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I can read and translate specialized terms. I can discuss actual topics.

Part III. Reading

Exercise 7: Before reading the text answer some questions:

  1. Is it important for a student to plan his/her working day? Why?

  2. Give your own definition of the term “education”. Compare your answer with “English-English Dictionary”.

  3. In the dictionary find the definition of the terms: hobby; laboratory, seminar.

Student’s working day active vocabulary of the text

to wash oneself

[woζ ]






[ sΛbstəns]





to make experiments


проводить эксперименты

the alarm-clock


a medicinal plant

[me disinl]

лекарственное растение

to carry on



[kæn ti:n]

буфет, столовая



плотный ( о еде)

to fathom



to interlink


to look through



to review smth.

[ri vju:]

просматривать, повторять

Exercise 8: Read the text:

My alarm-clock wakes me up at half past six every morning and it’s time for me to get up. I turn my radio on and do my morning exercises to the music. Then I wash my face, clean my teeth, do my hair, dress and have my breakfast. It may be a cup of strong coffee or tea with sandwiches. After breakfast I go to the Academy.

Our classes and lectures begin at 8 sharp and I always come in time. I live far from the Academy, so I take a tram or a bus. It takes me thirty minutes to get there. Sometimes I go there on foot. Every day we have six or eight hours of lectures and practical classes according to the time-table of the group. After the lectures we have practical classes and seminars where we discuss actual problems in different subjects. In the first year among a variety of subjects we study botany, as we should know everything about medicinal plants. To know the properties of substances, their reactions and their compounds we spend much time in the chemical laboratory.

S ometimes we work in different buildings, it takes us time to get from one building to another. During large intervals I have dinner. Usually I have a snack in the student’s canteen. Like many other students I take part in the work of the student scientific society, where we carry on research work on actual problems in different sciences. The research work of students is closely inter-linked with the educational process. It helps the students to fathom pharmacy and broaden their knowledge.

To achieve good results in this work we have to consult special scientific literature, to study new methods of research, to make experiments and discuss the results of our work at annual student’s scientific conferences. From time to time I have to stay at the Academy after my classes. I go to the reading hall to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule I have no free time on my week-days.

I go home in the evening, have a substantial supper and have a short rest. I read books, listen to the music, sometimes I watch TV or go for a walk.

Twice a week I go to the Academy in the evening to play volleyball. I’m a member of the academy volleyball team and we have our training rather late.

Before going to bed I review some material in different subjects. So, by the end of my working day I get very tired. At about eleven I go to bed.

Summary: Students must plan their activity and do everything in time, i.e. shake the tree when the fruit is ripe (трясти дерево, когда плоды созрели", т. е. всё делай вовремя)

Exercise 9: Answer the following questions:

1. What higher school do you study at? 2. When do you usually get up on week-days? 3. What do you do in the morning? 4. When do your classes and lectures begin? 5. How many lectures and classes have you a day? 6. Do you live far from t he Academy? 7. Do you go on foot or take a tram to get to the Academy? 8. How much time does it take you to get there? 9. What problems do you discuss at your seminars? 10. Why do you study botany? 11. What do you do in the chemical laboratories? 12. Do you take part in the work of the Student Scientific Society? 13. What do you do to achieve good results in research work? 14. What kind of sport do you go in for? 15. What do you usually do in the evening? 16. When do you go to bed?

Exercise 10: Make your own short report about your working day.

Exercise 11: You know that many English words are polysemantic. Can you find equivalents to the following words:



подножие, основание


осадок (в нефтехимических продуктах)


вкус, пристрастие (особенно в еде)


циферблат, табло (приборов)


минимальное расстояние, количество


to set one's face against smb. / smth.


Get out of my face!

основание перпендикуляра

It's written all over his face.

горячо взяться за что-л.

to get one's teeth into smth.


to cast smth. in smb.'s teeth

Это у него на лбу написано

to cut one's teeth on smth.

бросать кому-л. в лицо упрёк

by a hair

(решительно) противиться кому-л. / чему-л.

not to turn a hair

(какая) чепуха!; как бы не так!

foot of perpendicular

глазом не моргнуть

my foot!

делать первые шаги, приобретать первый опыт в чём-л.

to put one's feet up

Чтобы глаза мои тебя не видели!

to catch smb. on the wrong foot

занять твёрдую позицию; принять твёрдое решение; решительно воспротивиться

to put one's foot down

застать кого-л. врасплох