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Беззатеева, Воскр.-2008.doc
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XXIV. Work in pairs

a) Put 4 – 6 questions to each part of the text.

b) Compose a short plan to the text.

  1. Find sentences in each passage that are not so necessary and important for the retelling of the text.

  1. Compose a conversation on the effects of inflation.




I. Remember the correct pronunciation of these words

exhibition [eksɪ'bɪ∫ən]

advertize ['ædvətaɪz]

Milan [mɪ'læn]

Hanover ['ha:nәuvə]

Poznan ['pə:zna:n]

Tokyo ['tәukjәu]

Peking [pi:'kɪη]

II. Learn the following English terms and their Russian equivalents. Give your sentences with them

an eye-opening experience – наглядная демонстрация, показ, позволяющая воочию убедиться в чём-то

to promote – продвигать, способствовать, содействовать

overseas – за рубежом

facilities – помещения

to allocate – размещать, распределять, выделять, ассигновать.

III. Read the following verbs and pay attention to the prepositions used after them

to allocate to … to differ from …

to allocate for … to differ in …

IV. Listen, read and translate the text


Fairs and exhibitions offer exporters an excellent opportunity to show what they have for sale, to make contacts and to learn about a market quickly and easily. Every exhibition is an eye-opening experience and also a method to advertize products.

Some 300 exhibitions, of which about 200 were trade fairs, were held last years. The number of trade fairs has more than trebled in the last ten years. Some of the specialized fairs, such as the Motor Show and the Royal Agricultural Show, attract large numbers of the public as well as many trade buyers from home and overseas and provide an important means of advertising and selling British goods.

United Kingdom products are shown at most of the large international trade fairs throughout the world. For example, the United Kingdom is usually well represented at the Milan, Hanover and Poznan Fairs. In addition, through a subsidiary company, British Overseas Fairs, Ltd., the FBI has organized British Trade Fairs in ten major cities abroad, including the British Exhibition in Tokyo. British Trade Fairs were, also organized by Industrial and Trade Fairs Ltd., in Moscow and Peking. United Kingdom manufactures have been prominent at the many important specialized international fairs which are held in North America and Europe.

Participation in trade fairs, «British Weeks» and store promotions overseas is a form of export promotion for which the Government provides information, advice and, in certain cases, free facilities. The amount allocated to the Board of Trade for these purposes has risen several times. British weeks differ from trade fairs and exhibitions in that they are primarily designed to promote consumer goods in shops and other retail outlets in chosen commercial centres overseas.

Grammar practice

V. Find in the text some sentences in the Active Voice, copy them into your exercise books, give simple grammar analysis of these sentences.

VI. Find in the text some sentences in the Passive Voice, copy them into your exercise books, give simple grammar analysis of these sentences.

VII. Find in the text sentences with the Participles and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.


VIII. Look through the text to find the English equivalents of the following words and give your sentences with them

торговая ярмарка; отраслевая ярмарка; способ продвижения товара; участие в ярмарке; предоставить информацию; международная торговая ярмарка; участие в торговых ярмарках; экспортное продвижение; Британская выставка; коммерческие центры за рубежом.

IX. Find in the text the sentences that correspond to the following statements

  1. Fairs and exhibitions suggest a chance to present the goods for sale.

  2. Every exhibition is a visual undertaking and a means to promote goods.

  3. The branch fairs draw attention of many home and foreign buyers as an effective method of promoting goods.

  4. British goods are exhibited at many large trade fairs through the whole world.

  5. U.K. producers were remarkable at many fairs.

  6. Taking part in overseas fairs is the way of getting information.

  7. The sums assigned for participation in trade Fairs are great.

  8. «British weeks» were originally designed to push forward commodity in retail enterprises.