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10.3 What is your opinion of the following?

Quan­tity of goods should be replaced with quality of life.

Discuss this statement with your partner.

10.4 Read the text and underline the main concerns of the environmentalists. Discuss them with your partner. Explain the italisized phrase in the most detailed manner

Environmentalism is an organized movement of concerned citizens and government to protect and enhance people’s living environment. Environmentalists are the public concerned with strip mining, forest depletion, factory smoke, billboards; with the loss of recreational opportunity; and with the increase in health problems caused by bad air, water, and chemically sprayed food. Environmentalist is a person who tries to prevent the environment from being spoilt. Environmentalists are not against marketing and consumption; they simply want businesses and consumers to operate on more ecological principles. They think the goal of the marketing system should be to maximize life quality of the environment. They require business to invest in antipollution device, taxing nonreturnable bottles, and banning high–phosphate detergents. These measures are as necessary to induce businesses and consumers to act in environmentally sound ways.

Essential grammar. Revision

11. Modal verbs with perfect infinitive.

Translate the sentences

1. A knowledgeable investor should have disregarded a plan with such statement.

2. You could have seen this by looking at the example of the photocopier.

3. The competition may have come from many sources.

________________________________________________________________________Lesson 15. the evaluation of industry

4. Watching you competitors could have helped you understand what customers


5. It is comforting to imagine that widget customers ought to have bought your product instead of the competitor’s.

6. The objective features of your product or service may have been a relatively

small part of the competitive picture.

7. You should have gathered data to support your plan.

12. Should, would

Translate the sentences

1. Anything else should be negotiated as part of your lease.

2. Your home office should reflect your business if customers or clients are

going to visit.

3. You should develop a rewarding social life that’s completely separate from

business life.

4. You should not go into business with friends.

6. I would hate to start a product in a distribution system I didn’t know.

7. In taste tests we got a very high response to the soft drink, but it would have

been beyond our resources to get distribution for a soft drink.

13. Should ought need

Translate the sentences

1. You should work at your English as much as possible.

2. You needn't take part in this research, if you don’t want to.

4. You needn't devote particular attention to this phenomenon, as we have

already studied its effect.

5. The results of the experiments should be checked up very carefully.

6. Every researcher ought to be interested in the results of work.