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2. Explanations to the text

1. ... to enter the field – осваивать поле деятельности.

2. …fight to survive by stealing remaining customers from weakened competitors – борются за выживание, переманивая оставшихся покупателей у ослабевших конкурентов.

3. ... quite dissimilar based on development stage – совершенно различны, если исходить из стадии развития

4. …we can keep fresh product churning. – мы всегда можем иметь свежий товар

3. Key vocabulary / expressions

be well-suited [ welsju:tid] – v соответствовать

brisk – adj сильный

comprise [kəm'praiz] – v включать, содержать; охватывать

go bankrupt ['bækrpt] – обанкротиться; bankruptcy – n банкротство,


inevitable [i´nevitәbl] – adj неизбежный

maturity [mә'tju:riti] – n зрелость; mature adj завершенный

overwhelm – v ошеломлять, подавлять

revenue ['revinju:] – n доход

survive [sз:´vaiv] – v выжить; survival – n выживание

take into account – принимать во внимание

wedding – n свадьба

4. Test your own attention. Find English equivalents in the text

стадии зрелости промышленности__________________________________

освоиться с товаром или услугой___________________________________

объем продаж___________________________________________________

предметы личной гигиены_________________________________________

потребительские товары___________________________________________

предприятия, имеющие отношение к туризму_________________________

не быть подверженным экономическим циклам________________________


5. Make up sentences with the given above word combinations

6. Complete the sentences with the information from the text

1. _____other businesses closely related to that product or service,___________

2. Smaller companies are well-suited___________________________________

3. Such industries as discount department stores__________________________

4. ____________________________are relatively immune to economic cycles.

5. Considering the economic conditions or cycles that affect business_________

6.___________it is imperative that you understand and account_____________

7. We keep historical records of our sales volume_________________________

8. _________________________________may intersect two or more industries.

9. ______________ and used car dealerships are countercyclical, ____________

7. Phonetic Test.

Read the following words correctly

honour, chancellor, quote, fluent, psychology, champagne, bath, asphalt, psalm, guide, chronicles, chef, technology, basic, architecture, question, chief

______________________________________________________________________Lesson 15. the evaluation of industry

8. Prepositional phrasal verbs

Translate the sentences keeping in mind that the prepositions after the verbs change their familiar meaning


1. My car broke down on the way to work.

2. She broke down in tears when she heard the news.

3. He broke off in the middle of his speech.

4. Some people broke out of New York downtown auto crash last night.

5. The crowds managed to break through the police barriers.

6. She’s broken up with her boyfriend.

7. Can you help me break up this box to make firewood?

8. The class is broken down into 5 lessons. They walk users through the rest


9. The trip made a pleasant break.

10. What a pity! The weather has broken.

11. Just give him a break!

12. It was hard for him to break into the publishing world.

9. Word formation

9.1 Translate the words keeping in mind their suffixes

Memorize the words with the same stem

evolve – evolution evolutionist – evolutionism – evolutionary – evolutional

environ – environment – environmentalism – environmentalist – environs

9.2 Give antonyms to the following words

misunderstand, dislike, unlock, nonprofitable, irregular, truthless, dissatisfied, illegal, useless, indifferent, lawless, unskilled, misfortune, nonessential, important, meaningful, displeased, imperfect, unfair, inactive, indefinite.

10. Speaking Practice. Business Practices.

10.1 Match the halves of the following questions.

Could you not smoking, please?

Would you mind switch off your laptop, please?

Can you tell me make sure the letter is received?

Would you please what is the time now, please?

Could I ask you send an e-mail?

Is there somewhere I could borrow your mobile?

to wait for me outside?

10.2 Additional information from practitioners. Read and express your own opinion on the following. What will you do in your business to better deal with an economical downturn?

“With a $100 million company, it is vital that I’m tuned in to what’s happening in our industry and with national and global economic trends, so I can take steps

both in marketing and pricing that will lead my competitors. I look at least six

months ahead. To deal with economic downturns, you must be less aggressive

with pricing. You plan for these times by marshalling your resources and

building up liquidity to take care of the rainy day. The trick is to accurately predict what is happening out there, and to decide whether to scale back on capital expenditures or new acquisitions. Knowing when to pull back differentiates the successes from the potential disasters. And when you can see the bottom of the downturn, resume a more aggressive approach.”

Andre Tatibouet, President, Aston hotels