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§ 3 The future perfect continuous

1. F o r m a t i o n

The Future Perfect Continuous is formed with the auxiliary to be in the Future Perfect + the Present Participle: I will have been working for two hours when my friends come to see me.

The negative is formed by adding not to the auxiliary to be in the Future Perfect + the Present Participle.

The interrogative is formed by inverting the auxiliary to be in the Future Perfect and the subject + the Present Participle.



I shall have been working

I shall not have been working

(= I'll have been working)

at school for five

(= I shan't have been working)

at school for five

You will have been working

years by the time

You will not have been working

years by the time

H e/she/it will have been working

they come.

He/she/it will not have been working

they come.

We shall have been working

We shall not have been working

They will have been working

They will not have been working


Negative Interrogative

Shall I have been working

Shall I not have been working

Will you have been working

at school for five

(= Shan't I have been working)

at school for five

Will he/she/it have been working

years by the time

Will you not have been working

years by the time

Shall we have been working

they come?

Will he/she/it not have been working

they come?

Will they have been working

Shall we not have been working

Will they not have been working

2. U s a g e

The Future Perfect Continuous is used to indicate an action which will begin before a definite moment of the future time and will continue up to this moment.

The Future Perfect Continuous is used to denote a continuous action which will begin before a certain moment in the future and which will have been in progress for some time in the future including this certain moment. This certain moment in the future is usually indicated with the preposition by: You will have been discussing the plan for half an hour by the time I get there.

The following time expressions can be used with the Future Perfect Continuousfor, since: He will have been working at the plant for 20 years since his graduation from the University by the 1st of May.