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Supplementary tasks - завдання для самостійної підготовки. Read and translate the text

The United States has the largest network of roadways of any country with 6,430,366 km India has the second largest road system in the world with 3,383,344 km. People's Republic of China is third with 1,870,661 km of roadway. When looking only at expressways the National Trunk Highway System (NTHS) in People's Republic of China has a total length of 45,000 km at the end of 2006, second only to the United States with 90,000 km in 2005 .

That the first pathways were the trails made by animals has not been universally accepted, arguing that animals do not follow constant paths. Others believe that some roads originated from humans following animal trails. The Icknield Way is given as an example of this type road origination, where man and animal both selected the same natural line. By about 10,000 BC, rough pathways were used by human travellers.

Oral practice

Retell the text in brief.

Make up all possible questions to the text

Read and memorize new words and expressions to the text « The History of the Road Transport »

Roads Board Міністерство транспорту (транспортний відділ)

initial початковий, первісний

quality якісний

usage уживання, застосування, користування

resume одержувати, відновлювати, підводити підсумки

to interrupt переривати, втручатися

to allocate розміщати, призначати, розподіляти

to grant офіційне надання, надавати, дозволяти

through traffic безпересадочний, прямий рух транспорту

designated визначати, указувати, характеризувати

list список, перелік

local authorities місцеві повноваження, влада

update government funding державні кошти, запас капіталу

repairs лагодити, ремонтувати, повертати, ремонт

former укладач, створювач, колишній, попередній

latter tool інструмент, верстат

to determine визначати, установлювати, вирішувати

frequently часто

heavy expansion велике розширення (простір)

Trunk Roads Act Документ про дорожні магістралі

originally спочатку

eventually зрештою, згодом

to deem думати, вважати

motorways автошляхи

to duplicate stretch простягатися, розтягувати(ся) простір

renumber перерахувати, перенумерувати

consistent послідовний

to retain утримувати, зберігати

non-primary непершорядний, непервинний

alongside пліч-о-пліч, поруч

remainder залишок

downgrade понижувати (у посаді)

occasionally випадково, іноді, часом

Read and translate the text

«The History of the Road Transport»

Initial work on classification was begun in 1913 by the government's Roads Board to determine the quality and usage of British roads. This work was interrupted by the First World War and did not resume until the Ministry of Transport was formed in 1919 and given authority to classify highways, to allocate funding for road maintenance, authority for which was granted by section 17 (2) of the Ministry of Transport Act 1919. It created a classification system for the important routes connecting large population centre's or for through traffic, which were designated as Class I. The definitive list of these roads published in 1922/3 following consultations with local authorities. In 1926/7 the list was updated to include Class II roads, which were of lesser importance. Government funding towards the repairs of these roads were set at 60% for the former and 50% for the latter.

Shortly after this, the numbers started to appear in road atlases and on signs on the roads themselves, converting them into a tool for motorists in addition to their use for determining funding. The numbers of the roads changed quite frequently during the early years of the system as it was a period of heavy expansion of the network and some numbered routes did not follow the most usual routes taken. The Trunk Roads Act 1936 gave the Ministry direct control of the major routes and a new classification system was created to identify these routes.

Answer the question

    1. When did the initial work on classification of British roads begin?

    2. Why was this work interrupted?

    3. When was the Ministry of Transport farmed?

    4. Did it create a classification system for the important routes?

    5. How were the roads classified?

    6. Why did the members of the roads change?

    7. What did “The Trunk Roads Act 1936” give the Ministry?

    8. When were the motorways introduced?

    9. How were the roads remembered?

Translate into Ukrainian

  1. Roads Board;

  2. to classify highways;

  3. road maintenance;

  4. important routes;

  5. through traffic;

  6. definite list;

  7. local authorities;

  8. lesser importance;

  9. government funding;

  10. heavy expansion of the network;

  11. classification system;

  12. introduction of motorways;

  13. consistent approach;

  14. existing member.

Finish the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian

  1. Initial work on classification began …

  2. It created a classification system …

  3. The definite list of these roads …

  4. Government funding …

  5. Shortly after this …

  6. The Trunk Roads Act 1936 …

  7. With the introduction of motorways …

  8. There was no consistent approach …

  9. Occasionally the new motorway …

  10. Originally these numbers beginning in T …