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266 Technique 46: Creating an Internationalization Class

Only by doing all this can we save time when creating applications in multiple languages. If you write applications with any sort of regional or international appeal, eventually you must internationalize them. By building in this support up front — and giving the application the capability to load those literal strings from external sources — you not only save time later on, but also save huge amounts of space in your application memory. This approach also allows you to customize your error messages and display prompts directed to different age and regional groups. This is the procedure we will be using in this technique to illustrate how to save time and effort up front by creating a single way in which to internationalize your applications.

don’t want to store all possible languages in your application because that would cause the memory requirements to go through the roof. So we store our languages in compressed-text format by squeezing out the returns and spaces between the items of data. These steps show you how:

1. In the code editor of your choice, create a new file to hold the code for the source file of the technique.

In this example, the file is named ch46.cpp, although you can use whatever you choose. This file will contain the class definition for our automation object.

2. Type the code from Listing 46-1 into your file.

Building the Language Files

Better yet, copy the code from the source file on

this book’s companion Web site.

Before you can display text, you need to be able to build files that contain the language data. You


#include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <fstream>

using namespace std;

#define VERSION_STRING “Version 1.0.0”

class StringEntry



unsigned long _id; string _strEntry; unsigned long _offset; unsigned long _length;


void Init()


setID ( 0 ); setString( “” );

Building the Language Files 267

setOffset( 0 ); setLength( 0 );


void Copy( const StringEntry& aCopy )


setID ( aCopy.ID() ); setString( aCopy.String() ); setOffset( aCopy.Offset() ); setLength ( aCopy.Length() );







StringEntry( unsigned long id, const char *strIn )


Init(); setID( id );

setString( strIn );

//For now, assign the length to just be the length

//of the string.

setLength( strlen(strIn) );


StringEntry( const StringEntry& aCopy )


Copy( aCopy );


StringEntry operator=( const StringEntry& aCopy )


Copy( aCopy );


unsigned long ID() const


return _id;


string String() const


return _strEntry;


unsigned long Offset() const


return _offset;


unsigned long Length() const


return _length;



268 Technique 46: Creating an Internationalization Class

LISTING 46-1 (continued)

void setID( unsigned long id )


_id = id;


void setString( const char *strIn )


_strEntry = strIn;


void setString( const string& sIn )


_strEntry = sIn;


void setOffset( unsigned long offset )


_offset = offset;


void setLength( unsigned long length )


_length = length;


virtual void write( ofstream& out )


//Get the current output position. setOffset( out.tellp() );

//Write out the string.

const char *strOut = String().c_str(); out << strOut;






void dump( ostream& out )






<< “StringEntry:” << endl;


<< “ID

: “ << ID() << endl;


<< “String: [“ << String().c_str() << “]” << endl;


<< “Length: “ << Length() << endl;


<< “Offset: “ << Offset() << endl;









class StringWriter












StringEntry >










Building the Language Files 269

string get_line( ifstream& in )



sOut = “”;



cLastChar = 0;

while ( !in.eof()





//Read in a character at a time. If we hit end of line,

//and the last character is NOT \, we are done.

char c; in.get(c);

if ( in.fail() ) break;

if ( c == ‘\n’ )


// We found a return. See whether the last thing was a backslash. if ( cLastChar != ‘\\’ )




// Remove the backslash.

sOut = sOut.substr(0, sOut.length()-1);



sOut += c; cLastChar = c;


return sOut;


virtual bool ProcessLine( const string& sIn )


// There has to be a colon (:).

int nColonPos = sIn.find_first_of( ‘:’ ); if ( nColonPos == string::npos )

return false;

// Get the pieces.

string sNumber = sIn.substr(0, nColonPos); string sValue = sIn.substr( nColonPos+1 );

// Add it to our list.

StringEntry se( atol(sNumber.c_str()), sValue.c_str() ); _entries.insert( _entries.end(), se );

return false;



270 Technique 46: Creating an Internationalization Class

LISTING 46-1 (continued)

virtual bool Load()


//Try to open the input file. ifstream in(_fileName.c_str()); if ( in.fail() )

return false;

//Read in the first line for version information. string sLine = get_line(in);

if ( strcmp( sLine.c_str(), VERSION_STRING ) ) return false;

for ( int i=0; i<10; ++i )


if ( in.fail() ) break;

sLine = get_line(in); // Ignore blank lines.

if ( sLine.length() == 0 ) continue;

// Ignore comments. if ( sLine[0] == ‘#’ )


if ( ProcessLine( sLine ) )

printf(“Invalid input: %s\n”, sLine.c_str () );




StringWriter( void )



StringWriter( const char *inputFileName, const char *outputFileName )


_fileName = inputFileName; _outputFileName = outputFileName; Load();


virtual bool Save( void )


//If there are no entries, abort. if ( _entries.size() == 0 )

return false;

//Try to open the output file.

ofstream out( _outputFileName.c_str() ); if ( out.fail() )

return false;



Building the Language Files 271

// Okay, process each of them. vector< StringEntry >::iterator iter;

for ( iter = _entries.begin(); iter != _entries.end(); ++iter )


// Write out the entry. (*iter).write( out );


// Now, process the index file.

string indexFileName = _outputFileName + “.idx”; ofstream out2(indexFileName.c_str());

if ( out2.fail() )


printf(“Unable to open index file %s for output\n”, indexFileName.c_str() ); return false;


for ( iter = _entries.begin(); iter != _entries.end(); ++iter )


// Write out the entry.

out2 << (*iter).Offset() << “, “ << (*iter).Length() << “, “ << (*iter).ID() << endl;


return true;



int main(int argc, char **argv)


if ( argc < 3 )


printf(“Usage: StringEntry input-file output-file\n” );

printf(“Where: input-file is the file containing the string definitions\n”); printf(“ output-file is the final generated file name\n”);



StringWriter s(argv[1], argv[2]); if ( s.Save() == false )

printf(“Error generating file\n”);

return 0;


The code above breaks down into a storage class (StringEntry), a writing class (StringWriter), and a test driver that illustrates how to use the code. The test driver expects two arguments: a file that contains the string definitions and an argument that specifies the name of the file to create for an output file. The input file simply

consists of ID numbers (integer values) followed by a colon and then the string to encode into the output file. Each entry in the definition file is read, parsed, and placed into a StringEntry object. This all happens in the Load function

of the StringWriter class shown at 1. After the entire input file is parsed, it is written to the