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Занятие 2

Тема 2.2. Основная проблематика специальности «Социальная работа».

Продолжительность занятия: 2 часа.

Цель: Овладеть активной лексикой и основными лексико-грамматическими конструкциями, необходимыми и достаточными для построения монологических и диалогических высказываний.


  1. ознакомить с активной лексикой и тренировать ее

  2. тренировать грамматические модели

  3. тренировка навыков изучающего и информативного чтения, устного высказывания

Этапы занятий и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Направлено на формирование компетенции (20 мин).

  2. Работа над грамматическим материалом: повторение и закрепление употребления Modal Verbs. Направлена на развитие компетенции (25 мин).

Should and ought

 Эти глаголы едва ли различаются по значению за исключением следующих особенностей употребления:

- ought to чаще выражает моральный долг, обязанность и поэтому стилистически «сильнее», чем should;

- за глаголом ought следует инфинитив с частицей to, а после should частица не ставится.



Моральное обязательство, долг (moral obligation, duty)

A doctor ought to help the sick.

The young should help the old.

Совет (advice)

You should be more careful in your statements. They are just a hypothesis.

Критика, упрёк (criticism, disapproval, reproach)

The temperature was very high, you shouldn’t let her go.

You should have listened more carefully. In this case you could have avoided the overdosage.

Сожаление (regret)

I should have sent him a preprint of my report beforehand.


Task 1. Analyze the following sentences. Explain the meaning of should and ought to.

1. I think the government ought to do something about the economy. 2. You should not smoke so much. 3. It's late. The boy should go to bed. 4.They should be invited to our conference 5. You should apologize. 6. Pharmacists ought to pay attention to the dosage of a drug. 7. I think everybody should learn a foreign language. 8. You shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers. 9. It was a great seminar in Biochemistry yesterday. You should have come. 10. Doctors ought to be patient while dealing with children and the old. 11. You shouldn’t have told him the whole truth. It hurts. 12. Teachers shouldn’t complain about their pupils. They are to find a better way out.

Task 2. Complete the sentences using should/ ought to (in corresponding forms). Explain the meaning of each sentence.

1. You have a terrible cough. I think you … go out without a scarf. 2. They are in danger. We … help them. 3. Everyone … obey the laws. 4. The child feels sick. He … have eaten so many sweets. 5. You …. find a more experienced specialist. 6. This drug…. be ordered only by prescription. 7. You …. hire a taxi. The luggage is too heavy. 8. Parents …. respect the children’s opinion. 9. You …. be more attentive to the claims. It is your duty. 10. A good doctor ….give the feeling of safety and assurance. 11. The drinking water … be purified. 12. When you go out in autumn you …. take an umbrella.

  1. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-14 – (45 мин).

Task 1. Read and translate the text “Social Work overview”.

Task 2. Change the sentences using the following pattern:

To enable smb to do smth

E. g. Their support enables service users to help themselves.

1. Special training allows social workers to deal with psychological family problems. 2. Rehabilitation counseling gives people with disabilities the opportunity to achieve their personal and career goals through a counseling process. 3. Psychotherapy helped him to improve his psychological condition. Drug rehabilitation allowed him to get rid of his dependancy on psychoactive drugs. 4. Provision of workshops will make it possible for them to learn how to deal with students with less than optimum behavior. 5. Group work counseling helped them to learn how to normally interact with other people. 6. The assistance provided by an occupational social worker gave her an opportunity to find a good job. 7. The court decision provided her parents with an opportunity to get ongoing counseling. 8. The help a social worker helped her to overcome her psychological crisis. 9. Individual counseling helped them to better understand people they tried to help.

Task 3. a) Choose the problems which are normally handled by social workers. Give reasons.

  • Matchmaking

  • Mental health therapy

  • Disaster relief

  • Medical care

  • Military and veterans' service

  • Community and rural health

  • Child abuse and neglect

  • Manual massage

  • Adoption and foster care

  • Homeless family assistance

  • Domestic violence

  • Hypnosis и group psychotherapy

  • Parent education

  • Eating disorders

  • Addiction prevention and treatment

  • Real estate agent services

  • Outpatient training

  • Housing assistance

  • Employment services

b) Describe their responsibilities using the patterns: Social workers handle/do not handle the problem of…

or Social workers deal with such issues as … .

Task 4. Read the sentences below. Say which of them speak about benefits and which about the challenges of the profession.

1. That’s a profession that involves helping individuals and communities, and making a positive difference in the lives of others. 2. Social workers must help people cope with and solve difficult issues in their everyday lives. 3. They deal with the biggest and most damaging problems in modern society. 4. Social workers are routinely faced with situations caused by poverty, discrimination, abuse, addiction, physical illness, divorce, loss, unemployment, educational problems, disability and mental illness. 5. Social work requires a deep-seated knowledge of human development and behavior; of social, economic, and cultural institutions; and of the interaction of all these factors. 6. Many social workers have to travel to rural communities or handle emergency situations. 7. Social workers are employed in a variety of settings, including hospitals, mental health clinics, schools, nonprofit agencies and government offices. 8. Your social worker job intrinsically involves you with other people's lives and problems and can, therefore, be emotionally draining. 9. Many hospitals that employ social workers recognize the important role they play in patients' lives and are seeking ways to ease the burden of their caseloads. 10. The social work profession is critical to society because it promotes "social change and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being."