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I can make, accept and decline suggestions part II. Conversation

Useful phrases: Suggestion

I can use conversational cliché

Suggestions and replies

Suggestions are ideas for things to do/ say/ make etc.

Exercise 4. Find the right translation:

Asking for suggestions:

What shall we do tonight?

Куда мы пойдем вечером?

Where shall we go this evening?

Чем бы ты хотел заняться? (Что бы ты хотел делать)

What do you fancy doing(=want to do) this evening? (inform., -ing form after fancy)

Что мы будем делать вечером?

Making suggestions:

Shall we go to the cinema on the weekend?

Давай сделаем домашнюю работу вместе.

Why don't we meet on Sunday?

Мы пойдем в кино на выходных?

Let's do our homework together.

Как насчет того, чтобы пойти в театр завтра?

Do you fancy watching TV tonight?

Ты бы хотел посмотреть телевизор вечером?

Maybe we could go to the Academy by bus.

Почему бы нам не встретиться в воскресенье?

How about (or What about) going to the theatre tomorrow?

Возможно, мы могли бы поехать в академию на автобусе.

Accepting suggestions:

Yeah, great/ fine!

Да, если ты хочешь

That's a good idea.

Да, я не против.


Это хорошая идея!

Yeah, if you like.


Yes, I don’t mind.

Да, здорово/ отлично!

Declining suggestions:

I'm aftaid I can't.

Я бы лучше…( я бы предпочел…)

I don't really fancy (+ -ing form) …

Мило с твоей стороны предложить, но …

Thanks but l've already got plans for ...

Боюсь, я не могу.

It’s kind of you to ask but …

Я не очень хочу…

I think I’d rather (= I would prefer to) …

Спасибо, но у меня уже есть планы на …

Exercise 5: Make the dialogues according to the cases:

Case 1:

Suggest your friend going to the cinema tonight.

Case 2:

Ask your group-mate what you together can do at the weekend.

Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make similar one:

Mike: Have you got any plans for the weekend?

Sally: Not really. My grandparents are coming for lunch on Saturday.

Mike: Oh, right, shall we do something in the evening?

Sally: I’m afraid I can’t. We’re going to give them a lift home in the afternoon. We might not be back until late in the afternoon. But what are you doing on Sunday?

Mike: I’m going to go into the forest to collect some flowers for my mother. Do you fancy going with me?

Sally: Good idea! It’s a proper time now to collect some medicinal plants! Why don’t we go at 3 in the afternoon when I get home after my music class?

Mike: I’m not sure, I have to meet my friend Jack at 4.30. I’ll call you when I get home.

Sally: That’s great! I haven’t been in the forest for ages!

Exercise 6(a): Translate some cliché from the dialogue:

1. to come for lunch. 2. to give smb a lift. 3. to get home. 4. to collect medicinal plants. 5. for ages. 6. I’m going to… . 7. It’s a proper time.