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1.3.3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. I (to do) housework all morning and I (not to finish) yet. – I (to do) mine already. I always (to start) at 6 a.m.

  2. She just (to sell) two of her own paintings. She's lucky. I (to paint) for 5 years and I (not to sell) a single picture yet.

  3. It was lovely at 11 o'clock but since then the sky (to get) steadily darker and the wind (to rise). I'm afraid the fine spell (to come) to an end.

  4. Someone (to use) my umbrella! It's all wet! And it was wet yesterday and the day before! – Well, it wasn't me. I (not to be) out of the house for a week.

  5. You look exhausted! – Yes, I (to play) tennis and I (not to play) for years.

  6. I wonder if anything (to happen) to Tom. I (to wait) for an hour now. He often (to keep) me waiting but he never (to be) so late as this.

  7. What you (to do) with my typewriter? I can't find it anywhere. – Tom just (to go) off with it.

  8. He (to collect) matchboxes ever since he left school. Now he (to collect) so many that he doesn't know where to put them.

  9. I (to look) through my old album. It's full of photos of people whose names I completely (to forget). I wonder what (to happen) to them all.

  10. Peter (to be) a junior clerk for three years. Lately he (to look) for a better post but so far he (not to find) anything.

  11. Tom is sure that there is gold in these hills but we (to search) for six months but (not to see) any sign of it.

  12. We (to mend) sheets all morning but we only (to do) three. But now the sewing machine (to break) down.

  13. I (to stand) in this queue for ages. It (not to move) at all in the last five minutes. I think the man in the ticket office just (to shut) his windows and (to go) off for lunch.

  14. That man (to stand) at the bus stop for the last half an hour. Shall I tell him that the last bus already (to go)? – I (not to think) he (to wait) for a bus.

  15. I just (to remember) that I (not to pay) the rent yet. I am surprised that the landlord (not to ring) me up to remind me. – It's the first time you (to be) late with the rent for 25 years. He probably thinks that you (to pay) and he (to lose) the cheque.

  16. Mark (not to study) right now. He (to watch) TV. He (to watch) TV since seven o'clock. He always (to watch) TV after supper.

  17. Carol (to stand) at the corner. She (to wait) for the bus. She (to wait) for the bus for twenty minutes.

  18. Right now we're in class. We (to do) an exercise. We (to do) this exercise for a couple of minutes.

  19. John and Mary (to talk) on the phone right now. They (to talk) on the phone for over an hour.

  20. I (to sit) in class right now. I (to sit) here since 10 o'clock.

1.3.4. Translate using either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Я еще не закончила переводить этот текст, хотя перевожу его уже 4 часа.

  2. Что случилось с Анной? Почему она еще не пришла? Я жду ее с самого утра.

  3. Мой друг учит итальянский язык уже 5 лет, но все еще не выучил. А как давно вы учите его? – С прошлого года.

  4. Я ухожу. Я прождала ее полтора часа. – Ты ждешь ее с 9 утра, не так ли? – Именно.

  5. Ты рассматриваешь эти фотографии уже целый час. Ты узнала кого-либо? – Нет, я никогда ранее не встречала этих людей.

  6. Мы знакомы уже 20 лет. Но мы не встречались с тех пор, как он уехал из Минска.

  7. Ты уже отремонтировал свою машину? – Еще нет. – Но ты ремонтируешь ее уже целый год.

  8. Вот уже месяц я пытаюсь убедить ее поменять свое решение, но мне не удалось еще сделать этого.

  9. Ты когда-либо бывала в Италии? – Нет. – А моя подруга живет там уже 5 лет, и я дважды навещала ее.

  10. Как давно ты гуляешь здесь? – С утра. Каждое утро я прихожу в этот парк со своей собакой.