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15. Read the following. Render the passage in English.

На Британских островах, отделенных от Западной Европы, проливом Ла-Манш (the English Channel), расположилась Великобритания, а официально - Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. По форме правления это государство является конституционной монархией. Площадь Великобритании 244,1 тысяч кв. км, население составляет 56 млн. человек. Государственный язык - английский.

В состав Соединенного Королевства входят Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия, Северная Ирландия (Ольстер Ulster).

Англия - историческое ядро Соединенного Королевства - раскинулась в южной и средней частях самого крупного из Британских островов. Уэльс занимает юго-западную часть острова Великобритания, Шотландия же - его северную часть, а также прилегающие острова: Гебридские (the Hebrides [hebridi:z]). Оркнейские (the Orkneys [o:kniz]) и Шетландские (the Shetland Islands).

16. Read the story and answer the questions:

The Indian and Two Travellers

Two men were travelling in a very wild (дикий) part of America. They saw no modem houses and no traces of civilization for many days. What they saw was only a few huts made of wood or tents where Indians lived. One day they met an old Indian who did not work but hunted animals and ate them as his food.; He was very clever and knew everything about the forest and the animals living in it and many other things. He could also speak English quite well.

"Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?" one of the travellers asked him. "Oh, yes," he said. "Rain is coming and wind. Then there will be snow for a day or two but then the sunshine will come again and the weather will be fine." "These old Indians seem to know more about Nature than we with all our science (наука)," said the man to his friend. Then he turned to the old Indian.

"Tell me," he said, "how do you know all this?" the Indian answered, "I heard it on the radio."


1 .Where were the two men travelling?

2. Who did they meet one day?

3. The Indian was very clever, wasn't he?

4. Did the Indian tell the two men the weather forecast?

5. How did he know it?

17. Read the story and reproduce it:

A Forgetful Tourist

An English tourist came to Paris. It was his first visit there, On tho MIDI mf htf sent a telegramme to his wife who was in London. In the telegramme he told her the address of the hotel where he was going to stay. He also told her that ho was quite


As he was in Paris for the first time, he was very eager to see the places of interest. After dinner he went for a walk and then decided to go to the theatre to see a new play. It was very late when the play was over. It was time to go home.

But at that moment he realized that he couldn't get to the hotel: he didn't remember either the name of the hotel or the address. The Englishman was at a loss because he didn't know what to do. Suddenly he remembered sending that morning a telegramme to his wife. So, late at night his wife got a very strange telegramme: "Please, send me my address at once."