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2. Translate using either the Present Continuous or Future Indefinite.

  1. Почему ты сидишь здесь в темноте? – Дети спят.

  2. Мы уезжаем завтра. Мы планируем провести неделю у наших друзей в деревне.

  3. Через год ей будет 20. Она выйдет замуж за Ника, и они будут очень счастливы.

  4. Что вы собираетесь делать завтра вечером? – Ничего особенного. Я буду очень рад, если вы придете повидать нас.

  5. Если завтра будет хорошая погода, я поведу детей в парк. Я уверена, им понравится.

  6. Ты занята? – Да, я перевожу статью. – Ты переводишь ее для Ника? Ты всегда переводишь для него. Когда же он сам будет делать переводы?

  7. Ты плачешь? – Нет, я не плачу. Я смеюсь. Когда ты прочтешь эту книгу, ты тоже будешь смеяться.

  8. Ты будешь присутствовать на собрании завтра? – Конечно. Директор очень рассердится, если я не приду.

  9. Завтра у нас собрание. У нас всегда собрания по понедельникам. Ты придешь? – Да.

  10. Прежде чем я уеду, я позвоню тебе.

Total: 50/______

The Future Indefinite (shall/will + Infinitive) – be going to form.

Be going to form expresses the subject’s intention to perform a certain future action. This intention is always premeditated and there is usually also the idea that some preparation for the action has already been made. Actions expressed by be going to form are usually considered very likely to be performed, though there is not the same idea of definite future arrangement that we get from the Present Continuous.


I am going to meet Ann at the theatre at 6.30 (intention to perform the action).

I am meeting Ann at the theatre at 6.30 (definite future arrangement).


He is going to buy a new car (he has already made this decision and he will do it soon).

He’ll buy a new car (this is the speaker’s opinion, it gives no idea when it will be done).


3.1.1. Underline will and (be) going to in these sentences:

  1. I'll finish them.

  2. There are going to be some big changes.

  3. I'm going to do a course in business studies.

  4. I'll put you through.

  5. I'll be there on time.

  6. We're going to stay at home this year.

  7. We're going to send Ronald. He's an expert on the area.

  8. I'm going to be a bit late.

3.1.2. Now use the sentences from the previous exercise to complete these conversations. Reproduce them.

  1. – Steel Engineering. Can I help you? – Yes, I'd like to speak to Ms Johanssen? – One moment, please, .......

  2. – Don't forget Thursday's project meeting. – lt's at ten o'clock, isn't it? – Don't worry, ...... .

  3. – Sales. Lisa Pavic speaking. – Hi, Lisa. This is Alexandra. I'm still at the head office. I'm afraid, ........ .

  4. – So you're going back to college, Mario? – Yes, ...… .

  5. – I need those figures as soon as possible. – Don't worry, ...... after I've done this report.

  6. – Have you seen the consultants' report ? – No, but I hear, ...... at the head office.

  7. – Have you come to any decision about the Dehli Fair? – Yes, ...... .

  8. – Have you made any plans for the holidays? – Yes, we've made up our minds at last. .....