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Tips for getting the best out of study at university are:

(1) Try ……………… all lectures, …………….. and workshops. Although, obviously there will be times when for some personal reasons you cannot attend. (2) Do work when you get it. (3) Work with others. (4) To stop yourself from getting stressed and …………… with work, try to organize time for your study in and around others demands on your life. Try to make a ……………….. …………………. of all of them. Balancing study and other aspects of your life. (5) Manage your time well for each module, but also make sure you get a good balance between work and social life. That is vital for life in general. (6) Set aside time specifically for each subject. (7) Try to study one ……………. a day. If you do this SUCCESS IS YOURS !

Part II. Conversation

Useful phrases: Introduction

I can use conversational cliché

Exercise 3: Find the right translation:

Let me introduce you to Nick (Meet Nick).

Рад познакомиться с вами

Let me introduce myself.

Проходите и чувствуйте себя как дома

Pleased/glad/nice to meet you.

Откуда вы?

Call me Alex.

Мы с ней коллеги

Long time no see!

Зовите меня Алекс

Come in and make yourself at home.

Мы уже знакомы

How are you? – Fine, thanks. And you? – Okey/not too bad (Not so good, really. Oh, up and down. Well, mustn’t grumble).

Познакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с Ником

Where are you from?

Она хорошие/ старые/ близкие/ закадычные друзья

They are good/old/close/bosom friends.

Я его немного знаю

She and I are collegues.

Мы быстро подружились с нашими новыми соседями

You used to be great friends with him, didn’t you?

Как вы поживаете? – Спасибо, хорошо, а вы? – Неплохо (Не очень хорошо. По-разному. Не могу пожаловаться)

We are already acquainted.

Вы ведь были когда-то хорошими друзьями

We soon made friends with our new neighbours.

Сколько лет, сколько зим!

I know him slightly.

Разрешите представиться

Exercise 4: Make the dialogues according to the cases:

Case 1:

You have a new neighbor in your room in the hostel. Meet each other.

Case 2:

Introduce your new neighbor in the student’s hostel to your mom.

Exercise 5: Play the dialogue and make similar one:

John: Hi, Yumie. I haven’t seen you for a while.

Yumie: Yeah, I’ve been busy. How’s it going?

John: Not bad. Not bad at all. What have you been up to?

Yumie: Oh not much. Just studying. I have been studying a lot.

John: What have you been studying?

Yumie: Biology, botany, zoology, chemistry

John: Wow! Natural sciences. You really like natural sciences.

Yumie: Yeah, that’s right. I’m that kind of person. Some people are into social sciences and some people are into natural sciences. I like natural sciences. And our new professor Mr. Black is very smart. He is a brilliant lector. Do you know him?

John: I know that he has come from Britain with two of his colleagues, but I’ve just a nodding acquaintance with him. I know him slightly.

Yumie: I see. You know he made me like natural sciences. How about you?

John: I prefer social sciences. When I was at high school, I liked history and geography and literature and languages. I didn’t like physics and chemistry and maths and stuff. I wasn’t interested in natural sciences.

Yumie: Have you ever done biology?

John: Yeah, I have. Everybody does. I did it at high school for one semester. We cut up frogs and rats. It was terrible. I hated it. It was gruesome.

Yumie: But biology is the study of life! Life is fascinating. It is a miracle. Human life! Animal life! Plant life! It’s mysterious and wonderful and so beautiful! I don’t believe it. How can you not be interested in biology?

John: Yeah, I guess, you’re right. When you describe it like that, it sounds interesting. I just didn’t like the experiments. I didn’t like cutting up the animals.

Yumie: What are you going to do this week-end?

John: What am I doing this week-end? Hmm, let me see. Oh yeah, that’s right! I’m going to a restaurant with Miyako and Hiroko.

Yumie: What kind of restaurant are you going to?

John: We’re going to go to a Mexican restaurant. Miyako and Hiroko have never been to a Mexican restaurant before. Have you ever tasted Mexican?

Yumie: Yeah, I’ve had it a few times but I don’t like it. It’s too hot. I prefer sashimi. That’s my favorite.

John: So, I guess you don’t want to come?

Yumie: No, but thanks for asking anyway.

John: No worries.

Yumie: Well, I had better be off. I have to get back to the library.

John: Okay. See you round.

Yumie: Yeah, see you. Ciao.

John: Ciao.

Exercise 6 (a): Translate some cliché from the dialogue:

1. I haven’t seen you for a while. 2. How’s it going? 3. I’ve just a nodding acquaintance with him. 4. It was gruesome. 5. See you round.