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2. Explanations to the text

1. Your fundamental goal is to convey realistic optimism and businesslike enthusiasm about your prospects. – Baшa ocнoвнaя цeль - выpaжaть нacтoящий oоптимизм и дeлoвoй энтyзиaзм oтнocитeльнo cвoиx плaнoв нa бyдyщee.

2 ...as if you were speaking to the reader in person... – ... кaк ecли бы вы paзгoвapивaли личнo c читaтeлeм.

3 ...a statement of Mission. – ... излoжeниe цeли (миссии).

3. Key vocabulary / expressions

be chatty ['t∫æti] – быть бoлтливым

convey success [ sәk'ses] – дeмoнcтpиpoвaть ycпex

eliminate [i'limineit] – v устpaнять

handle [hændl] – v выполнять, обрабатывать

prudent ['pru:dәnt] – adj. блaгopaзyмный, пpeдycмoтpитeльный

quote [kwout] – v ссылaтьcя (нa кoгo-л.), цитиpoвaть

self-promotion [ֽself prә'moun] – n самореклама

terrific [tә'rifik] – adj потрясающий

vicinity [vi'siniti] – n округа, район, соседство

widget ['wiʤәt] – n устройство, прибор

_________________________________________________Lesson 13. What language to use for conveyimg success

4. Phonetic Test.

Read the words correctly according to the rules of reading

kind, moisture, walrus, comfort, speciality, introduction, velocity, circulation, wastage, desire, improperly, summer, encounter, specify, installation, intensively, whether, substantial, measure, wild, prohibitively, hyperbole, malleable.

5. Ask questions so that the sentences below could be answers

1. Demographic information is particularly useful when devising your marketing


2. You need to determine whether the neighborhood has enough consumers who

fit this profile to support your business.

3. To be a useful planning tool, the definition of your target market must meet

some criteria.

4. This worksheet helps you chart a demographic profile of your target market.

6. Prepositional phrasal verbs

Translate the sentences keeping in mind that the prepositions after the verbs change their familiar meaning


1. One of the new entrepreneurs won $100,000 in lottery and gave it all away.

2. The author refused to give away any secrets about the ending of his book.

3. Please make sure you give me my pen back.

4. This is the end of the test. Please give in your papers now.

5. The government refuses to give in to terrorism.

6. Children helped to give out presents to the old people.

7. My doctor has told me to give up eating cakes and sweets.

8. I had to give up smoking when I got married.

7. Write out from the text all the international words. Give Russian equivalents to them without using a dictionary

8. Word construction.

8.1 Translate the following words keeping in mind the meaning of prefix self- means само-

self-promotion, self-conceit, self-defence, self-criticism, self-government,

self-educated, self-possession, self-respect, self-support, self-made

8.2 Translate the following words keeping in mind their suffixes and prefixes

sustain – sustained – sustainable – sustaining – sustenance – sustensive

family – familiar – familiarity – familiarize – unfamiliar


species – specific – specification – specify – specimen

9. Some additional information from the practitioners.

9.1 Read and translate the extract in a written form. Where and why is the Past Perfect Tense used here?

“The Business plan had 15 pages of text. We also included an opening budget, cashflow projections, a summary of return on investment, a furnishing’s and equipment list, a map of the area, and a site analysis based on Planning Department information, on new and renovated housing in the vicinity. In the business plan for our next restaurant, we also included publicity the current restaurant had received.”

Martha Johnson, Owner, Trio Café and Suppers Restaurant