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X. Find in the dictionary the definitions of the synonyms with the meaning of «прибыль, доход»

dividend, profit, earning, income, reward, advantage, yield, receipt, revenue.

XI. Read the text and divide it into some meaningful parts, giving the proper title to each of them

The market development situation presents an interesting strategic challenge. Management can influence the direction of market development, but it faces the risk of creating a future competitive disadvantage. Marketing advantages can be achieved in various ways, the finding of which is not easy.

A good marketing strategy is a combination of penetrating analyses, sound judgment, and an intuitive sense of what is appropriate for the situation. Strategy selection is facilitated if one divides the task into two parts. First, the strategic fit of the options under consideration is determined; second, important selection criteria are used to identify alternatives that appear the most promising.

The marketing strategy selected by each corporation is matched to the strategic factors that are important in its competitive area.

Marketing strategy helps to determine whether a business can survive and grow in to-day's highly competitive business environment. A marketing advantage is essential for all firms. Customer satisfaction is the responsibility of everyone on the corporate team, not just those assigned to marketing positions.

XII. Write a summary of the text



XIII. Practice talking about the following situations

a) Talk about the activity of your enterprise that gives you the right to consider that you are engaging in marketing.

b) You are going to become a businessman. Work out your marketing plan.

c) What is the marketing strategy of your firm in selling machines.

d) While you were making your business, the competition has greatly increased. What steps will you undertake to overcome the difficulties and to stay in your marketing niche?

e) Inform your employees about of the factors evaluating the widening of the market in footwear trading (characteristics of the population, competition, attitude of the customers, climatic zones, season and so on).

XIV. Work in pairs of two or three and talk about marketing

a) You would like to set up a small business enterprise; discuss its trend with you co-partner.

b) You are the manager of a food producing enterprise; discuss the demands for your new product with your dealer.

c) Discuss with your advertising manager the effective means of promotion of your product which is not in great demand.

d) Discuss with one or some of your customers why it is difficult to sell durable consumer goods.

e) Being a manager of the firm you are discussing with your department managers the marketing strategy of your firm in order to increase the production and selling your goods.

Chapter 3. Types of enterprises



I. Remember the correct pronunciation of the following words


substantial [səb'stæn∫əl]

initiate [ɪ'nɪ∫ɪeɪt]

environment [ɪn'vaɪərənmənt]

criteria [kraɪ'tɪərɪə]

criterion [kraɪ'tɪərɪən]

eligible ['elɪdʒəbl]

trait [treɪ]

II. Learn the following English terms and words and their Russian equivalents

corner stone – краеугольный камень

entrepreneurship – предпринимательство

entrepreneur – предприниматель

employment opportunities – возможности занятости

to initiate – начинать

to derive profit – извлекать прибыль

environment – окружение, окружающая среда

to run business – управлять бизнесом

criterion – критерий, показатель.

III. Read the following verbs and verbal phrases and pay attention to the prepositions used after them

to make a contribution to ...

to take into account ….

to be responsible for ....

to be eligible for ....

to base on ....

IV. Listen, read and translate the text


Small business enterprises are the first stage of developing business. They are the corner stone of private entrepreneurship. Choosing the right business it is necessary to mind that there are three ways in economy: making a product (manufacturing), selling a product (retail or wholesale trade) and providing services. Small business is the foundation of free enterprise economic system. The small business is considered to be the driving force in economy because it makes substantial contribution to employment opportunities and technological innovations. In the United States more and more people believe they can achieve the desirable quality of life through small business ownership.

The people who initiate the business are called entrepreneurs. They play a leading role in the identification of new ideas and products. They collect the funds to initiate the business, organize and direct it to derive a profit for themselves and to provide goods and services for the public. Profit is the return on investment and the reward for the risk. One of the risks may be the loss. To avoid it, it is necessary to plan the business carefully, taking into account economic environment.

There are various ways of defining a small business. Such enterprise is owned by a sole entrepreneur who is entirely responsible for all aspects of running business. Various criteria of small business are also developed in the United States by two organizations: 1) the Committee on Economic Development and 2) the Small Business Administration. The first offers to consider an enterprise as a small business when management is independent, the capital is owned by an individual, the area of operations is mainly local and relative size within the industry is small. The second defines a small business when it is independently owned and operated, not dominant in its field of operation. It is known that small business enterprises are eligible for loans and other assistance through the state. That is why the main criterion of small business enterprise is a quantitative size classification based on sales volume and number of employees.

There are many ways of getting profit and running business successfully, but one should not forget about the personal characteristics that contribute to business success. To such main traits belong: 1) drive; 2) mental ability; 3) human relations ability; 4) communications ability; 5) technical knowledge.