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2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.

  1. He (to read) this book for some hours by the time we come.

  2. That old radio (to work) for many years before I dropped it.

  3. Mary took a hot bath after she (to work) in the garden all the afternoon.

  4. He (to use) this machine for 12 years.

  5. He (to stand) there for nearly half an hour when I realized I was at the wrong bus stop.

  6. By Friday she (to prepare) for her exams for a month.

  7. It (to rain) for 2 hours and the ground is wet to play on.

  8. Tom (to dig) in the garden the whole afternoon and I am helping him.

  9. He (to smoke) for 20 years before he finally gave it up last year.

  10. Ever since he came to us that man (to try) to make trouble.

  11. I (to watch) the hockey match for 2 hours.

  12. Kate (to dance) for some time, but when she saw a newcomer she stopped.

  13. By 6.00 p.m. he (to deal) with their complaints for 2 hours.

  14. They were very angry. They (to try) to see us for 2 or 3 hours.

  15. The driver of that car (to sound) his horn for the last 10 minutes.

  16. By the end of this week Mike (to repair) his car for a week.

  17. I was tired because I (to dig) all day long.

  18. By tomorrow she (to drive) her car for a week.

  19. They (to live) in France since 1970.

  20. By Wednesday they (to lie) in the sun for a week.

  21. Mr. Brown (to work) for 50 years when he finally retired in 1985.

  22. By 4.00 p.m. when I get home, they (to clean) the flat for several hours.

  23. Tom (to try) to get a new job for 6 months before he finally found a position at a local college.

  24. Your fingers are very brown. You (to smoke) too much.

  25. I am sorry for keeping you waiting. I (to try) to make a phone call to Rome since morning.

  26. The car (to make) a very curious noise ever since it ran out of oil.

  27. When Sarah got off the bus, it (to rain) for 2 hours already.

  28. In a couple of months he (to work) at this plant for a year.

  29. Her phone (to ring) for 10 minutes. I wonder, why she doesn’t answer it.

  30. Have you seen my bag anywhere? I (to look) for it for ages.

  31. The helicopter (to fly) round the house for the last hour; do you think it is taking photographs?

  32. By the time we make a decision, they (to wait) for us for about an hour.

  33. By the time we come to their house, they (to celebrate) for 3 hours.

  34. I know that he (to study) at the University for 4 years already.

  35. You (to drive) the whole day. Let me drive now.

  36. By the time he makes a decision to visit us in Moscow, we (to live) there for some years.

  37. Everybody knew that he lost his job because he (to cheat) the company for many years.

  38. When I got there, I could see that they (to wait) for me since morning.

  39. By June my friends (to rest) in the south for a fortnight.

  40. He (to live) in London for 8 years before he decided to move to Manchester.

3. Translate into English.

  1. Преподаватель читает эту лекцию уже полчаса с тех пор, как вошел в зал.

  2. Она пыталась перевести статью уже 3 часа, когда пришла Кэтрин и помогла ей.

  3. Когда я проснулся, я посмотрел на часы: я спал 3 часа.

  4. К нашему приходу с работы Мария будет ждать нас дома уже почти два часа.

  5. Джон чинил машину уже час, когда Мэри позвала его обедать.

  6. К сентябрю я буду готовиться к сдаче экзамена уже несколько месяцев.

  7. Они сдают экзамены уже несколько дней, но до сих пор не сдали ни одного.

  8. Мы смотрели телевизор уже несколько часов, когда дождь закончился.

  9. Когда я вернулся домой, мать сказала мне, что дети спят с 9 часов.

  10. Она бродила по лесу около часа, когда поняла, что заблудилась.

  11. Послезавтра исполнится год, как мой друг учит немецкий.

  12. К тому времени, как я приготовлю обед, мои друзья будут отдыхать несколько часов.

  13. Он учил французский уже 6 лет, когда поступал в колледж.

  14. Студенты выполняют эти упражнения уже в течение часа.

  15. Брайан ждал минут 15, когда пришла Кейт.

  16. Она спала уже час или полтора, когда вернулся ее брат.

  17. К пяти часам вечера Стив будет ремонтировать свою машину три часа.

  18. Через полмесяца будет год, как Джон изучает биологию.

  19. Как долго вы учитесь в этом институте? – С тех пор, как переехал в этот город.

  20. Интересно, как долго мои друзья живут в Петербурге?

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