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Vignette #3

Task 3. Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1. She managed to enroll her client … the right therapeutic session. 2. Her weakened willpower was overrun … the craving … drugs. 3. Addiction social workers are typically responsible … maintaining full documentation of the treatments. 4. What other specialists can participate …the client’s struggle … addiction together with social workers? 5. Treatment of addicts requires a commitment … helping patients recover. 6. Addiction often stems … traumatic life events. 7. Each member contributes his or her expertise … developing patient care plans. 8. Addiction social workers help addicts address … the psychological issues that arise … therapy. 9. Treatments may consist … lifestyle recommendations and any medications prescribed … the physician. 10. Last month he applied … a food stamp.

Task 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Зависимость создает большие проблемы не только для людей, страдающих от нее, но и для всех, кто обеспечивает уход за ними. 2. Успешное лечение приносит клиентам чувство удовлетворения. 3. Социальные работники, занимающиеся проблемой зависимости, уделяют много времени контролю за выполнением указаний врача.. 4. Они также помогают своим клиентам обращаться за получением жилья для малообеспеченных. 5. Преданные своему делу социальные работники будут продолжать усердно работать со своими клиентами. 6. Социальные работники, занимающиеся проблемой зависимости, должны демонстрировать неизменную приверженность помогать своим клиентам. 7. Помогать людям, страдающим от наркозависимости, очень сложно. 8. Кто отвечает за предоставление обновленной информации специалистам, работающим с людьми, страдающими от наркотической зависимости? 9. Социальные работники оказывают поддержку и ободрение, которые необходимы их клиентам для выздоровления. 10. Какие социальные проблемы могут способствовать отягощению зависиости?

Task 5. Read the advertisement below providing information on addiction treatment and substance abuse treatment centers. Make your own advertisement of a similar center using the information from this text and the text “Addiction Social Worker”.

Addiction Treatment & Substance Abuse Treatment Centers – Helping You Get Back On Your Feet.

At Steps to Recovery, our passion is helping our clients and their families get back on the right track by recommending treatment options such as substance abuse treatment centers. We at Steps to Recovery understand the commitment and support that is needed to get through this long and difficult journey. A residential treatment center will provide you with the education, guidance and support necessary to reach the ultimate goal of recovery.

The needs of our clients are the number one focus and we take that into consideration when referring you to a substance abuse treatment center. We make sure that the expectations both from the family and the client are realistic as far as what to expect from addiction treatment. No single approach is used for every client and this ensures that their specific needs may be met. By providing the client with honest and valuable recourses, they are able to make an informed decision regarding their treatment options. All of our treatment options are evidence-based, pragmatic, and holistic, making sure that the client’s needs as a whole are fulfilled.

The journey to recovery requires long term commitment and support from people who care. The intervention services and personalized addiction treatments provided are offered by a team that understands personally the tragic effects that drug addiction and alcoholism can come with. Our team at Steps to Recovery strives to offer the highest quality of support and treatment options to improve the lives of our clients and the friends and family closest to them. With the help of Steps to Recovery and our network of substance abuse treatment centers, we can have your family back on the right track to a better life.