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I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What subjects require informal letters? 2. Who are they usually addressed to? 3. What is the basic outline of an informal letter? 4. What is the proper salutation (complimentary close) for an informal letter? 5. What style is preferred in drafting letters from under-secretaries-general or officers of equivalent rank to permanent representatives? 6. What punctuation mark is used after the salutation? 7. What is the correct form of the date in informal letters?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text.

1. Informal letters are used for ... . 2. They are also used for ... .

Depending on the length of an informal letter the salutation should ....

The complimentary closing of an informal letter should... . 5. The salutation and corresponding closing may take the form of .... 6. The date on informal letters should .... 7. In circular letters ....

III. Study the texts in exhibits 52 to 54, point out words and phrases pertaining to the informal style.

IV. Memorize the phrases below, identify the parts of an informal letter they belong to.

1) I was very sorry, to read reports about; 2) I should be grateful if you would be so kind as to transmit the attached message of sympathy to; 1) I am happy to note that; 4) I remain, dear Mr. Ambassador, yours .sincerely; 5) in forwarding this resolution, I wish to draw your attention to; 6) on behalf of the Secretary-General I should like to transmit herewith the text of a resolution.

V. Study the texts below taking note of the words and phrases in bold type. Identify the type of UN communication they belong to.

Reference: 28 November 19

Dear Sir,

We hear that a fourth plebiscite is going to take place in the Republic of ... on 2 December. I think that there is not enough reason to call it, as the will of the people in ... to protect their nuclear-free Constitution has been already confirmed through a series of plebiscites and the Supreme Court of the Republic.

I therefore request you to send an international observation team to evaluate the plebiscite procedure, and keep a careful eye on the political education to determine if it has been carried out justly or not.

Yours truly,


The Secretary

Trusteeship Council

United Nations

New York

* * *

28 ноября 19


Как стало известно, 2 декабря в Республике ... планируется проведение четвёртого плебисцита. Я считаю, что нет достаточных оснований проводить его, поскольку желание народа ... защитить

свою безъядерную конституцию уже было подтверждено в ходе нескольких плебисцитов, а также Верховным судом Республики.

Поэтому прошу Вас направить международную группу наблю­дателей, чтобы оценить процедуру плебисцита и внимательно изучить процесс политического просвещения с целью определить, правильно ли он осуществляется.

Искренне Ваш


Секретарю Совета по Опеке

Организации Объединённых Наций


VI. Read the following texts. Compare them with exhibits 52 to 54, comment on their style and composition.

Reference: New York, 14 July 19

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

Please accept my most sincere thanks for the warm congratulations conveyed to my Ambassador and to all members of my Mission on the occasion of our holiday -the Day of Independence.

I should like also to thank you personally as well as all personnel of your Mission for the close fraternal cooperation between our two de­legations in the United Nations which duly reflects the ties of friendship between our two countries and peoples.

I avail myself of this opportunity to reciprocate your best wishes of success and personal well-being for you and all members of your Mis­sion and your families.


Charge d'Affaires a. i.

* * *


We have the honour to inform you that on 6 March 19___ , the Governments of the People's Republic of Angola and Uruguay have is­sued simultaneously a Joint Communiqué concerning the establishment

of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the text of which is as follows:

The Governments of the Peoplels Republic of Angola and Uruguay have agreed to consolidate bonds of friendship and cooperation on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of each other, and equal rights.

Desiring to obtain this objective, the two Governments have decided lо establish formal diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level, with effect from 6 March 19__ .

The Governments of both countries express the hope that the estab­lishment of diplomatic relations will lead to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation.

New York 6 March 19

Excellency, we would like to request you to transmit this communication to States Members of the United Nations, and we take this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of our highest consideration.


Charge d' Affaires a. i. Ambassador

Permanent Mission of the Permanent Representative of

People's Republic of Angola Uruguay to the United Nations to the United Nations

VII. Write an informal letter on behalf of a UN Secretariat official using the information below. See table 16.

Table 16

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