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Занятие 9

Тема 2.1. Основные проблемы формирования личности.Физиологический, когнитивный, социальный аспекты.

Продолжительность занятия: 2 часа.

Цель: Овладеть активной лексикой и основными лексико-грамматическими конструкциями, необходимыми и достаточными для построения монологических и диалогических высказываний.


  1. ознакомить с активной лексикой и тренировать ее

  2. тренировать грамматические модели

  3. тренировка навыков изучающего и информативного чтения, устного высказывания

Этапы занятий и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Направлено на формирование компетенции (20 мин).

  2. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-14 – (70 мин).

Task 1. Read the text “Personality Development”.

Task 2. Learn the following pattern:

To make sb + adjective

To make sb do sth

E. g. An individual's personality is the complex of mental characteristics that makes them unique from other people

Change the following sentences using the pattern:

1. Children are given allowances and small jobs around the house to teach them how to be responsible for themselves. 2. Such things as having alcoholic parents, being seriously injured in a car accident can leave mental scars and we become fearful and less trusting. 3. Children are usually raised in ways that encourage them to become self-reliant and independent. 4. Your poor school performance can cause a feeling that you are inadequate or a failure to some degree. 5. Parents encourage girls to learn how to do domestic tasks and to participate in child rearing by baby-sitting. 6. People in China encourage their children to suppress their own wishes when they are in conflict with the needs of the family. 7. The psychologist’s words were helpful and he felt much better. 8. His parents raised him to be an independent and self-reliant person.

Task 3. What is the role of each of the phenomena listed below in personality development:

  • emotional tone

  • temperament

  • personality traits

  • values

  • beliefs

  • expectations

Which of them

  • predetermine personality

  • color personality

  • shaped by personality

Task 4. According to Erikson, a child encounters a psychosocial challenge at each stage. If the child successfully resolves the issue, the child develops a positive social trait and progresses to the next stage. Try to guess Erikson’s correlation between the age range and the issue the child is concerned is at this stage. Number the stages in their chronological order.

1. Stage …Autonomy versus guilt: Am I good or bad?

A. Ages: 1-3 years

2. Stage…Trust versus mistrust: Is my word predictable and supportive?

B. Ages: middle adult

3. Stage… Autonomy versus shame and doubt: Can I do things myself or must I rely on others?

C. Ages: Young adult

4. Stage… Ego integrity versus despair: Have I lived a full life?

D. Ages: 3-6years

5. Stage… Generativity versus stagnation: Will I succeed in life?

E. Ages: early teens

6. Stage… Industry versus inferiority: Am I successful or worthless?

F. Ages: early infancy

7. Stage… Identity versus role confusion: Who am I?

G. Ages: older adult

8. Stage… Intimacy versus isolation: Shall I share my life with someone or live alone?

H. Ages: 6-12 years

Task 5. Read the terms below and try to guess what they mean. Choose the correct term to complete the sentence:

Telegraphic speech; socialization, democratic families; egocentric; maturation.

1. In __________, adults develop a parenting style in which children participate in decisions affecting their lives.

2. Seeing and thinking of the world only from one’s own standpoint is called ________ thinking.

3. Children at around age 2 use _____________ in which the words are left out but the message gets across.

4. The study of changes that occur as an individual matures is ____________.

5. Learning the rules of behaviour of one’s culture is called ____________.

Task 6. Test your intuitions bout behaviour by answering true or false to the statements below.

  1. The behaviour of most lower animals – insects, reptiles and amphibians, most rodents, and birds – is instinctive and unaffected by learning.

  2. For the first week of life a baby sees nothing but shades of gray-blue regardless of where he or she looks.

  3. A child learns to talk more quickly if the adults around the child habitually repeat the word he or she is trying to say, using proper pronunciation.

  4. The best way to get a chronically noisy child to settle down and pay attention is to punish him or her.

  5. Slow learners remember more of what they learn than fast learners.

  6. Highly intelligent people, geniuses, tend to be physically frail and socially isolated.

  7. On the average , you cannot predict from a person’s grades at school and college whether he or she will do well in a career.

  8. Most stereotypes are completely true.

  9. In small amounts, alcohol is a stimulant.

  10. The largest drug problem in the United States, in terms of the number of people affected, is marijana.

  11. Psychiatry is a subdivision of psychology.

  12. Most developmentally handicapped people also have psychological disorders.

  13. A third or more of the people suffering from severe psychological disorders are potentially dangerous.

  14. Electroshock therapy is an outmoded technique rarely used in today’s mental hospitals.

  15. The more severe the disorder, the more intensive the therapy required to cure it; for example, schizophrenics usually respond best to psychoanalysis.

  16. Nearly all the psychological characteristics of men and women appear to be inborn; in all cultures, for example, women are more emotional and sexually less aggressive than man.

  17. No reputable psychologist takes seriously such irrational phenomena as ESP, hypnosis, or the bizarre mental and physical achievements of Eastern yogis.

Task 6. Describe the process by which the children learn to talk.

Task 7. Define socialization and explain why it is so important to development.

Task 8. Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

1. Personality can be expressed … the person’s behavioural patterns. 2. She has been absent from work due … illness. 3. Mary Richmond contributed … the development of social diagnostics. 4. Psychological aid can prevent a person … feeling lonely and frustrated. 5. Which factors are involved … personality development? 6. A number of environmental factors have an impact … the process of socialization. 7. Many researchers pointed … the need for a new approach to this problem. 8. In Russia, many children are raised … ways that encourage them to be determined and independent. 9. Which factors affected … your decision to become a clinical psychologist/social worker? 10. The girl was ridiculed … her stammering. 11. What household chores are you responsible …? 12. Psychologists can also help normal children who are … conflict … their parents. 13. In eastern communities it is uncommon for young people to act as equals … their older relatives. 14. Our students participate both … academic and extracurricular activities.

Task 9. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Какие факторы участвуют в формировании личности? 2. Личность человека может получить выражение в его поступках и поведении. 3. В детстве ее часто высмеивали за то, что она была «пацанкой». 4. Воспитание включает формирование представлений о том, какое поведение приемлемо. 5. Чтение книг является важным способом развития (духовного обогащения) личности. 6. В нашей семье детям на разрешают вести себя на равных со взрослыми. 7. В США детей обычно воспитывают, способствуя тому, чтобы они становились самостоятельными. 8. Активное участие вo внеучебной деятельности внесло значительный вклад в развитие его личности. 9. Они никогда не заставляли (побуждали) своих детей подавлять собственные желания, если они расходились с интересами семьи. 10. Развод сделал его более агрессивным и менее доверчивым. 11. Его заболевание помешало ему написать контрольную вовремя. 12. Каким образом генетически унаследованные физические и умственные способности повлияли на формирование ее личности? 13. Неуважание к старшим рассматривается как указание на плохое воспитание. 14. Формирование ценностей является следствием процесса социализации и уникального опыта. 15. Она мечтала найти работу, соответствующую (подходящую) ее квалификации и способностям.