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Task 1. Read and translate the text “About Geriatric Social Work”.

Task 2. Try to think of what sensitive listening might mean. Which of these techniques would you include/not include in sensitive listening? Give reasons using the pattern and the prompts below:

e.g: Sensitive listening involves/does not involve … as the latter helps/does not help to

Suggested techniques: displaying affection; showing respect; showing superiority; demonstrating empathy; analyzing both verbal and non-verbal behaviour; frequent interruptions; demonstrating sympathy; showing concern; (по книжкам еще посмотреть)

Prompts: to establish rapport between a social worker and their clients; to build a close relationship between a social worker and their clients; to actually understand what the client experiences; to offer support and encouragement to the client; to overcome communication barriers; to facilitate communication.

Task 3. Study the following words:

To work inside of/for

To be employed by

Use the information from the text “About Geriatric Social Work” to speak about the settings in which social workers can work/be employed.

Занятие 7

Тема 2.2. Основная проблематика специальности «Социальная работа».

Продолжительность занятия: 2 часа.

Цель: Овладеть активной лексикой и основными лексико-грамматическими конструкциями, необходимыми и достаточными для построения монологических и диалогических высказываний.


  1. ознакомить с активной лексикой и тренировать ее

  2. тренировать грамматические модели

  3. тренировка навыков изучающего и информативного чтения, устного высказывания

Этапы занятий и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Направлено на формирование компетенции (20 мин).

  2. Изучающее чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ОК-14 – (70 мин).

Tetx A

Task 1. Read the text below.

Communicating with Elderly Parents

Talking with our elderly parents about their living situations and the possible need for change is not always easy. A successful conversation depends to an extent upon the relationship we have with the parent, as well, of course, as on the parent's mental, emotional and physical condition. While many people put off serious conversations to avoid conflict or awkwardness, both parent and adult child may lose an opportunity for closeness, understanding, access to information that may affect the decision, and optimum peace of mind.

To the extent possible, talk with your elderly parents gently and honestly about their wishes, their abilities and their options. Far more often than not, these conversations are helpful and put the adult child in a better position to make decisions later when the parent may not be able to do so. The following are suggestions for conversations with your elderly parent:

  1. Share your own feelings, and reassure the parent that you will support them and can be depended upon to help them solve their problems.

  2. Help the parent to retain whatever control is possible in making his or her own decisions. Respect and try to honor their wishes wherever feasible.

  3. Encourage the smallest change possible at each step, so that the parent is more able to adjust to the change.

  4. Educate yourself on legal, financial and medical matters that pertain to your parent as background for your conversations, including current knowledge on the aging process.

  5. Respect your own needs - be honest with your parents about your time and energy limits.

Task 2. Match the suggestions for conversations from the text to the role which they can play in adult child-elderly parent relationship.


  1. Strengthens the authority of an adult child as knowledgeable and a trustworthy person.

  2. Enhances self-respect and confidence of an elderly parent.

  3. Increases emotional proximity between an adult child and elderly parent.

  4. Helps an elderly parent to take changes positively

  5. Channels/Biases the conversation into/at the problem-solving context

Tetx B

Task 1. Read the text below.