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Task 1. Study the following words and word-combinations.

Social maturity – социальная зрелость; alcoholism and drug abuse – злоупотребление алкоголем и наркотиками; appreciation – понимание, правильное восприятие, умение хорошо разбираться в чем-либо; to be preoccupied with – быть занятым, озабоченным чем-либо; to be embedded in – быть погруженным в, окруженным чем-либо, проникнуться чем-либо; awareness – осознание, познание; value – ценность; commitment – приверженность, обязательство; whim – прихоть, каприз; diversity – разнообразие, многообразие; coherent – последовательный, упорядоченный: to realize – понимать, осознавать.

Task 2. Read and translate the text below.

Social Maturity

(1) Social maturity has to do with how well people understand the nature of the social world they live within. Social maturity is what enables us to function as healthy adults. Without it, we end up having a difficult time ourselves, or causing a lot of difficult times for other people. A high degree of social maturity has something to do with a high degree of social skill, but these two things are not the same.

(2) Children are by definition, socially immature, and nobody wants them to stay that way as they grow into adults. Social immaturity in adults is both a societal problem and also a personal problem for affected individuals, their families, and their employers. Social immaturity either plays an important role in maintaining multiple mental disorders Social immaturity is also quite frequently associated with long term alcoholism and/or drug abuse.

(3) Children pass through predictable developmental stages in which their minds develop in complexity and appreciation (ability to accurately understand) of reality. Piaget proposed four basic stages through which the development of thinking abilities must pass. He labeled these stages: "Sensorimotor", "Pre-Operational", "Concrete-Operations" and "Formal-Operations". These stages always occur in this particular order, and are for the most part linked to particular ages of life. The sensorimotor stage covers between 0 and 2 years, pre-operations covers between 2 and 5 years, concrete-operations between 6 and 10 years, and formal operations covering age 11 and beyond.

The first Sensorimotor stage is so-named because babies who are in this stage are basically preoccupied with the task of learning how to operate their bodies and interpret their senses. At around age two, babies' minds first become really capable of understanding that other people and objects exist that are separate from themselves. Before this time, babies are thinking that everything is them. Babies at this second stage are aware that they are separate than those things around them, but they still don't really get how all these different things interrelate. Young children between 2-5 years (pre-operations) can be taught to count and to do simple adding and subtracting sorts of operations, but the vast majority of those kids are simply memorizing these operations – they don't "get" or understand how those operations actually work. Between ages 6-10, kids enter the Concrete Operations stage. Simple addition and subtraction are concrete operations, because it is easy to imagine some number of things, and then to take away a few of those things. At the formal operations stage you become capable of adding and subtracting new types of things that you have never seen and which maybe don't even exist.

(4) Social maturity develops in successive layers progressing from the most simple understanding to more and more complex understandings of the social world.

There are several stages of social maturity. At the first stage (incorporative stage) the sense of self is not developed at this point in time. The baby is embedded in its sensory experience and has no other awareness.

At some point it occurs to the baby that it has reflexes that it can use and senses that it can experience. The sense of self emerges from the knowledge that there are things in the world that aren't self (like reflexes and senses). This second period of social appreciation development is called Impulsive, to suggest that the child is now embedded in impulses – which are those things that coordinate reflexes.

At the Imperial stage the child as "little dictator" is born. The child is now aware that it has needs (rather than is needs), it also starts to become aware that it can consciously manipulate things to get its needs satisfied.

The Interpersonal period that follows next starts with the first moment when the child comes to understand that there are actually other people out there in the world whose needs need to be taken into account along side their own.

As the child's sense of self continues to develop, the child acquires values, or commitments to ideas and beliefs and principles which are larger and more permanent than its own passing whims and fears. (Institutional period). Further, children (or adults) who achieve this level of social maturity understand the need for laws and for ethical codes that work to govern everyone's behavior.

The next evolution of self understanding (Interindividual stage) occurs when the child (by now probably an adult) starts to realize that there is a diversity of ways that someone might act in accordance with a coherent value system (though not necessarily one's own value system).

Task 3. Match the following verbs and nouns to make phrases used in the text.

1. to pass through

A. adults

2. to play

B. simple adding and subtracting operations

3. to do

C. social maturity

4. to take into

D. a role

5. to grow into

E. a stage

6. to satisfy

F. one’s behaviour

7. to achieve

G. values

8. to govern

H. account

9. to acquire

I. needs

Task 4. Pick out all the words and word-combinations from the text whose meaning is понять, осознать что-либо. Fill the gaps with appropriate words.

1. I don't really … how he could persuade her to help him. 2. She … not … how bad her father’s condition was. 3. By the age of 5 children … … of other people’s wishes. 4. The parents were glad that she finally … … that she should consider other people’s feelings. 5. Only a few years later he … … how badly he treated his parents. 6. He was wrong but he didn’t … his mistake.