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260 Technique 45: Creating a Configuration File

Setting Up Your Test File

After you create any class, you should create a test driver that not only ensures that your code is correct, but also shows people how to use your code.

The following steps show you how to create a test driver that illustrates how the class is intended to be used:

1. In the code editor of your choice, reopen the source file to hold the code for your test program.

In this example, I named the test program ch45.cpp.

2. Type the code from Listing 45-3 into your file.

Better yet, copy the code from the source file on this book’s companion Web site.


#include <stdio.h>

#include “ConfigurationFile.h”

int main( int argc, char **argv )


if ( argc < 3 )


printf(“Usage: ch5_7 config-file- name arg1 [arg2 .. ]\n”);

printf(“Where: config-file- name is the name of the configuration file\n”);

printf(“ arg1 .. argn are the values to print out\n”);

return -1;


ConfigurationFile cf(argv[1]); if ( cf.read() == false )


printf(“Unable to read configuration file\n”);

return -2;


for ( int i=2; i<argc; ++i )


if ( !cf.hasValue( argv[i] ) )


printf(“Value %s NOT found in configuration file\n”, argv[i] );




string s = cf.getValue ( argv[i] );

printf(“Key %s = [%s]\n”, argv[i], s.c_str() );



return 0;


3. Save the source-code file in the code editor.

4. In the code editor of your choice, create a new text file to hold the actual configuration test file for your test program.

In this example, I named the test input data file input.cfg.

5. Type the following text into your file:

















#This is a comment

Testing the Configuration-File


Now that everything’s set up, the following steps show you how to put it all together and go for a test drive:

Testing the Configuration-File Class


1. Compile and run the source-code file (which we called ch45_7.cpp) along with the configuration-class file (which we called

ConfigurationFile.cpp) in your favorite compiler, on your favorite operating system.

2. Run the program.

If you have done everything right, you should see the following output in your console window:

$ ./a.exe input.cfg Color Name City State


Key Color = [Blue]


Key Name = [Matt]


Key City = [Denver, CO]


Value State NOT found in configuration



Looking at the input file, you can see that the values of Color, Name, and City are all entries (on the lefthand side of the equal sign). For those keys, the values are Blue, Matt, and Denver, CO. These items are

shown at the lines marked with

5, 6 and



configuration file

The test driver simply reads the




using our configuration-file class and then displays the various key and value pairs. The test driver then exercises the full functionality of the retrieval code by looking for a value (State) that is not in the configuration file, and the code properly displays an

error as shown by the line marked with


8. From

you can see

this output, and the test driver code,



exactly how the configuration-file class was meant to be used, making it excellent documentation for the developer. You can also see from the listing that the output is what we were expecting, which makes it a good unit test. All in all, it shows just how you can save time and effort by using a standardized configuration format and using this class to read it.

Part VII

Using the Built-In


46 Creating an


Technique Class

Save Time By

Understanding internationalization

Building language files

Reading an international file

Creating a string reader

Testing your code

Once upon a time, if you were programming in the United States, you tailored your applications only for English-speaking Americans. Your main concern was the code that implemented the

algorithms that were in your application; if you had an error message to display, you’d write a message that vaguely expressed the error and the user would just have to deal with it — no matter what language he spoke or how confusing the error message was. Fortunately, those days of usability-challenged code are over. Experts now create messages and indicators for applications so users can best understand what is going on. The error messages themselves are usually tailored to specific customer bases. Most importantly, however, our code is no longer directed only towards English-speaking Americans. Applications are distributed around the world, and need to work in any language, with any alphabet set. The capability to display messages in any language is known as internationalization.

You can’t simply bolt an internationalization feature onto your program — you have to design that capability in from the beginning. You can’t just translate messages on the fly, either; you have to know up front what the message is going to say. For this reason, creating a system that supports internationalization is important.

The process of internationalization is really threefold:

1. Identify all of the text that needs to be displayed in the various languages. Place this text into a single file, along with identifiers that can be used within the application to display the text.

2. Convert the text into a format that can be shipped easily with the application.

3. Provide a method to access all this content.