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Беззатеева, Воскр.-2008.doc
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IV. Find in the text some sentences in the Active Voice, copy them into your exercise books, give simple grammar analysis of these sentences.

V. Find in the text sentences with the Infinitives and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.


VI. Look through the text to find English equivalents of the following terms and give your sentences with them

большим событием является, сообщение в печати, межфирменные контакты, целевой рынок, проверенное взаимодействие, подтвердить присутствие, достичь цели.

VII. Find in the text the sentences that correspond to the following statements

1. It is great event that this year your company is awarded the prestige reward.

2. It is great pleasure to join you in this approaching event.

3. The information about this event appeared in many mass media.

4. Being specialists in interrelationship between companies we analyze how they gain aims in the market.

5. Our aim is to help your company to use the experience of successful interrelationship.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Правильно написанная и оформленная корреспонденция является важнейшей частью бизнеса, так как по ней составляется первое впечатление о Вас.

  2. Хорошие служебные письма и докладные записки представляют собой произведения искусства: впечатление от Вашего письма зависит не только от его содержания, но и оформления.

  3. Все деловые письма условно делятся на шесть видов: торговые соглашения и сделки, ответные письма с благодарностью, поздравления, извинения, требования и запросы, соболезнования.

  4. Успех в делах обеспечивает использование в деловых письмах так называемых «магических слов», например: привлекательный, поразительный, впечатляющий, заслуживающий внимания и др.

  5. Общепринятой схемой правильно составленного делового письма является: привлечение внимания, пробуждение интереса, выражение просьбы, побуждение к действию.

IX. Answer the questions about the text

  1. What is the type of this letter?

  2. What reward has the company in question received?

  3. Who awarded this company?

  4. What was the reason for selecting it to be awarded?

  5. What factors in market economy contribute to business success?

X. Study the contents of business letters

1. The Letter of Enquiry:

The enquiry to an unknown supplier should contain:

  1. indication of the source of getting information about him (it may be an embassy, consulate, chamber of commerce, exhibition, trade fair, advertisement or some business partner);

  2. indication of the demand in your area for the goods, produced or sold by the supplier;

  3. request to send you the needed information (a catalogue, price list, methods of payment, delivery times, and, if it is possible, samples of products);

  4. a closing sentence, expressing hope for getting a prompt answer from the supplier.

2. The Letter of Offer:

An offer is a reply to an enquiry and, as a rule, it contains:

  1. gratitude for the enquiry;

  2. information about sending all requested materials;

  3. some additional information, not requested by the customer;

  4. closing sentences encouraging the customer to place an order and assuring him of proper execution.

3. The Letter of Order:

An order is a request for buying and delivering goods, it usually contains:

  1. the source of information about the product (it may be the supplier's representative, catalogue, a sample, advertisement or previous correspondence);

  2. information of the required goods: quantity, quality, size, colour, catalogue number, form of packing, delivery time;

  3. alternative goods in the case of the goods ordered are not available;

  4. a closing sentence encouraging the supplier to give good service for your order.