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Занятие 2

Тема 1.3. Подготовка социальных работников за рубежом.

Время изучения темы: 2 часа.

Цель: Овладеть активной лексикой и основными лексико-грамматическими конструкциями, необходимыми и достаточными для построения монологических и диалогических высказываний.


  1. ознакомить с активной лексикой и тренировать ее

  2. тренировать грамматические модели

  3. тренировка навыков изучающего и информативного чтения, устного высказывания

Этапы занятий и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Направлено на формирование компетенции (20 мин).

  2. Работа над грамматическим материалом: повторение и закрепление употребления времен группы Simple. Направлена на развитие компетенции (25 мин).

Task 1. Choose the correct tense-form.

1. In ancient times medical practice (mix) religious rites and empirical treatments. 2. We (decide) on a definite plan of treatment next week. 3. Yesterday our team (perform) three noninvasive surgeries. 4. Staff meeting (take place) every Monday. 5. In 1993 a new strain of V. cholerae (kill) 5000 people. 6. These new "sulpha drugs" (begin) to be prescribed in vast quantities by 1941. 7. I (see) him a year ago when he (complain) of headaches. 8. At the last visit she (complain) of nausea and vomiting. 9. The committee (consider) three grant applications at their next meeting. 10. The first symptoms (develop) the day before yesterday. 11. We (start) a course of antibiotics the day before yesterday, and now the patient (appear) normal. 12. At our next appointment I (refer) you to an eye specialist. 13. A few minutes later he (to breathe) in the smoke from the fire and it (to make) him cough. 14. The patient (to suffer) from an allergic reaction to oranges but (to refuse) to see his doctor about it.

Task 2. Answer the following sentences.

1. What did your patients present with yesterday? 2. What did you find when you examined your patient yesterday? 3. How long does it take you to examine a patient? 4. Who helps patients to make an appointment with a doctor? 5. How many chapters will your dissertation include? 6. In what chapter will you review the results of the previous studies? 7. When did you graduate from Volgograd medical university? 8. Which courses did you do when you were a medical student? 9. How long does a postgraduate course take? 10. How many patients will you recruit for your study? 11. What problems did your latest article cover? 12. Do you support your scientific supervisor’s views? 13. Which evidence will you provide in your dissertation? 14. What conclusions will you illustrate with diagrams or graphs? 15. What methods did you use to obtain reliable data? 16. Do your findings support or challenge your hypothesis? 17. When did they develop the drug? 18. What did this study result in? 19. What does your study emphasize the need for? 20. What methods do you use to calculate your findings?

Task 3. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the conjunctions either… or; neither… nor; not only … but also.

1. The lesion affects either the kidney or the spleen. 2. You can take the post either of prosthetist or that of laboratory technician. 3. Neither the professor nor the attending doctor noticed anything peculiar about the patient. 4. The outcome will be either death or severe impairment. 5. You can collect your test results either on Friday evening or on Monday morning. 6. Your condition is caused neither by smoking nor chronic stress. 7. Either my colleague or myself am always here from 8 to 5. 8. Not only the lecturer, but also the students were pleased with the examination results. 9. He considered the job not only interesting, but also quite rewarding. 10. Not only doctors but also nurses asked for a rise last week.

  1. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-14 – (45 мин)

Task 1. Read the text “ Training of Social Workers in the United States”.

Task 2. Match the equivalents.

1. to perform assessments

A. to specialize in

2. to explore

B. instruction

3. to meet the needs

C. opportunity

4. to major in

D. to evaluate

5. training

E. to study

6. advancement

F. to defend

7. option

G. to satisfy the needs

8. to advocate

Н. to work as

9. to hold a position

I. promotion

Task 3. Match the opposites.

1. entry-level

A. researcher

2. appointment

B. advanced

3. practitioner

C. dead-hearted

4. sensitive

D. part-time

5. volunteer jobs

E. position

6. full-time

F. independent

7. supervised

G. paid jobs

Task 4. Correct the following statements to make them true to the text.

1. All States have uniform licensing, certification, or registration requirements regarding social work practice and the use of professional titles. 2. Private practitioners must have at least a bachelor’s degree; supervised work experience is not required. 3. A bachelor’s degree is sufficient for professional advancement. 4. Clinical social work requires a bachelor’s degree. 5. Social workers should not care about their clients’ problems. 6. Master's programs last 4 years. 6. Bachelor's degree programs prepare graduates for staff training positions. 7. Accredited bachelor’s programs require a minimum of 900 hours of supervised field experience. 8. Private practitioners are not allowed to be paid by the client themselves. 9. Supervised field experience is not required for a bachelor’s degree. 10. Social workers must be able to maintain good working relationships only with their coworkers.

Task 5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list below:

Degree, licensure; full-time; requirements; postgraduate; qualification; hours; master; practice; research, welfare; bachelor.

There are various routes to becoming a social worker, but you will need to gain a professional ____1______ in social work (usually at degree level) either on a _____2_____ or part-time basis. This is offered at undergraduate and ____3____ master’s level.

A -----4-----‘s degree is the minimum degree required for entry-level employment in social work. Advanced education and experience is necessary for ____5___ at more advanced levels in the field. Students in a Bachelor of Social Work program need to complete a specific number of ___6_____ in a social-work practicum. Common course ___7_____ include the study of human behavior and ____8_____ methods. With a bachelor’s ____9_____, an individual can qualify to be employed as a social worker or enter into a Master of Social Work (MSW) program.

A ____10_____ of Social Work program focuses on clinical skills and developing relationships with clients. These programs take two years to complete. Common course requirements include two semesters of generalist practice, field seminars and study of social _____11_____ policies. During the second year, it’s not uncommon for graduate students to begin clinical ____12____ with individuals and groups.