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Future Perfect Active

Future Perfect Active используется для обозначения действий, которые будут завершены к определенному моменту будущего: I think the liver will have arrived by the time we begin the transplantation.

Для формального выражения этого времени используются: глагол will + have + глагол с окончанием ed или третья форма глагола (для неправильных глаголов). Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после will. Вопросительная форма образуется путем постановки глагола will в позицию перед подлежащим.

Task 1. Change the sentences from Present Perfect into Past Perfect and Future Perfect. Change the adverbial context.

1. The doctor has referred the patient to the X-ray examination. 2. According to a study released on Sunday, children's dental problems have already reached epidemic proportions in California. 3. Today I have made you an appointment with a gastroenterologist. 4. So far no study has examined whether patients who experience a diagnostic error have any common characteristics. 5. The doctor has just examined a deep wound in the patient’s leg. 6. I have already revised Chapters 7 and 8 of my textbook. 7. Recently the American Heart Association (AHA) has published guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki syndrome. 8. The nurse has just given an injection to the patient. 9. I have just included some new methods of research into my work. 10. His mother has already had three rounds of chemotherapy. 11. The lab results have just come in and you are free to go home. 12. This woman has lost a lot of blood - she might require a blood transfusion. 13. The nurse has just washed the patient’s eye with boric acid. 14. The doctor has prolonged the course of treatment as the patient’s condition is not improving. 15. The patient has developed painful bedsores as he doesn’t get up or take a walk. 16. We have just performed a biopsy which helped us to rule out a number of illnesses. 17. The patient’s condition has considerably improved. 18. Some students of our group have made marked progress in English. 19. The operation has just been performed under local anaesthesia. 20. The physician has taken the patient’s medical history. 21. He has just repeated his experiment.

Task 2. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Until recently chronic pain after surgery has been a neglected topic. 2. Laparoscopic surgery has had a significant impact on all surgical disciplines. 3. In the last decade transvaginal ultrasound has proven to be more accurate than transabdominal ultrasound in the diagnosis of early pregnancy and its complications. 4. Plaque pH studies have shown that consuming cheese following a sugary snack virtually abolishes the usual fall in pH that is associated with sugar consumption. 5. On palpation the physician has determined that the liver is considerably enlarged. 6. Theories of origin of acardius have changed throughout the centuries. 7. Serotyping has been useful for the description of the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics associated with Cryptococcus neoformans. 8. Antibiotics effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been widely available for a half century. 9. Palpation and percussion of the liver had supplied important evidence for the diagnosis. 10. Infant heart transplantation has been undertaken in many centers as a treatment strategy for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. 11. In vitro, glucosamine sulphate has been demonstrated to reduce prostoglandin E2 production. 12. Mrs Brady has suffered from terrible rheumatism for years. 13. Numerous studies have shown that the presence of fluoride greatly enhances the rate of remineralization of demineralized enamel and dentin. 14. The incidence of skin cancer has risen rapidly in the UK over the last 20 years. 15. During the past two decades, the prevalence of obesity in adults has nearly doubled, from 15% to an estimated 27%. 16. Her symptoms have been relieved after a month’s treatment. 17. Retrospective studies have estimated that 5% to 10% of cases of chronic rhinosinusitis requiring surgical intervention are caused by allergic fungal sinusitis. 18. Escherichia coli has been associated with numerous worldwide outbreaks of human food-borne illnesses. 19. This patient has just received an injection of streptomycin. 20. Several studies have examined the efficacy of treatment interventions for anorexia and bulimia. 21. Researchers have proved that gastric and duodenal ulcers result from disturbances in the central nervous system.

Task 3. Put questions to the words in italics.

1. Recent studies have shown that the up-regulation of COX-2 (cyclooxygenase-2) is associated with a variety of cancers, including tumors of the lung, colon, breast, prostate, pancreas, skin, stomach, liver, and ovaries. 2. The decline in dental caries prevalence in recent decades has been explained by the widespread use of fluoride. 3. The responses to surgery have been of interest to scientists for many years. 4. Comparative studies of different toothbrushing methods have yielded conflicting results because each technique has its own pros and cons. 5. Investigations in healthy subjects have shown a statistically significant decrease in intraocular pressure during all trimesters of pregnancy. 6. Laparoscopic surgery has come a long way since its introduction two decades ago. 7. For decades, stress reduction strategies have been an important aspect of childbirth education. 8. Acute kidney injury has been associated with increased mortality in a variety of clinical settings. 9. This clinical trial has confirmed that lactulose enhances the absorptions of Ca and Mg. 10. Over the last several decades, gram-negative organisms have emerged as the most common etiologic agents of invasive infection. 11. Several studies have described no change in sleep disturbances in patients on dialysis or those who underwent renal transplantation. 12. The use of antibiotics has become standard in the treatment of surgical infections. 13. Some adult studies have found ultrasonography to be a useful tool in patients with scleroderma. 14. Recently several researchers have hypothesized that climatic factors somehow cause species to originate more quickly in tropical regions. 15. Researchers have discovered a potential new way to treat childhood epilepsy using a widely available therapeutic drug. 16. We have noticed that fewer and fewer students are joining the course. 17. Studies have shown that premature infants have an increased risk for developing dental problems such as: delayed tooth eruption, enamel hypoplasia, etc. 18. Numerous controlled clinical investigations have consistently demonstrated the cariostatic properties of fluoride provided in a variety of manners. 19. Numerous countries have launched public awareness campaigns in an effort to reduce skin cancer incidence and mortality rates. 20. The increase in the prevalence of obesity has prompted the development of the medical specialty of bariatrics (from the Greek word baros, meaning weight). 21. A number of studies have estimated that between 55% and 88% of patients with chronic nonmalignant pain disorders have significant sleep complaints.