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2.2.5. Put the verbs in brackets either into the Past Indefinite or Present Prefect.


Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. It (to arrive) yesterday and I (to decide) to write back immediately. You see, my agent (to find) me a part in a new film and I'm going to Hollywood next week! I (to speak) to Robert Redford on the phone about the part and I'm meeting him as soon as I arrive. The film is a re-make of a 1956 thriller which I (to see) hundreds of times. It starred Marilyn Monroe who, as you know, I (to meet) when I was a little girl. Yesterday I (to buy) lots of new clothes and I already (to start) packing. Well, I must rush now. There's so much to do!




  1. – You (to be) on holiday this year? – No, I (can not) go, because I (to break) my leg in August and (to have) to stay in hospital.

  2. – You (to visit) the National Museum yet? – Yes, I (to be) there three times, but I (not to see) everything yet.

  3. – I'm ever so sorry, Jim, but I (to burn) your dinner. Maria (to phone) and I (to forget) about the food. – That's okay. I already (to eat).

  4. – I (to buy) a new dress yesterday, but when I (to arrive) home, I (to find) a hole in the seam. – What you (to do)? You (to take) it back to the shop? – No, I (not to be) to town yet. I'll do it this afternoon.

  5. – Your hair (to grow) a lot since I last (to see) you. – Yes, I (to want) to get it cut yesterday but I (to be) too busy.

  6. I never (to fly) before and I'm very nervous about it. – I (to feel) like that the first time I (to fly), but I thoroughly (to enjoy) it.

  7. I (to lose) my glasses. You (to see) them anywhere? – No, where you (to put) them? – I (to put) them on the table a minute ago, but they're not there now.

  8. You ever (to meet) anyone famous? – Yes, I (to speak) to Paul McCartney and I (to see) John Lennon.

2.2.6. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Present Perfect.

1) I hear that Mr Jones (to leave). – Yes, he (to leave) last week. The board of directors (to appoint) Mr Brown to take his place.

2) You (to book) your hotel room yet? – Well, I (to write) to the hotel last week but they (not to answer) yet.

3) Peter (meeting Paul unexpectedly in London): Hello, Paul! I (not to know) you (to be) here.


Oh, I (to be) here nearly for two months. I (to arrive) on the 6th of January.



When we last (to meet) you (to say) that nothing would induce you to come to England. What (to make) you change your mind?

I (to find) that I (to need) English for my work and this (to seem) the quickest way of learning it.



You (to know) English when you first (to arrive) here?

No, I (not to know) a word.

4) Paul:



I (to play) football since I (to be) five.

You (to play) since you (to come) to England?

Oh, yes, I (to play) quite a lot. I (to join) a club two years ago.


I (to play) football when I (to be) at school but when I (to leave) school I (to drop) it and (to take) up golf.

5) My son (not to start) work yet. He's still at the High School. – How long he (to be) at school? – He (to be) at the High School for six years; before that he (to spend) five years at the Primary School in Windmill Street.

6) I just (to hear) Peter is in Australia. – Oh, you (not to know)? He (to fly) out at the beginning of the month. – You (to hear) from him? – Yes, I (to get) a letter last week. He (to tell) me about his job. But he (not to say) if he (to like) the life or not. Perhaps it is too soon to say. He only (to be) there for three weeks.

7) I (not to know) you (to be) left-handed. – I'm not left-handed: but my oil-heater (to explode) yesterday and I ( to burn) my right hand.

8) I just (to have) my first driving lesson. – How it (to go)? You (to enjoy) it? – Well, I actually (not to hit) anything but I (to make) every other possible mistake.

9) Ann:



You (to be) to Wales?

Yes, I (not to be) to Wales, but (not be) to Scotland.

And I (to be) there last year, I (to like) it very much.

10) Peter:




You (to see) any good films lately?

Yes, I (to go) to the cinema last week and (to see) a Japanese film.

You (to like) it?

Yes, I (to love) it, but of course I (not to understand) a word.

  1. I (to buy) a new house last year, but I (not to sell) my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

  2. When Ann (to be) on her way to the station it (to begin) to rain. Ann (to run) back to her flat for her umbrella.

  3. At 7 a.m. I (to ring) Peter and (to say), "I'm going fishing. Would you like to come?" – "But it's so early", (to say) Peter. "I (not to have) breakfast yet. Why you (not to tell) me last night?"

  4. I can't find my gloves. You (to see) them? – Yes, you (to leave) them in the car yesterday. I (to put) them back into your drawer.

  5. When I (to be) sixteen I (to start) my university course. – When you (to get) your degree? – Oh, I (not to get) my degree yet. I'm still at the University. I (to be) there only for two years.

  6. How long you (to work) for Jones and Company? – I (to work) for them for two years.

  7. Mr Speed (to dictate) three letters and (to tell) Ann to type them as soon as possible. Half an hour later he (to phone) Ann's office. "You (to finish) the letters yet?" he (to ask). "Well, (to say) Ann, I (to do) the letter to Mr Jones, but I (not to start) the two letters to Mr Smith yet".

  8. Carol and I are old friends. I (to know) her since I (to be) a freshman in high school.

  9. Maria (to have) a lot of problems since she (to change) her job.

  10. I (not to get) any letters since I (to move) to a new flat.

  11. Since the semester (to begin) we (to have) four tests.

  12. Mike (to be) in school since he (to be) six years old.

  13. My mother (not to be) in school since she (to graduate) from college in 1970.

  14. Since we (to start) doing this exercise, we (to complete) six sentences.

  15. My name is Surasuk. I'm from Thailand. Right now I'm studying English at this school. I (to be) at this school since the beginning of January. I (to arrive) here January 2, and my classes (to begin) January 6. Since I (to come) here, I (to do) many things, and I (to meet) many people. I (to go) to several parties. Last Saturday I (to go) to a party at my friend's house. I (to meet) some of the other students from Thailand at the party. Of course, we (to speak) Thai, so I (not to practise) my English that night. There (to be) only people from Thailand at the party. However, since I (to come) here, I (to meet) a lot of other people. I (to meet) students from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. I enjoy meeting people from other countries.

  16. Lately I (to see) very little of her. She (not to phone) me since I last (to see) her.

  17. When you (to see) this film? – In May. And since then I (not to be) to the cinema.