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Tour guides

The person who accompanies a group of holiday makers on a packaged tour is variously known as tour guide, leader, manager, director or (US only) escort.

The tour leader may be an employee of the tour operator, a freelancer or (less usually) someone who is operating (i.e. designing, marketing and leading) his or her own tour.

Company employees are expected to project the company image. Officially the job of tour guide consists of representing the company, meeting and/or accompanying a group (usually on a coach), providing commentary, reconfirming accommodation and activity arrangements (which should have been put in place by the employing tour operator), helping with luggage, sorting out problems and generally creating an enjoyable atmosphere for the clients. This is quite a tall order, but first it is necessary to understand the range of possibilities in the world of tour leading and guiding.

The rewards are those which attract most people into the tourism business in the first place: the chance to travel, a desire to work with people and the chance to take responsibility. Many prominent members of tourist industry started out as guides or reps as their first step on the career ladder.

Task 1. Answer the questions.

  1. Which of the above jobs seems most attractive to you? Why?

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each job?

  3. Why are tour operators so particular about selecting their employees?

  4. Why do they offer training for their employees?

  5. What qualities are required for a job of a rep?

  6. What makes it a difficult job?

  7. What does a job of a tour guide involve?

  8. What rewards are offered to those who become committed to their careers in tourism?

Task 2. Say what you’ve learned from the text about

  1. tour operators;

  2. reps;

  3. tour guides.

Step 6 Test tasks

Task 1. What is the English for

  1. основные черты (характеристики);

  2. быстрый рост индустрии туризма;

  3. более основательная финансовая база;

  4. оставить без средств, в трудном финансовом положении;

  5. возникновение ‘пакетных’ туров;

  6. стимул для улучшения показателей работы;

  7. без дополнительных льгот;

  8. основное развлечение / главная привлекательная черта;

  9. говорящий на нескольких иностранных языках;

  10. усталость;

  11. значительная экономия средств; доступность;

  12. труднодоступные места;

  13. турист-одиночка («дикарь»);

  14. ценовые льготы.

Task 2. Give the definitions for the following words or phrases.

  1. to be left stranded;

  2. transfer;

  3. independent traveller;

  4. chartering;

  5. self-catering facilities;

  6. a carrier;

  7. a packaged tour;

  8. room allocation; a rep;

  9. a tour guide;

  1. a hotelier;

  2. itinerary;

  3. bulk purchase.

Task 3. Complete this letter to Mrs. Marinelli basing on the words given. Pay special attention to grammar.

Dear Mrs. Marinelli

1'his is to confirm our recent discussions. At the meeting / hold / 25 January / it/agree that:

500 rooms with sea view/ make available/ Grand Canyon hotel / 30 March 25 November/weekly basis.

We /require / inform the hotelier/4 weeks advance / if we wish our allocation / cancel. The account settle /1 month after close / of the holiday period i.e. by or before 25 December.

It bring / attention / tour information / not display / last year.

Therefore suitable space / must provide / for our company leaflets and notices/display.

We trust we are in agreement on all these points.

I remain / disposal/ raise / further points.

It has also come notice/ your copy of the contract / never return. /I grateful/ complete / without delay / return to our Head office It note / this agreement / valid / 2 years. / 6 months / notice / require in writing / in order it / terminate.

Yours sincerely...

Task 4. Say it in English.

Туроператоры - это фирмы, которые занимаются организацией, включая транспорт, проживание, программы развлечений и отдыха туристов.

Они являются «оптовыми» продавцами туристического бизнеса, в то время как агенты продают создаваемые ими услуги.

Развитие туристического бизнеса привело к тому, что фирмы- операторы вынуждены были совершенствовать методы ведения дел. Им приходится иметь дело с огромным диапазоном потребностей туристов и оказывать широкий спектр услуг.

Преимущества «пакетных туров» стали очевидны с момента их возникновения. Туризм стал массовым именно потому, что подобные туры позволяли туристам экономить, и тем самым сделали отдых доступным широким слоям населения. Удобно заказывать поездку со всеми удобствами в одном месте и по сходной цене, особенно когда все хлопоты, связанные с организацией отдыха, доверены туристической фирме.

Поэтому на туристические фирмы ложится огромная ответственность - оправдать надежды клиентов и обеспечить здоровый, безопасный и увлекательный отдых.

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