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Prepositions of place:




  • in

  • room, building, street, town, country

  • book, paper etc.

  • car, taxi

  • picture, world

  • in the kitchen, in London

  • in the book

  • in the car, in a taxi

  • in the picture, in the world

  • at

  • meaning next to, by an object

  • for table

  • for events

  • place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)

  • at the door, at the station

  • at the table

  • at a concert, at the party

  • at the cinema, at school, at work

  • on

  • attached

  • for a place with a river

  • being on a surface

  • for a certain side (left, right)

  • for a floor in a house

  • for public transport

  • for television, radio

  • the picture on the wall

  • London lies on the Thames.

  • on the table

  • on the left

  • on the first floor

  • on the bus, on a plane

  • on TV, on the radio

  • by, next to, beside

  • left or right of somebody or something

  • Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car.

  • under

  • on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else

  • the bag is under the table

  • below

  • lower than something else but above ground

  • the fish are below the surface

  • over

  • covered by something else

  • meaning more than

  • getting to the other side (also across)

  • overcoming an obstacle

  • put a jacket over your shirt

  • over 16 years of age

  • walk over the bridge

  • climb over the wall

  • above

  • higher than something else, but not directly over it

  • a path above the lake

  • across

  • getting to the other side (also over)

  • getting to the other side

  • walk across the bridge

  • swim across the lake

  • through

  • something with limits on top, bottom and the sides

  • drive through the tunnel

  • to

  • movement to person or building

  • movement to a place or country

  • for bed

  • go to the cinema

  • go to London / Ireland

  • go to bed

  • into

  • enter a room / a building

  • go into the kitchen / the house

  • towards

  • movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it)

  • go 5 steps towards the house

  • onto

  • movement to the top of something

  • jump onto the table

  • from

  • in the sense of where from

  • a flower from the garden

Exercise 19: Fill in the blanks with these words: against, at, by, for, from, in, like, near, of, on, to, up, with.

  1. She is doing a degree course _____ a university.

  2. His trousers were washed _____ the washing machine.

  3. We had to climb slowly _____ the hill.

  4. His house looks _____ a temple.

  5. How many _____ the members will join the trip?

  6. Don't lean that ladder _____ the wall.

  7. I don't usually feel tired _____ the morning.

  8. Have you heard anything _____ him yet?

  9. My house is quite _____ to your school.

  10. Put this _____ your drawer and do not let anyone see it.

  11. A university is where you study _____ a degree.

  12. Which of these roads will lead _____ the church?

  13. He sometimes quarrels _____ the neighbour.

  14. I think there is a salesman _____ the door.

  15. Her next birthday will be _____ a Sunday.

  16. Even the new drug could not cure him _____ his illness.

  17. He was given a ten-year prison sentence _____ armed robbery.

  18. The cat likes to rub its head _____ my legs.

  19. The store was robbed because there was no guard _____ duty.

  20. My father has a car _____ yours.

  21. His sister holds a degree _____ physics _____ Oxford.

  22. The new factory is expected to come online _____ May.

  23. If you go _____ a river you go towards its source.

  24. Many of us eat _____ fork and spoon.

  25. The mob stoned her _____ death.

Exercise 20: Fill in the blanks with these words: about, across, after, along, among, behind, beside, off, since, through, under, without.

  1. The referee ordered two players _____ the field.

  2. I could see her _____ the window.

  3. He sings whenever he is _____ the influence of alcohol.

  4. We have not met _____ early last year.

  5. She came up and sat _____ me.

  6. Police want to know all _____ it and are calling for witnesses.

  7. Innocent civilians were _____ the casualties.

  8. Please shut the door _____ you.

  9. How long can you survive _____ light or heating?

  10. Who is looking _____ you when your parents are not in?

  11. She was carrying her handbag _____ her arm.

  12. We parked the car _____ the fence.

  13. He had to push his way _____ the crowd to get in.

  14. The robbers jumped _____ the train while it was still moving.

  15. We enjoy driving _____ the highway.

  16. Books were scattered _____ the room.

  17. We are not allowed to talk _____ ourselves.

  18. He has completed this degree course _____ too much trouble.

  19. There is only one bridge _____ this river.

  20. Do you believe in life _____ death?

Exercise 20: Translate the sentences into English, using on, in, at, to, into.

1. Мы собрали в лесу много грибов. 2. Маша открыла дверь и вошла в лабораторию. В лаборатории никого не было. В лаборатории Маша увидела стол. Она подошла к столу. На столе она увидела три пробирки. 3. Катя была в комнате. Она стояла у книжного шкафа. 4. На полу лежал толстый ковер. Дети сели на ковер и начали играть. 5. Где мальчики? – Они играют во дворе. 6. Сейчас зима. На земле лежит снег. На реке лед. 7. Она подошла к доске, взяла мел и начала писать на доске. 8. Масло на столе. Поставь его в холодильник. А теперь садись за стол. В этом стакане сок. Выпей его и поставь стакан на полку. 9. Где твоя ручка? – Она в моем кармане. 10. Положи в карман платок. 11. Он прыгнул в реку и быстро поплыл к острову. 12. Идите к доске. 13. Напишите число на доске. 14. Повесьте картину на доску. 15. Она налила в вазу воды и поставила в нее цветы. Потом она подошла к окну и поставила вазу на подоконник. 16. Учитель стоит у доски. Он пишет на доске предложение. Студенты сидят за партами. Они пишут это предложение в своих тетрадях. 17. Ник вошел на кухню и сел за стол. Мама стояла у плиты. Она подошла к столу, поставила на стол чашку и налила в чашку чаю.


I can use and perform the obtained information with the help of different techniques

Exercise 21: Using the structure of the 12th Exercise of the lesson make a short report about your university. You can do it as a presentation, ads, video report, etc.


I can check myself

Exercise 22: Choose the correct preposition to complete each of the following sentences:

1. There is a nice lamp ... the table.

a) between b) over c) into

2. I have found your ball. In is ... the sofa.

a) over b) between c) under

3. Your present is ... you. Take it!

a) above b) under c) in front of

4. Where is Tom I can’t find him. - He is standing ... you, sir.

a) between b) behind c) under

5. I’m waiting ... you, Tom.

a) for b) - c) to

6. Is it a book you are looking ...

a) on b) to c) for

7. Look ... the blackboard and answer the questions.

a) on b) at c) to

8. Put... your hat. It is cold today.

a) away b) off c) on

9. Let s meet ... 7 p.m.

a) on b) at c) to

10. There is a sofa ... the left.

a) in b) at c) on

Exercise 23: Put the correct preposition to complete each of the following sentences:


He is away ____ business.


Everything is going to be all right ____ the end.


I agree with you ____ some extent.


The building is ____ fire.


This information is ____ of date.


What did you have ____ breakfast?


You talk ____ the phone too much.