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Eu Council Resolution of 8 June 1993 on the quality of drafting of Community legislation


Having regard to the Treaties establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community,

Having regard to the conclusions of the Presidency of the European Council meeting in Edinburgh on 11 and 12 December 1992 to the effect that practical steps should be taken to make Community legislation clearer and simpler,

Whereas guidelines should be adopted containing criteria against which the quality of drafting of Community legislation would have to be checked;

Whereas although such guidelines would be neither binding nor exhausive they would aim to make Community legislation as clear, simple, concise and .understandable as possible;

Whereas these guidelines are intended to serve as a reference for all bodies involved in the process of drawing up acts for the Council, not only in the Council itself but also in the Permanent Representatives Committee and particularly in the working parties;

Whereas the Council Legal Service is asked to use these guidelines to: formulate drafting suggestions for the attention of the Council and its: subsidiary bodies,


The general objective of making Community legislation more accessible should be pursued, not only by making systematic use of consolidation but also by implementing the following guidelines as criteria against which Council texts should be checked as they are drafted:

1. the wording of the act should be clear, simple, concise and unambiguous; unnecessary abbreviations, Community jargon and excessively long sentences should be avoided;

2. imprecise references to other texts should be avoided as should too many cross references which make the text difficult to understand; 1

3. the various provisions of the acts should be consistent with each other; ;the same term should be used throughout to express a given concept;

4. the rights and obligations of those to whom the act is to apply should be '•clearly defined;

5. the act should be laid out according to the standard structure (chapters, ;sections, articles, paragraphs);

6. the preamble should justify the enacting provisions in simple terms;

7. provisions without legislative character should be avoided (wishes, political statements);

8. inconsistency with existing legislation should be avoided as should pointless repetition of existing provisions. Any amendment, extension or repeal of an act should be clearly set out.

XIX. Précis the following:


to the Ministries of Education Concerning the Interaction Between Education and Productive Work


The International Conference on Education, convened by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Ge­neva, at its 38 the session, held from 10 to 19 November 1981,

Noting the importance attached to improving the interaction between education and productive work by the General Conference of Unesco on several occasions and, in particular, in its resolutions 100 adopted at the nineteenth session and 102 adopted at the twentieth session,

Having regard to the conventions, recommendations and declarations adopted at the international level, which are relevant to the interaction between education and productive work [...],

Considering that every individual has an inherent right to receive and to continue education,

ADOPTS on the nineteenth day of November, nineteen hundred and eighty one, and submits for consideration by ministries of education and other appropriate authorities and agencies in the various Member States, by other institutions within the United Nations system having responsibilities in this field, and by the non-governmental organizations concerned, the following Recommendation:


1. There should be effective and continuing interaction between education and productive work, in the sense of production of material and intellectual goods and services that are useful to the individual or to society [...].

2. Efforts to establish such interaction should, as appropriate, relate to all levels and all forms of education


1. Programmes of interaction between education and productive work should be developed in the perspective of lifelong education [...].

2. Research and production of textbooks should be promoted to assist in the, development of links between education and productive work [... ].

XX. Reproduce the following text in English.

Резолюции-рекомендации международных организаций

Многие резолюции международных организаций содержат нормы,; рассчитанные на длительный период действия. Эти резолюции/ делятся на две категории. К первой категории относятся резолюции, обязательные для исполнения государствами-членами, а также5 рабочими органами данной организации. Это в основном резолюции,; касающиеся вопросов процедуры, выработки резолюции об утверждении бюджета организации и других вопросов. Подобные; резолюции создают правовые нормы, являющиеся частью права данной; международной организации, и в более широком плане - частью; международного права.

Ко второй категории относятся резолюции-рекомендации, содержащие нормы, адресованные государствам.

Количество резолюций-рекомендаций международных организаций в последнее время очень возросло. Это новое явление в международной жизни. Несомненно, что эти резолюции играют определённую регулирующую роль в рамках международно-правовой системы, оказывают воздействие на поведение основных субъектов международного права - государств. Поэтому интерес, проявляемый ; в литературе к этому вопросу, весьма велик. По вполне понятным причинам особое внимание привлекают к себе резолюции Генераль­ной Ассамблеи ООН.

Что касается правовой оценки резолюций Генеральной Ассамблеи' ООН, то в международно-правовой литературе имеются следующие три основные точки зрения:

а) резолюции-рекомендации международных организаций, или, по крайней мере, некоторые из них, являются юридически обязательными для государств;

б) эти резолюции имеют только политическое и моральное значение;

в) они содержат некоторый юридический элемент, хотя и не являются юридически обязательными.

XXI. Compare texts A and В, point out expressions pertaining to resolutions. Memorize them.



A. (168) The Commission examined the draft reso­lutions relating to Major Programme II:

(a) proposals withdrawn: draft resolution 2 Rev. was withdrawn by its sponsor following the Director-General's explanations;

documents DR 48 and 49 were withdrawn by their sponsors on the under­standing that the substance of their proposals would be reflected in the final text of the C/4 document;

an oral amendment was withdrawn by its sponsors.

(b) proposals of which the General Conference may take note:

proposal 7 contained in docu­ment DR 26 was accepted by the Commission.

A (168) Комиссия рассмотрела проекты резолюций, касающихся Крупной программы II:

(а) снятые предложения:

проект резолюции 2 Rev. был снят его автором после ознакомления с объяснениями, данными Генеральным директором;

документы DR 48 и 49 были сняты их авторами ввиду того, что суть их предложений будет отражена в окончательном тексте документа С/4;

- устная поправка была снята её авторами.

(б) предложения, которые Генеральная конференция может принять к сведению:

- предложение 7, содержащееся в доку­менте DR 26, было принято Комис­сией.

XXII. Translate the following text into English and write it in the form of a resolution. Use the suggested words and expressions.

Резолюция Совета Безопасности 598 была принята единогласно (unanimously) на его заседании 20 июля 1987 года. В ней выражена обеспокоенность (concern over) продолжением ирано-иракского конфликта, возможностью его дальнейшей эскалации. В документе отмечена также необходимость достижения всеобъемлющего (comprehensive), справедливого и прочного урегулирования (settlement of the dispute) между Ираном и Ираком.

В принятой резолюции Совет Безопасности, руководствуясь Уставом ООН, определил (to determine) основные направления урегулирования конфликта. Он потребовал, чтобы в качестве первого • шага на пути к урегулированию путём переговоров Иран и Ирак а немедленно прекратили огонь (to cease fire), остановили все военные действия (hostilities) на суше, на море и в воздухе и незамедлительно отвели все свои войска к международно признанным границам (in­ternationally recognized boundaries).

Резолюция 598 содержит призывы к Ирану и Ираку освободить и репатриировать военнопленных незамедлительно по прекращении военных действий, сотрудничать с Генеральным секретарём ООН в осуществлении (implementation) резолюции в соответствии с принципами Устава ООН, а также обращение к другим государствам проявлять максимальную сдержанность (to show restraint) и избегать (to avoid) любого действия, которое может привести к дальнейшей , эскалации конфликта. I

XX///. Write a draft resolution making use of the summary below.

By resolution E/1995/28, the Economic and Social Council consi­dered the first review and appraisal of the implementation of the Interna­tional Plan of Action on Aging.

It recalled that the General Assembly, in resolution 437/51, requested the Secretary-General to continue to use the Trust Fund for Aging to meet the rapidly increasing needs of the aging in the developing coun­tries, in particular in the least developed ones and stressed the need for close and continuous working relationships between the Trust Fund and

those bodies, organs and organizations of the United Nations system concerned with the question of aging.

The Council urged governments, intergovernmental and non-govern­mental organizations to continue to strengthen their efforts to implement (he principles and objectives of the International Plan of Action on Aging and requested the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to ensure a well-coordinated system-wide response for its implementation.

Finally, the Council requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-first session on the implementation of the present resolution, in particular on the measures and steps he has taken (o further develop the Trust Fund.

XXIV. Speak on the style and composition of resolutions and records of international bodies and organizations

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