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Future Continuous Active

Future Continuous Active используется для обозначения:

1) действий, которые будут совершаться в определенный момент будущего: This time tomorrow I will be attending the conference on drugs;

2) запланированных действий в будущем (подобно времени Present Continuous Active): I can’t join you. I will be taking an exam in English.

Для формального выражения Future Continuous Active используется вспомогательный глагол будущего времени (shall/will), неопределенная форма глагола to be без частицы to, а также первая форма глагола с окончанием –ing (ing-form):

shall be

will be doing

Для выражения отрицательного значения используется отрицательная частица not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола (shall/will):

shant be doing

wont be

Вопросительная форма конструируется путем постановки вспомогательного глагола (shall/will) перед подлежащим: Will you be attending to my patients this evening?- Yes, I will/No, I shan’t/won’t.

Task 1. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

  1. The surgeons are trying to find a compatible donor. 2. She was improving, but a complication set in and she died a few hours later. 3. The patient was having difficulties breathing so we put him on a respirator. 4. The hospital is developing a new procedure for dealing with Parkinson’s disease. 5. They are referring the patient to a consultant. 6. The doctor was using a bronchoscope to inspect the inside of the lungs. 7. Dr. Brown will be operating on this patient at 10 a.m. tomorrow. 8. He will be taking a medical history of this patient at 9. 9. The nurse is injecting the patient with insulin. 10. They were stitching the wound when the patient fainted. 11. The physician was feeling the child’s pulse when he started crying. 12. The patient is breathing with difficulty. 13. This time tomorrow I will be meeting my new colleagues. 14. The condition of the patient is aggravating. 15. The cardiologist was interviewing the new patient. 16. This nurse will be looking after you. 17. At the moment the nurse is taking his BP. 18. I was thinking of your case yesterday when you called me. 19. We will be discussing your case at tomorrow’s meeting. 20. The doctor was questioning the patient to make a diagnosis.

Task 2. Put questions to the words in italics.

1. The doctors will be monitoring her for any internal bleeding. 2. The patients in Room 4 are not getting along. 3. We brought Jesse to emergency because he was running a high temperature. 4. I’m just looking for the best vein in which to insert the needle. 5. Cardiovascular disease is becoming more common in Britain. 6. The National Health Service is suffering from cutbacks and underfunding. 7. Some old-fashioned cures for illnesses, such as herbal tablets and remedies, are becoming increasingly popular. 8 When she was little, she was always grazing her knee. 9. Many people are turning to treatments which involve the whole person, including their mental health, rather than just dealing with the symptoms of the illness. 10. Government cutbacks and underfunding are forcing hospitals to close, and waiting lists for treatment are getting longer. 11. Under such circumstances, it is no surprise that more people are turning to private (but expensive) healthcare. 12. The company will be carrying out a scientific study to find a cure for AIDS. 13. Bill was studying the techniques used to change the genetic composition of a cell so as to change certain characteristics which can be inherited. 14. Steve is always playing truant from school. 15. The cancer was not responding to the drug that the doctor had prescribed. 16. The physician will be monitoring the patient’s growth to make sure it isn’t cancerous. 17. The nurse is taking down the patient’s details before the patient goes to the ward. 18. She got a nasty cut on her hand while she was diving. 19. My eyes are itching – this atmosphere is too smoky for me. 20. By the time Bill was admitted, his rapid heart beat had stopped, and he was feeling better. 21. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.

Task 3. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense-form.

1. (Do/Are) you (feel/feeling) nervous when you have exams? 2. (Are/Do) you (feeling/feel) nervous about the next English test? 3. We knew the baby (came/was coming) right away because the woman’s labour pains were acute. 4. I (will take/will be taking) these samples down to the lab on my way out. 5. The ultrasound (suggests/is suggesting) that your wife is seventeen weeks pregnant. 6. She (does/is doing) much better this morning. 7. We had two false negative pregnancy tests, so we didn’t know we (had/were having) a baby. 8. The nurse (will be demonstrating/will demonstrate) how to bathe an infant. 9. The patient has asked for some privacy while her family (is visiting/visits). 10. He (was picking/picked) berries when he got a couple of scratches from the thorns. 11. We thought her legs were paralyzed for life, but she (learns/is learning) how to walk. 12. The ultrasound shows that we (are expecting/expect) a baby boy. 12. The nurse (was inserting/inserted) the needle into the patient’s vein when he suddenly fainted. 13. My family doctor (is referring/refers) me to a specialist. 14. Too many people these days (live/are living) a sedentary lifestyle. 13. Dr. Brady (will be performing /will perform) the rounds of the wards from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m. 14. I couldn’t sleep last night because my knees (ached/were aching) through the whole night. 15. Most doctors (are recommending/recommend) an energetic lifestyle, with plenty of exercise. 16. The doctor says he (will be receiving/will receive) patients in his office at this time tomorrow. 17. I should warn you that we (are entering/enter) the mental health ward. 18. The nurse said she (was looking/looked) through the patients’ medical histories when the doctor came in. 19. (Do/Are) you (snore/snoring)? 20. Dr. Jones is away. You (will see/will be seeing) Dr. Lindsay. 21. If you (are feeling/feel) light-headed again, lie down and wait for me.

Task 4. Answer the following questions.

a) use Present Continuous Active in your answers.

1. Who is delivering a lecture today? 2. Which resident is treating the patient’s wounds now? 3. Which data are you collecting at present? 4. What article are you working at now? 5. Who is the doctor interviewing at the moment? 6. Whose history are you taking right now? 7. Is the patient’s condition improving or getting worse? 8. In what field of medicine are you conducting your current research? 9. What changes are the students calling for in this letter? 10. What drug is the group testing at present?

b) use Past Continuous Active in your answers.

1. What was the lecturer demonstrating when the screen went blank? 2. What were you doing when you caught that cold? 3. What were you doing at 5 yesterday? 4. Which experiment were you making when the professor arrived? 5. Was the nurse still sterilizing the instruments when they started the surgery? 6. Who were you talking to when I met you yesterday? 7. What picture were you showing when you suddenly dropped it? 8. What did you notice when you were examining the patient? 9. What drug was he taking when he developed an allergic reaction? 10. Who was monitoring the trial when I joined the project? 11. What were you doing while the nurse was filling in the patient’s card? 12. What was the patient doing while the nurse was filling a syringe with penicillin?

c) use Future Continuous Active in your answers.

1. What will you be doing tomorrow afternoon? 2. Which patient will he be encountering at 9 o’clock? 3. Which courses will you be doing next term? 4. Which test will you be sitting for at 10 tomorrow? 5. What rules will you be revising all through the night? 6. Which conference will she be attending next month? 7. What exam will you be taking at 8 next Monday? 8. Who will be supervising your research project next year? 9. Which specialist will you be seeing tomorrow morning? 10. What will they be discussing at the next session?

Task 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Кашель у пациента становился все хуже с каждым днем. 2. Эпидемия распространялась очень быстро. 3. Ее состояние постепенно улучшается. 4. Сейчас они разрабатывают новый препарат для лечения почечной недостаточности (renal failure). 5. Вчера он проводил клинические испытания в лаборатории с 10 утра до 18 вечера. 6. Я буду на приеме у кардиолога в это время завтра. 7. Они сейчас используют новое оборудование для своего эксперимента. 8. Завтра в 11 часов я делаю доклад об этом открытии. 9. Они начинают производить новую вакцину в этом месяце. 10. Врач измерял давление пациента, в то время как медсестра готовила повязку на рану. 11. Врачи предпринимают сейчас все необходимые меры, чтобы предотвратить рецидив заболевания. 12. Сейчас врач записывает в карту пациента данные его физикального осмотра. 13. Уровень сахара в крови больного постепенно снижается.

  1. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-14 – (30 мин)