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8. Use modal verbs:

can, could, be able (to), must, have (to).

A. It was late autumn. A hungry Fox was walking about the forest looking for something to eat, but he... find nothing. Then h came up to the lake. "There ... be some fish," he thought. "If I.. catch one I shall ... to have a good dinner." He saw a few fishes but they were swimming too fast. The Fox ... not swim. "How ... catch them?" he thought and said, "Little fishes!" — "We ... not hear you." — "Come nearer, you... come on land and live in peace as I do. You... always find something to eat in the forest and you will... to meet many friends." — "He... be so stupid (глупый) if he tells to come on land," thought the fishes.

B. A White Winter Dress

The Little Hare(заяц) was not happy: he was afraid of the Fox and the Bear.

In summer he ... hide in the grass. But he did not know how to get ready for winter. "I... ask my friends, they ... help me," he thought.

So he went to the Partridge (куропатка) and said, "... you tell me," good bird, how you hide from the Fox in winter?"

And the Partridge answered: "When Autumn goes, she always leaves me a white costume. I put it on and the Fox ... not see me in the snow."

"You ... be a very brave bird," said the Hare. "But I'm afraid of Autumn."

Then the Hare, met some other friends but no one ... help him, so he ... to go back to his tree and he slept under it.

In the morning he got up and saw that the forest was white! "What... I do?" he thought and came to the water to drink. He saw a white hare there, as white as snow.

"Oh, who ... it be? It... be another Hare! Oh, it's me, in a white dress."

9. Use the right form of the verb "to be":

1. Newspapers ... brought every morning. 2. This book … sold in every shop of Moscow. 3. Only English... spoken in f country. 4. The letter... delivered yesterday. 5. My TV set ... … fixed tomorrow. 6. By whom ... this article translated? 7. The President of the US ... elected every four years. 8. Moscow … founded (основана) in 1147. 9. We ... ... taken on a sightseeing tour in the afternoon.

10. Use the verbs in the Passive Voice:

A 1. We eat breakfast in the morning. 2. They will show this program on TV. 3. He made the report in class. 4. The tourists asked the guide a lot of questions about Westminster Abbey. 5. I bought this dress at the central department store 6. Everybody discusses this film. 7. Where did you buy this guide book? 8. Who cooked this wonderful pie? — I did.

B. How I Make an Apple Pie

First I take some flour and mix it with some milk and butter. Then I break 3 eggs and put them too. Then I add some raisins and mix the stuff again. Then I take 10 apples, wash them and cut into small pieces. I add some sugar and a little, salt, put the stuff into a big pan and put it into the cooker for; 40 minutes. When I take it out I decorate it, leave it in a cold place and serve cool.

11. Make up sentences using the Passive Voice according to the models:

Model A. That church looks very old. (it/build/1760) — It was built in 1760.

Model B. We have a wonderful country house (it/build/my father) — It was built by my father ten years ago.

1. It is a very popular television program, (it/watch/millions of people) 2. They could not meet yesterday, (the date of meeting/change) 3. There is a very thick fog in the city today, (all the flights/put off/at the airport) 4. Jim works as a driver, (he/not to pay/very well) 5. She always celebrates her birthday in the restaurant, (a lot of guests/invite/every year) 6. What a beautiful monument it is! (when/it/construct?) 7. The facade of the Tretyakov Gallery is very beautiful. (it/design/Vasnetsov) 8. The library is very rich, (a lot of books/gather/from all over the world).