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3. Translate into English.

  1. Многие люди не любят зиму, так как временами стоят суровые морозы и часто идет снег.

  2. – Кто вчера забыл здесь эту книгу? – Я думаю, Джон. Иногда он очень рассеянный.

  3. На днях Майкл получил водительские права. Он надеется, что, если у него будет достаточно денег, через пару месяцев он купит себе машину.

  4. – Вчера я заходила к Марте, но ее не было дома. Ты не знаешь, где она? – Позавчера она уехала в командировку. Она будет дома через неделю.

  5. Если снег не прекратится, мы не пойдем завтра на каток, так как кататься будет невозможно.

  6. Он сказал, что прочтет эту книгу, как только сдаст экзамены.

  7. Я уверена, что он не уйдет домой, пока не обсудит этот вопрос с менеджером.

  8. В молодости он, бывало, проводил выходные за городом. Теперь он все чаще предпочитает оставаться дома.

  9. Когда он обычно заканчивает работу? – В пять. Завтра у них будет собрание, и он придет домой в восемь.

  10. – Когда твой отец открыл свою фирму? – Полгода назад. – Чем они занимаются? – Они продают мебель.

  11. – Я начал играть в шахматы, когда мне было 7. – Кто научил тебя? – Мой отец. Он хорошо играет в шахматы.

  12. Ник сказал, что позвонит нам, как только встретит Джона в аэропорту.

  13. Если чай недостаточно сладкий, добавь сахару.

  14. – Почему ты не хочешь ехать с нами на экскурсию в субботу? – Мы поедем с друзьями за город, если не будет дождя.

  15. Через два дня Генри будет в Лондоне. Он будет обсуждать финансовые вопросы с нашими партнерами.

  16. На днях Макс закончил свой новый роман. Он надеется, что он понравится его читателям.

  17. – Как часто твой отец играет в теннис? – Теперь два раза в неделю. В молодости он, бывало, играл в теннис почти каждый день.

  18. Катя не пойдет завтра в школу, если не будет чувствовать себя лучше.

  19. – Когда Марта приехала с юга? – Позавчера. – Кто встречал ее на вокзале? – Ее брат.

  20. Фильм начинается в 7. Сейчас без четверти семь, а Марка все еще нет. Он опять опаздывает! Если его не будет через пять минут, мы не будем его ждать.

Total: 100/_____

Unit 3 perfect tenses entry test

1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Why do you look so unhappy? – I ..... my purse.

    A) had lost

    C) have lost

    B) lost

    D) will have lost

  2. We are late. The meeting ..... an hour before.

    A) has started

    C) started

    B) had started


  3. She was the most delightful person I ..... .

    A) ever met

    C) have ever met

    B) had ever met

    D) has ever met

  4. Julia ..... all the housework by 3 o’clock tomorrow.

    A) will finish

    C) has finished

    B) will have finished

    D) finished

  5. Mother is asking the children if they ..... some biscuits for tea.

    A) had bought

    C) have bought

    B) will have bought

    D) has bought

  6. That morning she went out after she ..... somebody.

    A) phoned

    C) has phoned

    B) had phoned

    D) have phoned

  7. I promise I ..... in touch with you by 5.

    A) will have got

    C) got

    B) will get

    D) have got

  8. We are going to buy a car. By the end of next month our family ..... money for it.

    A) saved

    C) had saved

    B) will save

    D) will have saved

  9. I am so happy to see you again. I ..... you since I left London.

    A) haven’t seen

    C) didn’t see

    B) hadn’t seen

    D) won’t see

  10. Alice ..... the big house in the country.

    A) always has

    C) had always had

    B) has always had

    D) will always had

  11. The Hills managed to arrive exactly on time because they ..... a taxi.

    A) took

    C) have taken

    B)were taking

    D) had taken

  12. He said that he ..... the vase one week before.

    A) broke

    C) had broken

    B) has broken

    D) would have broken

  13. She ..... by the time we arrive.

    A) will have lunch

    C) is having

    B) will have had lunch

    D) will be having

  14. I ..... some pictures to be developed. Are they ready?

    A) have left

    C) am leaving

    B) has leave

    D) left

  15. We asked Peter to come with us but he refused. He ..... to play tennis with his friends.

    A) had already promised

    C) already promised

    B) has already promised

    D) will have promised

  16. By the time I come, they ..... .

    A) will go away

    C) will has gone


    B) will have gone away

    D) went away

  17. It is snowing heavily. Have you listened to the weather forecast for tomorrow? – I hope it ..... snowing by tomorrow morning.

    A) will stop

    C) has stopped

    B) will have stopped

    D) stops

  18. After I ..... all my letters, I went to the kitchen to make coffee.

    A) wrotethe composition

    C) write

    B) had written

    D) had wrote

  19. Hardly ..... the envelope when she felt some strange pain.

    A) she opened

    C) had she opened

    B) she had opened

    D) has she opened

  20. My friends ..... the book by the end of the week.

    A) will translate

    C) will has translated

    B) will have translated

    D) translated

  21. My parents ..... to the USA many times.

    A) were

    C) has been

    B) have been

    D) will have been

  22. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody ..... it by mistake.

    A) took

    C) had taken

    B) has taken

    D) will have taken

  23. She ..... speaking over the phone when the phone rang again.

    A) hardly finished

    C) has hardly finished

    B) had hardly finished

    D) had finished hardly

  24. The students ..... the text by the end of the lesson.

    A) will translate

    C) will be translating

    B) will have translated

    D) will has translated

  25. By the beginning of his holidays he ..... all the exams.

    A) will have passed

    C) will pass

    B) will has passed

    D) passes

  26. I am very tired. I ..... the ceiling today.

    A) has painted

    C) painted

    B) have painted

    D) will have painted

  27. One of the passengers ..... in that accident.

    A) has died

    C) has dying

    B) has dead

    D) have died

  28. The workers say that they ..... a district by the beginning of 2008.

    A) will have built up

    C) will build up

    B) will build up

    D) built up

  29. Tell him about these events. He ..... about them.

    A) have never heard

    C) never has heard

    B) has never heard

    D) will have never heard

  30. He was tired because he ..... in the garden the whole day.

    A) worked

    C) has worked

    B) had worked

    D) is working

  31. I am afraid I ..... my book at home.

    A) have leaved

    C) have left

    B) left

    D) will have left

  32. My parents ..... by 5 to collect me from school after the tennis match.

    A) will have arrived

    C) has arrived

    B) will arrive

    D) arrived

  33. By this time next month I ..... my work and will go to Italy.

    A) will finish

    C) finished

    B) have finished

    D) will have finished

  34. I ..... the story. Could you listen to me?

    A) have learnt

    C) will have learnt

    B) had learnt

    D) will learn

  35. They ..... me about the accident.

    A) have already informed

    C) will have informed already

    B) had already informed

    D) will inform already

  36. I ..... from him since he left for Paris.

    A) hadn’t heard

    C) didn’t heard

    B) haven’t heard

    D) will not hear

  37. Jane was afraid she ..... her key at home, but she found it in her bag.

    A) had left

    C) would leave

    B) left

    D) has left

  38. I wasn’t hungry because I ..... breakfast.

    A) had just had

    C) am just having

    B) has just had

    D) just had

  39. By next month I ..... my exams.

    A) will finish

    C) will have finished

    B) have finished

    D) had finished

  40. We ..... some good films recently.

A) have seen

C) will see

B) has seen

D) will have seen