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15. Translate into English:

1Когда вы обычно встаёте по утрам? - Ровно в 7. 2. По воскресеньям я часто хожу в кино или в театр. 3. Вечером я читаю книги, смотрю фильмы или слушаю музыку. 4. Мы ужинаем, как правило, в 7 часов. 5. Когда я прихожу

домой, я иду в ванную, открываю кран, мою руки и вытираю их полотенцем. 6. Вам надо проветрить спальню и подмести пол. 7. Как вы добираетесь в университет? - Автобусом. Но иногда приходится идти пешком. 8. Давай пойдем в парк! — С удовольствием. 9. Сколько времени у тебя уходит на то, чтобы добраться на работу? — Около получаса. 10. Что ты собираешься делать? - Я собираюсь писать доклад. 11. Я обычно хожу в университет пешком, так как он находится недалеко от нашего дома. 12. Вы часто бываете в театре? -Нет, редко. 13. Что вы делаете по вечерам? - Обычно бываем дома. Раз или два в неделю мы ходим на каток, встречаемся с друзьями и ходим в кино или в театр. 14. Ежедневно Том делает утреннюю зарядку. 15. После занятий Мария обычно делает домашнее задание. Иногда она ходит в библиотеку, где читает книги и просматривает газеты и журналы. 16. Вы ложитесь спать рано или поздно? - Мне приходится засиживаться поздно. 17. Вы всегда приходите вовремя на занятия? - Да. 18. Как вы проводите свободное время? — С друзьями, иногда с родными.

16. Read the story and answer the questions:

All's Well That Ends Well

It was about midnight when the letter arrived (прибывать, приходить). It dropped through the letterbox at John's feet. John was about (собирался) to lock (запирать) the door for the night. He opened the door and looked outside; there was nobody anywhere about. He closed the door slowly and looked at the letter. Yes, the letter was for him. He opened it. Inside there was a single sheet of paper, and on it were the words, "In ten minutes you will be dead" («Через 10 минут ты умрешь»), John hurried to the telephone, lifted the receiver arid dialed 999. There was no answer. He tried again, then he realized the phone didn't work. Was there any connection between the useless phone and the letter?

He decided to go to the call box down the road. John opened the door and listened for a few seconds. All was quiet. He looked once more at the letter. At that moment the doorbell rang and somebody touched him on the shoulder...

"John, John!" someone said, "It's time to get up." John turned over in bed and saw his wife looking at him. "That's the last time I eat much before I go to bed," he said.


1. When did the letter arrive?

2. What did John do?

3. What did the letter say?

4. Did the phone work?

5. Where did he decide to go?

6. Was there anybody outside?

7. Whom did John see at his bed?

8. Why is the story called "All Is Well That Ends Well"?

17. Read the story and retell it:

A Day Off Work

Last Wednesday morning Bill rang Mr. Thomson, his boss, at the office and said that he was not well. "All right," said his boss. "You may stay in bed today if you are not well." Mr. Thomson liked Bill very much. At lunch time he bought some fruit and took it to Bill. Bill thanked him and said he would be able to come the next day.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon Mr. Thomson locked his office door and switched on his portable TV set. He wanted to watch an important international football match. It was England against Brazil. Both teams (команда) were playing well. It was very-exciting. At 3.20 England scored a goal (забить гол). Mr. Thomson jumped out of his chair. He was very excited. He was smiling happily. When suddenly the cameraman focused on the crowd, Mr. Thomson stopped smiling and looked very angry. Bill's face was there on the screen. He didn't look ill at all.

1). Describe the next morning at the office. Use the words: to praise (хвалить), to punish (наказать), to fire (уволить), to shout at (кричать на), to discuss.