_fp )


printf(“Error opening file %s\n”, _name ); return false;


printf(“File %s is now open\n”, _name );


virtual char getc()


if ( _fp != NULL ) return fgetc(_fp);

return 0;


virtual bool eof()


if ( _fp != NULL ) return feof(_fp);

return true;


virtual bool putc( char c )


if ( _fp != NULL )

return fputc(c, _fp) == c; return false;


virtual bool puts( const char *s )


if ( _fp == NULL ) return false;

if ( s == NULL ) return false;

return (fputs( s, _fp ) != EOF );


virtual bool close()


if ( _fp == NULL ) return false;

Clear(); return true;

